No to mosque at Ground Zero Petition

May 19, 2010 5:00 AM
by Wafa Sultan

A Mosque at Ground Zero Equals Victory

A new mosque is now being planned in New York near "Ground Zero," two blocks from where the World Trade Center used to be. This mosque is headed by an Imam, Feisal Abdul Rauf, founder of the Cordoba Initiative, who proposes to convert the now-shuttered Burlington Coat Factory on Park Place into an Islamic Cultural Center which would contain a mosque.

It is crucial to study the supremacist ideology of Islam and to recognize, for example, that the building of a mosque especially at Ground Zero is viewed by Muslims as a decisive victory over the infidels in Islam's march to establish its ultimate goal: the submission of all others to Islam and to Sharia Law.

A Mosque at Ground Zero Equals Victory - Hudson New York

You have to wonder why the title of the article is SO misleading. What is the purpose?
It is. What is Islam's position on Religious Freedom??? Please give me the Official and the Unofficial version? What is Islam's position of Freedom of Speech??? Individual Liberty??? Property??? Equal Protection??? Slavery??? Punishment??? Sharia Law V.S. Civil Law??? Sharia Law V.S. The consent of the governed???

Thought so. ;)

Seems to me, you have a problem with Theocracies...countries whose government is run by a religion. Do you think a Christian theocracy would allow freedom of speech? individual liberty? property? equal protection? slavery? punishment? etc?
There you go again , defending Islamic supremacy.

Making moral evocation arguments where there are non is making a defense for Islamic jihad.
That is not what I am doing at all...and you know it....but Religious Fanatics such as yourself (and radical Muslim terrorists) will do and say anything to promote your "cause".

I have a problem...a BIG problem with any based on religion, any religion, is bad, bad, bad.
Considering the history of religious intolerance for anything other than the practice of Islam, in the Islamic world,

Like the Christians in Europe until quite recently

Isn't it odd how some people forget WHY our Founders carved Religious Freedom into our Bill of Rights. They'd seen and come from a Europe where religion, the Christian religion, was taking away the rights of individuals.
That is not at issue. The poor choice of site location is. The reaction to the criticism is. Keep trying to make thought a crime though, bloviator. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am not arguing that site is the best of sites or that you cant criticize Muslims. But they do have the right to build a mosque there and will do so irregardless of what you or I think.

Maybe so, maybe not. Time will tell. I will continue to exercise my right to criticize and oppose. ;)
That is not at issue. The poor choice of site location is. The reaction to the criticism is. Keep trying to make thought a crime though, bloviator. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am not arguing that site is the best of sites or that you cant criticize Muslims. But they do have the right to build a mosque there and will do so irregardless of what you or I think.

Maybe so, maybe not. Time will tell. I will continue to exercise my right to criticize and oppose. ;)

