No Wall, a growing debt, no healthcare ‘fix’..What keeps you in DJT’s corner?

1. There is a wall being built, don't drink the MSM KoolAde.
2. The Debt is a ticking time bomb, it really needs to be addressed
3. McConnell told Trump they are NOT doing healthcare before 2020

Why am I in Trump's corner? Same reason as in 2016, because the alternative is democrat rule.
Donnie is an ass but the transnational national capitalist class that owns the MSM and controls much of our corrupt central government who oppose him, are far worse.
Donald can't just snap his fingers and see shit done like a dictator. He needs more support in the government. You have to elect more right wing populists if you want to see real progress towards your goals. Y'all act like you want politicians to go to war for your cause, but then keep electing bought and paid for puppets that don't actually want what Donald is trying to do.
1. There is a wall being built, don't drink the MSM KoolAde.
2. The Debt is a ticking time bomb, it really needs to be addressed
3. McConnell told Trump they are NOT doing healthcare before 2020

Why am I in Trump's corner? Same reason as in 2016, because the alternative is democrat rule.

1. A fence is being built in specific locations.

2. But neither major party will.

3. Trump told McConnell, not the other way around.

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I know why I stay on the Trump Train...why do you?
Why do I stay with the Trump Train? Because if fucking infuriates you commie punks. When President Trump can get all you whiney bitches to show your true colors, that is good enough for me.

The Washington establishment wasn't corrupted in a day, it will take more than one presidential term to clean up that mess.
1. There is a wall being built, don't drink the MSM KoolAde.
2. The Debt is a ticking time bomb, it really needs to be addressed
3. McConnell told Trump they are NOT doing healthcare before 2020

Why am I in Trump's corner? Same reason as in 2016, because the alternative is democrat rule.

1. A fence is being built in specific locations.

2. But neither major party will.

3. Trump told McConnell, not the other way around.

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1. Its a damn big fence, one might even call it a see through wall

2. Agree, no one wants to address the Budget Deficit, so the shit will hit the fan by 2027, with massive cuts in Defense and entitlements. No Welfare, No Medicaid, only 70% of SS benefits, Medicare gets cuts, it will be weeping and gnashing of teeth time

3. McConnell told Trump
Mitch McConnell tells Trump the Senate will not revisit Obamacare repeal before 2020 elections
McConnell Advises Trump to Hold Off ObamaCare Vote Until After 2020
1. There is a wall being built, don't drink the MSM KoolAde.
2. The Debt is a ticking time bomb, it really needs to be addressed
3. McConnell told Trump they are NOT doing healthcare before 2020

Why am I in Trump's corner? Same reason as in 2016, because the alternative is democrat rule.

1. A fence is being built in specific locations.

2. But neither major party will.

3. Trump told McConnell, not the other way around.

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1. Its a damn big fence, one might even call it a see through wall

2. Agree, no one wants to address the Budget Deficit, so the shit will hit the fan by 2027, with massive cuts in Defense and entitlements. No Welfare, No Medicaid, only 70% of SS benefits, Medicare gets cuts, it will be weeping and gnashing of teeth time

3. McConnell told Trump
Mitch McConnell tells Trump the Senate will not revisit Obamacare repeal before 2020 elections
McConnell Advises Trump to Hold Off ObamaCare Vote Until After 2020

3. Fake news. Both of your links come after Trump decreed via Twitter that healthcare would not be tackled till after the election.

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The vain hope that all hasn't already been lost to the teeming hordes. The next election that puts the Dems in control will be the last. Just like they did in the South after the Civil War.
I know why I stay on the Trump Train...why do you?
I'm not on the train, nor have ever been.

I'm against the wall, sick to my stomach that he keeps getting rolled on spending, and his policy prescriptions on health care (pun intended) amount to little more than the same old GOP turd polish....Bolton and Haspell are two of the very worst of his staffing picks, among a slew of career swamp things infesting his staff and cabinet...And I predict that Kavanaugh is going to be a big disappointment some time down the road, like Roberts is.

But as long as the Keystone Kops in the deep state keep chasing him around over invented violations of this or that, and the media howler monkeys keep throwing their own poo around, I'm stuck defending the dude.
The fake is yourself, gator.
1. There is a wall being built, don't drink the MSM KoolAde.
2. The Debt is a ticking time bomb, it really needs to be addressed
3. McConnell told Trump they are NOT doing healthcare before 2020

Why am I in Trump's corner? Same reason as in 2016, because the alternative is democrat rule.

1. A fence is being built in specific locations.

2. But neither major party will.

3. Trump told McConnell, not the other way around.

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1. Its a damn big fence, one might even call it a see through wall

2. Agree, no one wants to address the Budget Deficit, so the shit will hit the fan by 2027, with massive cuts in Defense and entitlements. No Welfare, No Medicaid, only 70% of SS benefits, Medicare gets cuts, it will be weeping and gnashing of teeth time

3. McConnell told Trump
Mitch McConnell tells Trump the Senate will not revisit Obamacare repeal before 2020 elections
McConnell Advises Trump to Hold Off ObamaCare Vote Until After 2020

3. Fake news. Both of your links come after Trump decreed via Twitter that healthcare would not be tackled till after the election.

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Trump supporters have nowhere else to go. This is why 2024 is going to be so wonderful as they put their arms around Nikki Haley or Mike Pence or whomever.
To drive the left even crazier, hopefully convince the people still in the center to choose a side once and for all.
i only care about the Trump WALL as i laugh about healthcare and the debt . I'm 70 and healthy and the debt if ever serviced will be serviced by my enemies 'aka' the hip hoppers , dopers , millenials and their kids or Future Generations BLoser ,

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