Does that make you a racist or a bigot? Or both?
9/11 Victims - WTC Firefighters (343)
Joseph Agnello, 35 - Ladder 118
Brian G. Ahearn, 43 - Engine 230
Eric Allen, 41 - Squad 18
Richard L Allen, 30 - Ladder 15
James Amato, 43 - Squad 1
Calixto Anaya, Jr, 35 - Engine 4
Joseph Angelini Jr, 38 - Ladder 4
Joseph Angelini Sr, 63 - Rescue 1
Faustino Apostol Jr, 55 - Battalion 2
David Arce, 36 - Engine 33
Louis Arena, 32 - Ladder 5
Carl Asaro, 39 - Battalion 9
Gregg A Atlas, 44 - Engine 10
Gerald T Atwood, 38 - Ladder 21
Gerard Baptiste, 35 - Ladder 9
Gerard Barbara 53 - CTC
Matthew Barnes, 37 - Ladder 25
Arthur T Barry, 35 - Ladder 15
Steven Bates, 42 - Engine 10
Carl J Bedigian, 35 - Engine 214
Stephen E Belson, 51 - Ladder 24
John P. Bergin, 39 - Rescue 5
Paul Beyer, 37 - Engine 6
Peter A Bielfeld, 44 - Ladder 42
Brian Bilcher, 37 - Squad 1
Carl V Bini, 44 - Rescue 5
Christopher J Blackwell, 42 - Rescue 3
Michael L Bocchino, 45 - Battalion 48
Frank Bonomo, 42 - Engine 230
Gary R Box, 37 - NYFD
Michael Boyle, 37 - Engine 33
Kenin Bracken, 37 - Engine 40
Michael E. Brennan, 27 - Ladder 4
Peter Brennan, 30 - Ladder 4
Daniel J Brethel, 43 - Ladder 24
Patrick J Brown, 48 - Ladder 3
Andrew Brunn, 28 - Ladder 5
Vincent Brunton, 43 - Ladder 105
Ronald P Bucca, 47 - FM
Gregory J Buck, 37 - Engine 201
William F Burke, 46 - Engine 21
Donald J Burns, 61 - CTC
John P Burnside, 36 - Ladder 20
Thomas M. Butler, 37 - Squad 1
Patrick Byrne, 39 - Ladder 101
George Cain, 35 - Ladder 7
Salvatore B Calabro, 38 - Ladder 101
Frank Callahan, 51 - Ladder 35
Michael F Cammarata, 22 - Ladder 11
Brian Cannizzaro, 30 - Ladder 101
Dennis M. Carey, 51 - Haz-Mat 1
Michael S Carlo, 34 - Engine 230
Michael Carroll, 39 - Ladder 3
Peter Carroll, 42 - Squad 1
Thomas A Casoria, 29 - Engine 22
Michael J Cawley, 32 - Ladder 136
Vernon P Cherry, 49 - Ladder 118
Nicholas P Chiofalo, 39 - Engine 235
John Chipura, 39 - Engine 219
Michael J Clarke, 27 - Ladder 2
Steven Coakley, 36 - Engine 217
Tarel Coleman, 32 - Squad 252
John M Collins, 42 - Ladder 25
Robert Cordice, 28 - Squad 1
Ruben D Correa, 44 - Engine 74
James J Corrigan, 60 - Engine 320 Ret
James R Coyle, 26 - Ladder 3
Robert J Crawford, 62 - Safety Battalion 1
John A Crisci, 48 - Haz-Mat 1
Dennis Cross, 60 - Battalion 57
Thomas P. Cullen III, 31 - Squad 41
Robert Curatolo, 31 - Ladder 16
Edward A D'Atri, 38 - Squad 1
Michael D D'Auria, 25 - Engine 40 NYFD
Scott M Davidson, 33 - Ladder 118
Edward J Day, 45 - Ladder 11
Thomas P DeAngleis, 51 - Battalion 8
David P De Rubbio, 38 - Engine 226
Manuel Del Valle, Jr, 32 - Engine 5
Martin N DeMeo, 47 - Haz-Mat 1
Andrew Desperito, 43 - Engine 1
Dennis L Devlin, 51 - Battalion 9
Gerard Dewan, 35 - Ladder 3
George DiPasquale, 33 - Ladder 2
Kevin W Donnelly, 43 - Ladder 3
Kevin Dowdell, 46 - Rescue 4
Raymond M Downey, 63 - Spec Ops
Gerard Duffy, 53 - Ladder 21
Martin J Egan, Jr, 36 - Division 15
Michael J Elferis, 27 - Engine 22
Francis Esposito, 32 - Engine 235
Michael Esposito, 41 - Squad 1
Robert Evans, 36 - Engine 33
John J Fanning, 54 - Haz-Mat Op
Thomas Farino, 37 - Engine 26
Terrence P Farrell, 45 - Rescue 4
Joseph D Farrelly, 47 - Division 1
William M Feehan, 71 - FDC
Lee S Fehling, 28 - Engine 235
Alan D Feinberg, 48 - Battalion 9
Michael C Fiore, 46 - Rescue 5
John R Fischer, 46 - Ladder 20
Andre G Fletcher, 37 - Rescue 5
John J Florio,33 - Engine 214
Michael N. Fodor, 53 - Squad 1
Thomas Foley, 32 - Rescue 3
David J Fontana, 37 - Squad 1
Robert J Foti, 42 - Ladder 7
Andrew Fredricks, 40 - Squad 18
Peter L. Freund, 45 - Engine 55
Thomas Gambino, Jr, 48 - Rescue 3
Peter J Ganci, Jr, 54 - Chief
Charles W Garbarini, 44 - Battalion 9
Thomas Gardner, Jr, 48 - Rescue 3
Matthew D Garvey, 37 - Squad 1
Bruce Gary, 51 - Engine 40
Gary Geidel, 44 - Rescue 1
Edward F Geraghty, 45 - Battalion 9
Denis P Germain, 33 - Ladder 2
Vincent F Giammona, 40 - Ladder 5
James A Giberson, 43 - Ladder 35
Ronnie E. Gies, 43 - Squad 288
Paul John Gill, 34 - Engine 54
John F Ginley, 37 - Engine 40
Jeffrey J Giordano, 45 - Ladder 3
John Giordano, 47 - Engine 37
Keith Glascoe, 38 - Ladder 21
James M Gray, 34 - Ladder 20
Josew Guadalupe, 37 - Engine 54
Joseph Grzelak, 52 - Battalion 48
Geoffrey E Guja, 49 - Battalion 43
Joseph Gullickson, 37 - Ladder 101
David Halderman, 40 - Squad 18
Vincent G Halloran, 43 - Ladder 8
Robert Hamilton, 43 - Squad 41
Sean S Hanley, 35 - Ladder 20
Thomas Hannafin, 36 - Ladder 5
Dana R Hannon, 29 - Engine 26
Daniel E Harlin, 41 - Ladder 2
Harvey Harrell, 49 - Rescue 5
Stephen G Harrell, 44 - Battalion 7
Timothy Haskell, 34 - Squad 18
Terence S Hatton, 41 - Rescue 1
Michael Haub, 34 - Ladder 4
Philip T Hayes, 67 - Engine 217, Ret
Michael K Healey, 42 - Squad 41
John F Heffernan, 37 - Ladder 11
Ronnie L Henderson, 52 - Engine 279
Joseph Henry, 25 - Ladder 21
William Henry, 49 - Rescue 1
Thomas Hetzel, 33 - Ladder 13
Brian Hickey, 47 - Rescue 4
Timothy Higgins, 43 - Spec Ops
Jonathan R Hohmann, 48 - Haz-Mat 1
Thomas Holohan, 36 - Engine 6
Joseph Hunter, 31 - Squad 288
Walter G Hynes, 46 - Ladder 13
Jonathan Lee Ielpi, 29 - Squad 288
Frederick Ill, Jr, 49 - Ladder 2
William R Johnston, 31 - Engine 6
Andrew Jordan, 36 - Ladder 132
Karl H Joseph, 25 - Engine 207
Anthony Jovic, 39 - Battalion 47
Angel L Juarbe, Jr, 35 - Ladder 12
Mychal F Judge, 68 - Chaplain
Vincent D Kane, 37 - Engine 22
Charles L Kasper, 54 - SOC Battalion
Paul H Keating, 38 - Ladder 5
Thomas W Kelly, 50 - Ladder 15
Thomas R Kelly, 39 - Ladder 105
Richard J Kelly, Jr, 50 - Ladder 11
Thomas J Kennedy, 36 - Ladder 101
Ronald T Kerwin, 42 - Squad 288
Michael Kiefer, 25 - Ladder 132
Robert King, Jr, 36 - Ladder 11
Scott Kopytko, 32 - Ladder 15
William E Krukowski, 36 - Ladder 21
Kenneth Kumpel, 42 - Ladder 25
Thomas Kuveikis, 48 - Squad 252
David Laforge, 50 - Ladder 20
William D Lake, 44 - Rescue 2
Robert Lane, 28 - Engine 55
Peter J Langone, 41 - Squad 252
Scott Larsen, 35 - Ladder 15
Joseph G Leavey, 45 - Ladder 15
Neil J Leavy, 34 - Engine 217
Daniel F Libretti, 43 - Rescue 2
Carlos R. Lillo, 37 - Paramedic Battalion 49
Robert T Linnane, 33 - Ladder 20
Michael Francis Lynch, 30 - Engine 40
Michael F Lynch, 33 - Ladder 4
Michael J Lyons, 32 - Squad 41
Patrick Lyons, 34 - Squad 252
Joseph Maffeo, 31 - Ladder 101
William J Mahoney, 37 - Rescue 4
Joseph Maloney, 45 - Ladder 3
Joseph R Marchbanks, Jr, 47 - Battalion 57
Charles J Margiotta, 44 - Battalion 22
Kenneth J Marino, 40 - Rescue 1
John Marshall, 35 - Ladder 27
Peter C Martin, 43 - Rescue 2
Paul R Martini, 37 - Engine 201
Joseph A Mascali, 44 - Tactical Support 2
Keithroy M Maynard, 30 - Engine 33
Brian McAleese, 36 - Engine 226
John K McAvoy, 47 - Ladder 3
Thomas McCann, 45 - Battalion 8
William E McGinn, 43 - Squad 18
William McGovern, 49 - Battalion 2
Dennis McHugh, 34 - Ladder 13
Robert D McMahon, 35 - Ladder 20
Robert McPadden, 30 - Engine 23
Terence A McShane, 37 - Ladder 101
Timothy P McSweeney, 37 - Ladder 3
Martin E McWilliams, 35 - Engine 22
Raymond Meisenheimer, 46 - Rescue 3
Charles Mendez, 38 - Ladder 7
Steven Mercado, 38 - Engine 40
Douglas C Miller, 34 - Rescue 5
Henry A Miller, Jr, 51 - Ladder 105
Robert Minara, 54 - Ladder 25
Thomas Mingione, 34 - Ladder 132
Paul T Mitchell, 46 - Battalion 1
Louis J Modafferi, 45 - Rescue 5
Dennis Mojica, 50 - Rescue 1
Manuel Mojica, 37 - Squad 18
Carl Molinaro, 32, 32 - Ladder 2
Michael Montesi, 39 - NYFD
Thomas Moody, 45 - Division 1
John Moran, 42 - Battalion 49
Vincent S Morello, 34 - Ladder 35
Christopher Mozzillo, 27 - Engine 55
Richard Muldowney, Jr, 40 - Ladder 7
Michael D Mullan, 34 - Ladder 12
Dennis M Mulligan, 32 - Ladder 2
Raymond E Murphy, 46 - Ladder 16
Robert B Nagel, 55 - Engine 58
John Napolitano, 32 - Rescue 2
Peter A Nelson, 42 - Rescue 4
Gerard Terence Nevins, 46 - Rescue 1
Dennis O'Berg, 28 - Ladder 105
Daniel O'Callaghan, 42 - Ladder 4
Thomas O'Hagan, 43 - Battalion 4
Patrick J O'Keefe, 44 - Rescue 1
William O'Keefe, 48 - Division 15
Kevin O'Rourke, 44 - Rescue 2
Douglas E Oelschlager, 36 - Ladder 15
Joseph J Ogren, 30 - Ladder 3
Samuel Oitice, 45 - Ladder 4
Eric T Olsen, 41 - Ladder 15
Jeffrey J Olsen, 31 - Engine 10
Steven J Olson, 38 - Ladder 3
Michael Otten, 42 - Ladder 35
Jeffrey M Palazzo, 33 - Rescue 5
Orio J Palmer, 45 - Battalion 7
John M Paolillo, 51 - Battalion 11
Frank A Palombo, 46 - Ladder 105
Paul J Pansini, 35 - FM
James N Pappageorge, 29 - Engine 23
Robertr Parro, 35 - Engine 8
Durrell V Pearsall, 34 - Rescue 4
Glenn C Perry, 41 - Ladder 25
Philip S Petti, 43 - Battalion 7
Kevin Pfeifer, 42 - Engine 33
Kenneth Phelan, 41 - Engine 217
Christopher Pickford, 32 - Engine 201
Shawn E Powell, 32 - Engine 207
Vincent Princiotta, 39 - Ladder 7
Kevin Prior, 28 - Squad 252
Richard Prunty, 57 - Battalion 2
Lincoln Quappe, 38 - Rescue 2
Michael Quilty, 42 - Ladder 11
Ricardo J Quinn, 40 - Paramedic Battalion 57
Leonard J Ragaglia, 36 - Engine 54
Michael Ragusa, 29 - Engine 29
Edward Rall, 44 - Rescue 2
Adam D Rand, 30 - Squad 288
Donald J Regan, 47 - Rescue 3
Robert M Regan, 48 - Ladder 118
Christian M O Regenhard, 28 - Ladder 131
Kevin O Reilly, 28 - Engine 207
Vernon A Richard, 53 - Ladder 7
James C Riches, 29 - Engine 4
Joseph Rivelli, 43 - Ladder 25
Michael Roberts, 30 - Ladder 35
Michael E Roberts, 31 - Engine 214
Anthony Rodriguez, 36 - Engine 279
Matthew Rogan, 37 - Ladder 11
Nicholas P Rossomando, 35 - Rescue 5
Paul G Ruback, 50 - Ladder 25
Stephen P Russell, 40 - Engine 55
Michael T Russo, Sr, 44 - Special Ops
Matthew L Ryan, 54 - Battalion 1
Thomas E Sabella, 44 - Ladder 13
Christopher Santora, 23 - Engine 54
John A Santore, 49 - Ladder 5
Gregory T Saucedo, 31 - Ladder 5
Dennis Scauso, 46 - Haz-Mat 1
John A Schardt, 34 - Engine 201
Frederick C Scheffold, Jr 57 - Battalion 12
Thomas G Schoales, 27 - Engine 4
Gerard P Schrang, 45 - Rescue 3
Gregory Sikorsky, 34 - Squad 41
Stephen G Siller, 34 - Squad 1
Stanley S Smagala Jr, 36 - Engine 226
Kevin J Smith, 47 - Haz-Mat 1
Leon Smith Jr, 48 - Ladder 118
Robert W Spear, Jr, 30 - Engine 50
Joseph Spor Jr 35 - Ladder 38
Lawrence T Stack, 58 - Battalion 50
Timothy M Stackpole, 42 - Division 11
Gregory Stajk, 46 - Ladder 13
Jeffrey Stark, 30 - Engine 230
Benjamin Suarez, 34 - Ladder 21
Daniel Suhr, 37 - Engine 216
Christopher P Sullivan, 39 - Ladder 111
Brian E Sweeney, 29 - Rescue 1
Sean P Tallon, 26 - Ladder 10
Allan Tarasiewicz, 45 - Rescue 5
Paul A Tegtmeier, 41 - Engine 4
John P Tierney, 27 - Ladder 9
John J Tipping II, 33 - Ladder 4
Hector L Tirado, Jr, 30 - Engine 23
Richard B Van Hine, 48 - Squad 41
Peter A Vega, 36 - Ladder 118
Lawrence G Veling, 44 - Engine 235
John T Vigiano II, 36 - Ladder 132
Sergio Villanueva 33 - Ladder 132
Lawrence Virgilio, 38 - Squad 18
Robert F Wallace, 43 - Engine 205
Jeffrey P Walz, 37 - Ladder 9
Michael Warchola, 51 - Ladder 5
Patrick J Waters, 44 - Spec Ops
Kenneth T Watson, 39 - Engine 214
Michael T Weinberg, 34 - Engine 1
David M Weiss, 41 - Rescue 1
Timothy M Welty, 34 - Squad 288
Eugene Whelan, 31 - Engine 230
Edward J White III, 30 - Engine 230
Mark P Whitford, 31 - Engine 23
Glenn E Wilkenson, 46 - Engine 238
John P Williamson, 46 - Battalion 6
David T Wooley, 54 - Ladder 4
William X Wren, 61 - Ladder 166, Ret
Raymond R York, 45 - Engine 285

9/11 Victims - WTC Firefighters


All names to be honored forever. Now...could you give us a list of those building or belonging to this mosque who were responsible for the deaths of all those men?

Can't even get an account of the money sourcing the construction. Good luck with that. You are still missing the point. Carry on though. Islam bridging the gap. Yeah right. ;)
9/11 Victims - WTC Firefighters (343)
Joseph Agnello, 35 - Ladder 118
Brian G. Ahearn, 43 - Engine 230
Eric Allen, 41 - Squad 18
Richard L Allen, 30 - Ladder 15
James Amato, 43 - Squad 1
Calixto Anaya, Jr, 35 - Engine 4
Joseph Angelini Jr, 38 - Ladder 4
Joseph Angelini Sr, 63 - Rescue 1
Faustino Apostol Jr, 55 - Battalion 2
David Arce, 36 - Engine 33
Louis Arena, 32 - Ladder 5
Carl Asaro, 39 - Battalion 9
Gregg A Atlas, 44 - Engine 10
Gerald T Atwood, 38 - Ladder 21
Gerard Baptiste, 35 - Ladder 9
Gerard Barbara 53 - CTC
Matthew Barnes, 37 - Ladder 25
Arthur T Barry, 35 - Ladder 15
Steven Bates, 42 - Engine 10
Carl J Bedigian, 35 - Engine 214
Stephen E Belson, 51 - Ladder 24
John P. Bergin, 39 - Rescue 5
Paul Beyer, 37 - Engine 6
Peter A Bielfeld, 44 - Ladder 42
Brian Bilcher, 37 - Squad 1
Carl V Bini, 44 - Rescue 5
Christopher J Blackwell, 42 - Rescue 3
Michael L Bocchino, 45 - Battalion 48
Frank Bonomo, 42 - Engine 230
Gary R Box, 37 - NYFD
Michael Boyle, 37 - Engine 33
Kenin Bracken, 37 - Engine 40
Michael E. Brennan, 27 - Ladder 4
Peter Brennan, 30 - Ladder 4
Daniel J Brethel, 43 - Ladder 24
Patrick J Brown, 48 - Ladder 3
Andrew Brunn, 28 - Ladder 5
Vincent Brunton, 43 - Ladder 105
Ronald P Bucca, 47 - FM
Gregory J Buck, 37 - Engine 201
William F Burke, 46 - Engine 21
Donald J Burns, 61 - CTC
John P Burnside, 36 - Ladder 20
Thomas M. Butler, 37 - Squad 1
Patrick Byrne, 39 - Ladder 101
George Cain, 35 - Ladder 7
Salvatore B Calabro, 38 - Ladder 101
Frank Callahan, 51 - Ladder 35
Michael F Cammarata, 22 - Ladder 11
Brian Cannizzaro, 30 - Ladder 101
Dennis M. Carey, 51 - Haz-Mat 1
Michael S Carlo, 34 - Engine 230
Michael Carroll, 39 - Ladder 3
Peter Carroll, 42 - Squad 1
Thomas A Casoria, 29 - Engine 22
Michael J Cawley, 32 - Ladder 136
Vernon P Cherry, 49 - Ladder 118
Nicholas P Chiofalo, 39 - Engine 235
John Chipura, 39 - Engine 219
Michael J Clarke, 27 - Ladder 2
Steven Coakley, 36 - Engine 217
Tarel Coleman, 32 - Squad 252
John M Collins, 42 - Ladder 25
Robert Cordice, 28 - Squad 1
Ruben D Correa, 44 - Engine 74
James J Corrigan, 60 - Engine 320 Ret
James R Coyle, 26 - Ladder 3
Robert J Crawford, 62 - Safety Battalion 1
John A Crisci, 48 - Haz-Mat 1
Dennis Cross, 60 - Battalion 57
Thomas P. Cullen III, 31 - Squad 41
Robert Curatolo, 31 - Ladder 16
Edward A D'Atri, 38 - Squad 1
Michael D D'Auria, 25 - Engine 40 NYFD
Scott M Davidson, 33 - Ladder 118
Edward J Day, 45 - Ladder 11
Thomas P DeAngleis, 51 - Battalion 8
David P De Rubbio, 38 - Engine 226
Manuel Del Valle, Jr, 32 - Engine 5
Martin N DeMeo, 47 - Haz-Mat 1
Andrew Desperito, 43 - Engine 1
Dennis L Devlin, 51 - Battalion 9
Gerard Dewan, 35 - Ladder 3
George DiPasquale, 33 - Ladder 2
Kevin W Donnelly, 43 - Ladder 3
Kevin Dowdell, 46 - Rescue 4
Raymond M Downey, 63 - Spec Ops
Gerard Duffy, 53 - Ladder 21
Martin J Egan, Jr, 36 - Division 15
Michael J Elferis, 27 - Engine 22
Francis Esposito, 32 - Engine 235
Michael Esposito, 41 - Squad 1
Robert Evans, 36 - Engine 33
John J Fanning, 54 - Haz-Mat Op
Thomas Farino, 37 - Engine 26
Terrence P Farrell, 45 - Rescue 4
Joseph D Farrelly, 47 - Division 1
William M Feehan, 71 - FDC
Lee S Fehling, 28 - Engine 235
Alan D Feinberg, 48 - Battalion 9
Michael C Fiore, 46 - Rescue 5
John R Fischer, 46 - Ladder 20
Andre G Fletcher, 37 - Rescue 5
John J Florio,33 - Engine 214
Michael N. Fodor, 53 - Squad 1
Thomas Foley, 32 - Rescue 3
David J Fontana, 37 - Squad 1
Robert J Foti, 42 - Ladder 7
Andrew Fredricks, 40 - Squad 18
Peter L. Freund, 45 - Engine 55
Thomas Gambino, Jr, 48 - Rescue 3
Peter J Ganci, Jr, 54 - Chief
Charles W Garbarini, 44 - Battalion 9
Thomas Gardner, Jr, 48 - Rescue 3
Matthew D Garvey, 37 - Squad 1
Bruce Gary, 51 - Engine 40
Gary Geidel, 44 - Rescue 1
Edward F Geraghty, 45 - Battalion 9
Denis P Germain, 33 - Ladder 2
Vincent F Giammona, 40 - Ladder 5
James A Giberson, 43 - Ladder 35
Ronnie E. Gies, 43 - Squad 288
Paul John Gill, 34 - Engine 54
John F Ginley, 37 - Engine 40
Jeffrey J Giordano, 45 - Ladder 3
John Giordano, 47 - Engine 37
Keith Glascoe, 38 - Ladder 21
James M Gray, 34 - Ladder 20
Josew Guadalupe, 37 - Engine 54
Joseph Grzelak, 52 - Battalion 48
Geoffrey E Guja, 49 - Battalion 43
Joseph Gullickson, 37 - Ladder 101
David Halderman, 40 - Squad 18
Vincent G Halloran, 43 - Ladder 8
Robert Hamilton, 43 - Squad 41
Sean S Hanley, 35 - Ladder 20
Thomas Hannafin, 36 - Ladder 5
Dana R Hannon, 29 - Engine 26
Daniel E Harlin, 41 - Ladder 2
Harvey Harrell, 49 - Rescue 5
Stephen G Harrell, 44 - Battalion 7
Timothy Haskell, 34 - Squad 18
Terence S Hatton, 41 - Rescue 1
Michael Haub, 34 - Ladder 4
Philip T Hayes, 67 - Engine 217, Ret
Michael K Healey, 42 - Squad 41
John F Heffernan, 37 - Ladder 11
Ronnie L Henderson, 52 - Engine 279
Joseph Henry, 25 - Ladder 21
William Henry, 49 - Rescue 1
Thomas Hetzel, 33 - Ladder 13
Brian Hickey, 47 - Rescue 4
Timothy Higgins, 43 - Spec Ops
Jonathan R Hohmann, 48 - Haz-Mat 1
Thomas Holohan, 36 - Engine 6
Joseph Hunter, 31 - Squad 288
Walter G Hynes, 46 - Ladder 13
Jonathan Lee Ielpi, 29 - Squad 288
Frederick Ill, Jr, 49 - Ladder 2
William R Johnston, 31 - Engine 6
Andrew Jordan, 36 - Ladder 132
Karl H Joseph, 25 - Engine 207
Anthony Jovic, 39 - Battalion 47
Angel L Juarbe, Jr, 35 - Ladder 12
Mychal F Judge, 68 - Chaplain
Vincent D Kane, 37 - Engine 22
Charles L Kasper, 54 - SOC Battalion
Paul H Keating, 38 - Ladder 5
Thomas W Kelly, 50 - Ladder 15
Thomas R Kelly, 39 - Ladder 105
Richard J Kelly, Jr, 50 - Ladder 11
Thomas J Kennedy, 36 - Ladder 101
Ronald T Kerwin, 42 - Squad 288
Michael Kiefer, 25 - Ladder 132
Robert King, Jr, 36 - Ladder 11
Scott Kopytko, 32 - Ladder 15
William E Krukowski, 36 - Ladder 21
Kenneth Kumpel, 42 - Ladder 25
Thomas Kuveikis, 48 - Squad 252
David Laforge, 50 - Ladder 20
William D Lake, 44 - Rescue 2
Robert Lane, 28 - Engine 55
Peter J Langone, 41 - Squad 252
Scott Larsen, 35 - Ladder 15
Joseph G Leavey, 45 - Ladder 15
Neil J Leavy, 34 - Engine 217
Daniel F Libretti, 43 - Rescue 2
Carlos R. Lillo, 37 - Paramedic Battalion 49
Robert T Linnane, 33 - Ladder 20
Michael Francis Lynch, 30 - Engine 40
Michael F Lynch, 33 - Ladder 4
Michael J Lyons, 32 - Squad 41
Patrick Lyons, 34 - Squad 252
Joseph Maffeo, 31 - Ladder 101
William J Mahoney, 37 - Rescue 4
Joseph Maloney, 45 - Ladder 3
Joseph R Marchbanks, Jr, 47 - Battalion 57
Charles J Margiotta, 44 - Battalion 22
Kenneth J Marino, 40 - Rescue 1
John Marshall, 35 - Ladder 27
Peter C Martin, 43 - Rescue 2
Paul R Martini, 37 - Engine 201
Joseph A Mascali, 44 - Tactical Support 2
Keithroy M Maynard, 30 - Engine 33
Brian McAleese, 36 - Engine 226
John K McAvoy, 47 - Ladder 3
Thomas McCann, 45 - Battalion 8
William E McGinn, 43 - Squad 18
William McGovern, 49 - Battalion 2
Dennis McHugh, 34 - Ladder 13
Robert D McMahon, 35 - Ladder 20
Robert McPadden, 30 - Engine 23
Terence A McShane, 37 - Ladder 101
Timothy P McSweeney, 37 - Ladder 3
Martin E McWilliams, 35 - Engine 22
Raymond Meisenheimer, 46 - Rescue 3
Charles Mendez, 38 - Ladder 7
Steven Mercado, 38 - Engine 40
Douglas C Miller, 34 - Rescue 5
Henry A Miller, Jr, 51 - Ladder 105
Robert Minara, 54 - Ladder 25
Thomas Mingione, 34 - Ladder 132
Paul T Mitchell, 46 - Battalion 1
Louis J Modafferi, 45 - Rescue 5
Dennis Mojica, 50 - Rescue 1
Manuel Mojica, 37 - Squad 18
Carl Molinaro, 32, 32 - Ladder 2
Michael Montesi, 39 - NYFD
Thomas Moody, 45 - Division 1
John Moran, 42 - Battalion 49
Vincent S Morello, 34 - Ladder 35
Christopher Mozzillo, 27 - Engine 55
Richard Muldowney, Jr, 40 - Ladder 7
Michael D Mullan, 34 - Ladder 12
Dennis M Mulligan, 32 - Ladder 2
Raymond E Murphy, 46 - Ladder 16
Robert B Nagel, 55 - Engine 58
John Napolitano, 32 - Rescue 2
Peter A Nelson, 42 - Rescue 4
Gerard Terence Nevins, 46 - Rescue 1
Dennis O'Berg, 28 - Ladder 105
Daniel O'Callaghan, 42 - Ladder 4
Thomas O'Hagan, 43 - Battalion 4
Patrick J O'Keefe, 44 - Rescue 1
William O'Keefe, 48 - Division 15
Kevin O'Rourke, 44 - Rescue 2
Douglas E Oelschlager, 36 - Ladder 15
Joseph J Ogren, 30 - Ladder 3
Samuel Oitice, 45 - Ladder 4
Eric T Olsen, 41 - Ladder 15
Jeffrey J Olsen, 31 - Engine 10
Steven J Olson, 38 - Ladder 3
Michael Otten, 42 - Ladder 35
Jeffrey M Palazzo, 33 - Rescue 5
Orio J Palmer, 45 - Battalion 7
John M Paolillo, 51 - Battalion 11
Frank A Palombo, 46 - Ladder 105
Paul J Pansini, 35 - FM
James N Pappageorge, 29 - Engine 23
Robertr Parro, 35 - Engine 8
Durrell V Pearsall, 34 - Rescue 4
Glenn C Perry, 41 - Ladder 25
Philip S Petti, 43 - Battalion 7
Kevin Pfeifer, 42 - Engine 33
Kenneth Phelan, 41 - Engine 217
Christopher Pickford, 32 - Engine 201
Shawn E Powell, 32 - Engine 207
Vincent Princiotta, 39 - Ladder 7
Kevin Prior, 28 - Squad 252
Richard Prunty, 57 - Battalion 2
Lincoln Quappe, 38 - Rescue 2
Michael Quilty, 42 - Ladder 11
Ricardo J Quinn, 40 - Paramedic Battalion 57
Leonard J Ragaglia, 36 - Engine 54
Michael Ragusa, 29 - Engine 29
Edward Rall, 44 - Rescue 2
Adam D Rand, 30 - Squad 288
Donald J Regan, 47 - Rescue 3
Robert M Regan, 48 - Ladder 118
Christian M O Regenhard, 28 - Ladder 131
Kevin O Reilly, 28 - Engine 207
Vernon A Richard, 53 - Ladder 7
James C Riches, 29 - Engine 4
Joseph Rivelli, 43 - Ladder 25
Michael Roberts, 30 - Ladder 35
Michael E Roberts, 31 - Engine 214
Anthony Rodriguez, 36 - Engine 279
Matthew Rogan, 37 - Ladder 11
Nicholas P Rossomando, 35 - Rescue 5
Paul G Ruback, 50 - Ladder 25
Stephen P Russell, 40 - Engine 55
Michael T Russo, Sr, 44 - Special Ops
Matthew L Ryan, 54 - Battalion 1
Thomas E Sabella, 44 - Ladder 13
Christopher Santora, 23 - Engine 54
John A Santore, 49 - Ladder 5
Gregory T Saucedo, 31 - Ladder 5
Dennis Scauso, 46 - Haz-Mat 1
John A Schardt, 34 - Engine 201
Frederick C Scheffold, Jr 57 - Battalion 12
Thomas G Schoales, 27 - Engine 4
Gerard P Schrang, 45 - Rescue 3
Gregory Sikorsky, 34 - Squad 41
Stephen G Siller, 34 - Squad 1
Stanley S Smagala Jr, 36 - Engine 226
Kevin J Smith, 47 - Haz-Mat 1
Leon Smith Jr, 48 - Ladder 118
Robert W Spear, Jr, 30 - Engine 50
Joseph Spor Jr 35 - Ladder 38
Lawrence T Stack, 58 - Battalion 50
Timothy M Stackpole, 42 - Division 11
Gregory Stajk, 46 - Ladder 13
Jeffrey Stark, 30 - Engine 230
Benjamin Suarez, 34 - Ladder 21
Daniel Suhr, 37 - Engine 216
Christopher P Sullivan, 39 - Ladder 111
Brian E Sweeney, 29 - Rescue 1
Sean P Tallon, 26 - Ladder 10
Allan Tarasiewicz, 45 - Rescue 5
Paul A Tegtmeier, 41 - Engine 4
John P Tierney, 27 - Ladder 9
John J Tipping II, 33 - Ladder 4
Hector L Tirado, Jr, 30 - Engine 23
Richard B Van Hine, 48 - Squad 41
Peter A Vega, 36 - Ladder 118
Lawrence G Veling, 44 - Engine 235
John T Vigiano II, 36 - Ladder 132
Sergio Villanueva 33 - Ladder 132
Lawrence Virgilio, 38 - Squad 18
Robert F Wallace, 43 - Engine 205
Jeffrey P Walz, 37 - Ladder 9
Michael Warchola, 51 - Ladder 5
Patrick J Waters, 44 - Spec Ops
Kenneth T Watson, 39 - Engine 214
Michael T Weinberg, 34 - Engine 1
David M Weiss, 41 - Rescue 1
Timothy M Welty, 34 - Squad 288
Eugene Whelan, 31 - Engine 230
Edward J White III, 30 - Engine 230
Mark P Whitford, 31 - Engine 23
Glenn E Wilkenson, 46 - Engine 238
John P Williamson, 46 - Battalion 6
David T Wooley, 54 - Ladder 4
William X Wren, 61 - Ladder 166, Ret
Raymond R York, 45 - Engine 285

9/11 Victims - WTC Firefighters


All names to be honored forever. Now...could you give us a list of those building or belonging to this mosque who were responsible for the deaths of all those men?

Can't even get an account of the money sourcing the construction. Good luck with that. You are still missing the point. Carry on though. Islam bridging the gap. Yeah right. ;) it's about money to you. Perhaps you have some other threads somewhere advocating protests over other places built with ill-gotten money? Such as Washington D.C....initially built with slave labor? How are you on protesting blood diamonds? Or perhaps protesting building built on land stolen from Native Americans?
Two blocks away is NOT "at" Ground Zero. Your thread title is misleading.

I believe it's around 60 feet.

You want to go on record saying that 2 blocks in NYC (Manhattan) is 60 feet?

Nope 2 blocks, you are right in that. relish it while you can. The Thread is still not misleading. It is representative of a movement, and in fact the location was a part of the crash site. :):):)

Mosque At the World Trade Center: Muslim Renewal Or Insult Near Ground Zero
An identified group with unknown sponsors has purchased building steps away from where the WorldTrade Center once stood -- to turn it into potentially one of the largest New York City mosques.

At the moment the building, the old Burlington Coat Factory, already serves as a mini-mosque: an iron grill lifts every Friday afternoon for a little known Imam leading prayers a few yards away from where Osama Bin Laden’s airborne Islamist bombers killed nearly 3000 people back in 2001.

The Imam, Feisal Abdul Rauf, told the New York Times -- which put the story on its front page Wednesday -- that he has assembled several million dollars to turn it into ‘’an Islamic center near the city’s most hallowed piece of land that would stand as one of ground zero’s more unexpected and striking neighbors.’’

The 61-year-old Imam said he paid $4.85 million for it -- in cash, records show. With 50,000 square feet of air rights and enough financing, he plans an ambitious project of $150 million, he said, akin to the Chautauqua Institution, the 92 Street Y or the Jewish Community Center.

The origins of such monies are unexplained; neither are the countries or entity advancing such huge donations. Most US mosques, including many in Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx are funded directly or indirectly by Saudi Arabia the country to which 15 of the 19 hijackers who bombed the World TradeCenter belonged. The UAE, Qatar and Iran are other major sponsors across the USA.

The money trail is an important question that must be answered by the Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg with more than a bland comment by one of his spokesmen, Andrew Brent, who quipped to the Times, “If it’s legal, the building owners have a right to do what they want.”

At the moment, the location is not designated a mosque, but rather an overflow prayer space for another mosque, Al Farah, at 245 West Broadway in TriBeCa, where Imam Feisal is the spiritual leader. Call this creeping annexation. On 9/11, the Burlington building, with 80 employees in its basement, is where a piece of a plane plunged through the roof, from either Flight 11 or Flight 175 crashing into the south tower at 9:03 a.m..

Mosque At the World Trade Center: Muslim Renewal Or Insult Near Ground Zero - Hudson New York
Bottom line is there are reforms needed in Islam and outside of Islam. Many have embraced, many still play and scheme, manipulate, and refuse to reconcile with God and Man.

There are reforms needed in Christianity and outside of Christianity too.

That was the original point. Glad you got that. ;) Keep on reconciling!!!! ;)
No to mosque at Ground Zero Petition

Planting a mosque just two blocks from where Muslims murdered Americans on 9/11 in the name of Islam is a huge slap in the face. Why shouldn’t Muslims be sensitive enough to realize that a huge mosque planted right near the horrific wound to the U.S. created at Ground Zero by Muslims is outrageous to us? They claim a right to be insulted by cartoons mocking their prophet, even to the point of beheading people.

The Imam of the Ground Zero Insult, Faisal Abdul Rauf, is not the nice guy he likes to hold himself out to be. At his Friday afternoon khutbah services and in his book What’s Right With Islam Rauf states that he wants the mosque to be a place where inter-faith understanding is fostered. His sonorous voice is smooth and almost hypnotic. His writing style appears to be rational and unthreatening.

However, this does not jibe with the aspects of him that are downright hostile and frightening.

During a recent Friday sermon, this writer did due diligence as a mosque monitor and heard Rauf deny that Muslims perpetrated 9/11. In an interview with CNN shortly after 9/11, Rauf said, “U.S. policies were an accessory to the crime that happened. We [the U.S.] have been an accessory to a lot of innocent lives dying in the world. Osama bin Laden was made in the USA.” Elsewhere, Rauf has stated that terrorism will end only when the West acknowledges the harm it has done to Muslims. And that it was Christians who started mass attacks on civilians.

Rauf has numerous ties to CAIR, an unindicted co-conspirator in the Department of Justice funding case brought against Hamas, an openly terrorist organization. CAIR is also the initiator of numerous cases designed to intimidate non-Muslims from criticizing aggressive Muslim behavior, and to use our own legal and democratic processes to undermine and dominate America, forcing it to become Islamic.

Rauf calls himself a Sufi, evoking among non-Muslims a “peace and love” image. But that’s not the whole picture. Sufism has many sides to it, including the Koranic injunction to spread Islam one way or another, and it has a rich history of waging war, too. Could it be that one of the frequently used tools of war, lying to the enemy, explains the contradiction between Rauf’s image as reconciler of religions and his sympathies and associations with terrorists?

A previous Rauf project, Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow, clearly shows on its website that it is headed and funded by individuals from Saudi Arabia, the country that spawned fifteen of the nineteen jihad jockeys who rode the 9/11 planes of destruction. The funding for the mosque at Ground Zero is much murkier so far. All that has been publicly disclosed is that the support comes from unidentified sources in Saudi Arabia and Muslim-ruled Malaysia. Rauf reportedly says he paid $4.85 million for the property — in cash. Where exactly did this money come from? Was it Wahhabist-supporting Saudi sources, which have already funded many other mosques in New York City?

The mosque is called Cordoba House. Muslims like to refer to Spain and especially the city of Cordoba as a place where their rule reached a glorious peak. Contrary to the myth of a Golden Age of equality during the Muslim occupation of Spain (and in particular in Cordoba), Spain and Cordoba were places where Christians and Jews suffered as social inferiors under Islamic oppression. Equal civil rights never existed for non-Muslims under Sharia, or Islamic law. Rauf even admits as much when he writes, “Jews and Christians living under Muslim rule simply had to pay a tax to finance their protection by their Muslim overlords.” This is not equality! Americans do not demand a special tax to protect Muslims from ourselves. That would be extortion, not “protection.”

Through another organization Rauf started called the Cordoba Initiative, he created the “Sharia Index.” This will measure how closely countries follow Sharia, or Islamic law. While Sharia can cover such relatively innocuous aspects of Muslim life as religious weddings (hopefully not to twelve-year-old girls), it also demands that all Muslim life be governed by laws derived from the Koran, without the intervention of civic institutions, such as democracy. And the Koran dictates that everyone, even non-Muslims, must ultimately live under Sharia. Do you understand how that is in direct conflict with our Constitution and other aspects of our secular society?

Rauf gets even trickier here. He states in What’s Right With Islam that a society that follows natural law, such as America, is already practicing Sharia. However, he does not note that his peculiar definition of Sharia acceptance is shared by just about no other Imam. So what prevents him from adjusting his singular idea of Sharia back to the norm of forced conversions, murdering non-Muslims and apostates, amputations of thieves’ hands, stoning of adulterous women, execution of homosexuals, etc.? Throughout his writing, Rauf floats an image of a harmonious, pleasant Islam — nice to everybody. But this is totally disconnected from Islam’s actual history of bloody conquest, enslavement, and humiliation of other people — which he never acknowledges.

Still another unsettling part of Rauf’s problem mosque is why the city has given the building a pass. Records for the Department of Buildings have shown numerous complaints for illegal construction and no access, yet the issues were listed as “resolved.”

Community Board One’s financial district committee needs to reconsider its endorsement of this mosque. The prestigious American groups that are reportedly also financing the mosque, The Ford Foundation and The Rockefeller Brothers Fund, need to think again about what they are getting into. The Department of Buildings needs to reassess its action. The Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, which supports the project (Why? What has a religious building got to do with immigration?) needs to reevaluate its approval.

Mayor Bloomberg himself needs to withdraw his support for this mosque, especially in light of the recent Times Square car bomb attempt. If not, he will be helping to provide a handy meeting place for future terrorists, those who understand Imam Rauf’s real message: Speak sweetly, appear to be a well-adjusted member of American society, and plan the destruction of America, either with bombs or “peaceful” undermining.

No to mosque at Ground Zero - Petition Spot

you have to think some sort of divine intervention was at work on 9/11 to have all the prior knowledge ignored have the failures of norad that where necessary for make the near impossible flight maneuvers take out 3 building to nothing but dust with 2 planes and alter the laws of keep bin laden safe and free all these years... I mean it is either that or 911 WAS AN INSIDE JOB
All names to be honored forever. Now...could you give us a list of those building or belonging to this mosque who were responsible for the deaths of all those men?

Can't even get an account of the money sourcing the construction. Good luck with that. You are still missing the point. Carry on though. Islam bridging the gap. Yeah right. ;) it's about money to you. Perhaps you have some other threads somewhere advocating protests over other places built with ill-gotten money? Such as Washington D.C....initially built with slave labor? How are you on protesting blood diamonds? Or perhaps protesting building built on land stolen from Native Americans?

It's about inappropriateness and stubbornness. Theirs, yours. Here is a link I would love to to check out. It is a spin from John Locke, written by James Madison concerning Religion and Government. Our Foundation is rooted in it. There are references to different religions, the do's and dont's of government, Concerns. Try to study it, see what jumps out at you. Many buttons are pushed. Seriously Bodecca, give it a shot.

Religious Freedom Page: Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments, James Madison (1785)
I am not arguing that site is the best of sites or that you cant criticize Muslims. But they do have the right to build a mosque there and will do so irregardless of what you or I think.

Maybe so, maybe not. Time will tell. I will continue to exercise my right to criticize and oppose. ;)

Does that make you a racist or a bigot? Or both?

Profiling again??? Anyone that disagree's with your perspective is deionized??? How goes your witch hunt???? Grow up.
No to mosque at Ground Zero Petition

Planting a mosque just two blocks from where Muslims murdered Americans on 9/11 in the name of Islam is a huge slap in the face. Why shouldn’t Muslims be sensitive enough to realize that a huge mosque planted right near the horrific wound to the U.S. created at Ground Zero by Muslims is outrageous to us? They claim a right to be insulted by cartoons mocking their prophet, even to the point of beheading people.

The Imam of the Ground Zero Insult, Faisal Abdul Rauf, is not the nice guy he likes to hold himself out to be. At his Friday afternoon khutbah services and in his book What’s Right With Islam Rauf states that he wants the mosque to be a place where inter-faith understanding is fostered. His sonorous voice is smooth and almost hypnotic. His writing style appears to be rational and unthreatening.

However, this does not jibe with the aspects of him that are downright hostile and frightening.

During a recent Friday sermon, this writer did due diligence as a mosque monitor and heard Rauf deny that Muslims perpetrated 9/11. In an interview with CNN shortly after 9/11, Rauf said, “U.S. policies were an accessory to the crime that happened. We [the U.S.] have been an accessory to a lot of innocent lives dying in the world. Osama bin Laden was made in the USA.” Elsewhere, Rauf has stated that terrorism will end only when the West acknowledges the harm it has done to Muslims. And that it was Christians who started mass attacks on civilians.

Rauf has numerous ties to CAIR, an unindicted co-conspirator in the Department of Justice funding case brought against Hamas, an openly terrorist organization. CAIR is also the initiator of numerous cases designed to intimidate non-Muslims from criticizing aggressive Muslim behavior, and to use our own legal and democratic processes to undermine and dominate America, forcing it to become Islamic.

Rauf calls himself a Sufi, evoking among non-Muslims a “peace and love” image. But that’s not the whole picture. Sufism has many sides to it, including the Koranic injunction to spread Islam one way or another, and it has a rich history of waging war, too. Could it be that one of the frequently used tools of war, lying to the enemy, explains the contradiction between Rauf’s image as reconciler of religions and his sympathies and associations with terrorists?

A previous Rauf project, Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow, clearly shows on its website that it is headed and funded by individuals from Saudi Arabia, the country that spawned fifteen of the nineteen jihad jockeys who rode the 9/11 planes of destruction. The funding for the mosque at Ground Zero is much murkier so far. All that has been publicly disclosed is that the support comes from unidentified sources in Saudi Arabia and Muslim-ruled Malaysia. Rauf reportedly says he paid $4.85 million for the property — in cash. Where exactly did this money come from? Was it Wahhabist-supporting Saudi sources, which have already funded many other mosques in New York City?

The mosque is called Cordoba House. Muslims like to refer to Spain and especially the city of Cordoba as a place where their rule reached a glorious peak. Contrary to the myth of a Golden Age of equality during the Muslim occupation of Spain (and in particular in Cordoba), Spain and Cordoba were places where Christians and Jews suffered as social inferiors under Islamic oppression. Equal civil rights never existed for non-Muslims under Sharia, or Islamic law. Rauf even admits as much when he writes, “Jews and Christians living under Muslim rule simply had to pay a tax to finance their protection by their Muslim overlords.” This is not equality! Americans do not demand a special tax to protect Muslims from ourselves. That would be extortion, not “protection.”

Through another organization Rauf started called the Cordoba Initiative, he created the “Sharia Index.” This will measure how closely countries follow Sharia, or Islamic law. While Sharia can cover such relatively innocuous aspects of Muslim life as religious weddings (hopefully not to twelve-year-old girls), it also demands that all Muslim life be governed by laws derived from the Koran, without the intervention of civic institutions, such as democracy. And the Koran dictates that everyone, even non-Muslims, must ultimately live under Sharia. Do you understand how that is in direct conflict with our Constitution and other aspects of our secular society?

Rauf gets even trickier here. He states in What’s Right With Islam that a society that follows natural law, such as America, is already practicing Sharia. However, he does not note that his peculiar definition of Sharia acceptance is shared by just about no other Imam. So what prevents him from adjusting his singular idea of Sharia back to the norm of forced conversions, murdering non-Muslims and apostates, amputations of thieves’ hands, stoning of adulterous women, execution of homosexuals, etc.? Throughout his writing, Rauf floats an image of a harmonious, pleasant Islam — nice to everybody. But this is totally disconnected from Islam’s actual history of bloody conquest, enslavement, and humiliation of other people — which he never acknowledges.

Still another unsettling part of Rauf’s problem mosque is why the city has given the building a pass. Records for the Department of Buildings have shown numerous complaints for illegal construction and no access, yet the issues were listed as “resolved.”

Community Board One’s financial district committee needs to reconsider its endorsement of this mosque. The prestigious American groups that are reportedly also financing the mosque, The Ford Foundation and The Rockefeller Brothers Fund, need to think again about what they are getting into. The Department of Buildings needs to reassess its action. The Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, which supports the project (Why? What has a religious building got to do with immigration?) needs to reevaluate its approval.

Mayor Bloomberg himself needs to withdraw his support for this mosque, especially in light of the recent Times Square car bomb attempt. If not, he will be helping to provide a handy meeting place for future terrorists, those who understand Imam Rauf’s real message: Speak sweetly, appear to be a well-adjusted member of American society, and plan the destruction of America, either with bombs or “peaceful” undermining.

No to mosque at Ground Zero - Petition Spot

Two blocks away is NOT "at" Ground Zero. Your thread title is misleading.

For the Record the Name of the Petition is the name of the Thread. That is the point. Get it? Good.
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No to mosque at Ground Zero Petition

Are you trying to say that you believe all Muslims to be terrorists?

Does that mean that all Catholics rape young boys?

Should there be any Catholic churches ANYWHERE in the US?

How dare they put Catholic churches next to schools where there are little boys!:lol:
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Are you trying to say that you believe all Muslims to be terrorists?

Does that mean that all Catholics rape young boys?

Should there be any Catholic churches ANYWHERE in the US?

You are projecting something I did not say, nor do I believe. Your premise is false. What else do you plan to add to your false foundation???

My premise is that the Site is offensive and insulting to those that have lost the most. Build elsewhere. Show me the equivalent to what is proposed here, in the Muslim world???

I'm suggesting alternative location. Yet in the Islamic world, even maintenance of Non Muslim Religious Structures is an issue of oppression, let alone, new construction. The comparison, reveals the hypocrisy. Sensitivity is revealed to be more than a fail. Too deep for the PC crowd, I get it. ;)

What PC crowd? Whos the person arguing here that Muslims should choose a different spot as to not upset the "appropriateness and feelings" and "offensive and insulting" of some people? Muslims other than those assholes who hijacked the planes died on 9/11. So you wish to deny their familes the right to worship their God where they want? And the Muslims who would attended this mosque in no way were involved with 9/11.

A friggen men to that post!
No to mosque at Ground Zero Petition

Are you trying to say that you believe all Muslims to be terrorists?

Does that mean that all Catholics rape young boys?

Should there be any Catholic churches ANYWHERE in the US?

How dare the put Catholic churches next to schools where there are little boys!:lol:

Is the competition too overwhelming for you greg???
You are projecting something I did not say, nor do I believe. Your premise is false. What else do you plan to add to your false foundation???

My premise is that the Site is offensive and insulting to those that have lost the most. Build elsewhere. Show me the equivalent to what is proposed here, in the Muslim world???

I'm suggesting alternative location. Yet in the Islamic world, even maintenance of Non Muslim Religious Structures is an issue of oppression, let alone, new construction. The comparison, reveals the hypocrisy. Sensitivity is revealed to be more than a fail. Too deep for the PC crowd, I get it. ;)

What PC crowd? Whos the person arguing here that Muslims should choose a different spot as to not upset the "appropriateness and feelings" and "offensive and insulting" of some people? Muslims other than those assholes who hijacked the planes died on 9/11. So you wish to deny their familes the right to worship their God where they want? And the Muslims who would attended this mosque in no way were involved with 9/11.

You are as much of a wind bag of O'Reilly. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

This has little to do with prayer, and nothing to do with Anybody's right to pray, where, when, or how. I think you have no clue as to who supports what. ;)

And you have no argument, and your response has nothing to do with his point. YOu are whining about PC, yet arguing since it offends some people, there should be no mosque. Is that not political correctness? :lol:

Wow some people are so clueless
You are projecting something I did not say, nor do I believe. Your premise is false. What else do you plan to add to your false foundation???

My premise is that the Site is offensive and insulting to those that have lost the most. Build elsewhere. Show me the equivalent to what is proposed here, in the Muslim world???

I'm suggesting alternative location. Yet in the Islamic world, even maintenance of Non Muslim Religious Structures is an issue of oppression, let alone, new construction. The comparison, reveals the hypocrisy. Sensitivity is revealed to be more than a fail. Too deep for the PC crowd, I get it. ;)

What PC crowd? Whos the person arguing here that Muslims should choose a different spot as to not upset the "appropriateness and feelings" and "offensive and insulting" of some people? Muslims other than those assholes who hijacked the planes died on 9/11. So you wish to deny their familes the right to worship their God where they want? And the Muslims who would attended this mosque in no way were involved with 9/11.

A friggen men to that post!

The end justifies the means, good one. ;) Nice to see you found religion. ;)
What PC crowd? Whos the person arguing here that Muslims should choose a different spot as to not upset the "appropriateness and feelings" and "offensive and insulting" of some people? Muslims other than those assholes who hijacked the planes died on 9/11. So you wish to deny their familes the right to worship their God where they want? And the Muslims who would attended this mosque in no way were involved with 9/11.

You are as much of a wind bag of O'Reilly. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

This has little to do with prayer, and nothing to do with Anybody's right to pray, where, when, or how. I think you have no clue as to who supports what. ;)

And you have no argument, and your response has nothing to do with his point. YOu are whining about PC, yet arguing since it offends some people, there should be no mosque. Is that not political correctness? :lol:

Wow some people are so clueless

Actually it's not. You are clueless though. You are on to something there. ;) We are all free to agree with you though, is that it? How many boycotts are you supporting Spanky???
Can't even get an account of the money sourcing the construction. Good luck with that. You are still missing the point. Carry on though. Islam bridging the gap. Yeah right. ;) it's about money to you. Perhaps you have some other threads somewhere advocating protests over other places built with ill-gotten money? Such as Washington D.C....initially built with slave labor? How are you on protesting blood diamonds? Or perhaps protesting building built on land stolen from Native Americans?

It's about inappropriateness and stubbornness. Theirs, yours. Here is a link I would love to to check out. It is a spin from John Locke, written by James Madison concerning Religion and Government. Our Foundation is rooted in it. There are references to different religions, the do's and dont's of government, Concerns. Try to study it, see what jumps out at you. Many buttons are pushed. Seriously Bodecca, give it a shot.

Religious Freedom Page: Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments, James Madison (1785)

YOu are right, you and your ilk are being inappropriate and stubborn

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