No such Thing as unfunded federal mandates.


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2015
Alta California, federalist.
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

That must, perforce, also include the debts of the several United States due to eminent domain via federal public policy, which constitutes federal public use and requires paying the Debts of any of the several United States enacting federal "Standards".

Thus, Government (in this Case a State) must enjoy sovereign immunity from commercial bankruptcy proceedings in favor of the Debts of the (several) United States being paid by the general government through recourse to our official Mint, if necessary.
No such Thing as unfunded federal mandates.

TRANSLATION: The Fed can do anything it wants, and can charge us all the taxes it wants to pay for it. We have no control and must submit to its whims. All property and money belongs to the Government, and they can take it any time they want.

Not surprising. It's what the typical liberal attitudes you see around here, boil down to.

In reality, of course, an "unfunded mandate" is when the government decrees that something must be done, but allocates no funds (tax money) to do it at the same time. And there are LOTS of those. It's how we get into the massive debts we see today.
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No such Thing as unfunded federal mandates.

TRANSLATION: The Fed can do anything it wants, and can charge us all the taxes it wants to pay for it. We have no control and must submit to its whims. All property and money belongs to the Government, and they can take it any time they want.

Not surprising. It's what the typical liberal attitudes you see around here, boil down to.

In reality, of course, an "unfunded mandate" is when the government decrees that something must be done, but allocates no funds (tax money) to do it at the same time. And there are LOTS of those. It's how we get into the massive debts we see today.
Paying the Debts of the several United States is in our social Contract. Public domain must apply; thus, no such Thing as unfunded federal mandates.

It is States that must come up with State solutions that implement federal Standards.
Liberals are life's losers. It's sad, I blame public education and lack of parental supervision
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

That must, perforce, also include the debts of the several United States due to eminent domain via federal public policy, which constitutes federal public use and requires paying the Debts of any of the several United States enacting federal "Standards".

Thus, Government (in this Case a State) must enjoy sovereign immunity from commercial bankruptcy proceedings in favor of the Debts of the (several) United States being paid by the general government through recourse to our official Mint, if necessary.


The Parasitic Fascistic Faction is in full control. We expect to confiscate property and income without resistance. W do not expect you to stand your ground. We own the taxpayers and the producers.

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

That must, perforce, also include the debts of the several United States due to eminent domain via federal public policy, which constitutes federal public use and requires paying the Debts of any of the several United States enacting federal "Standards".

Thus, Government (in this Case a State) must enjoy sovereign immunity from commercial bankruptcy proceedings in favor of the Debts of the (several) United States being paid by the general government through recourse to our official Mint, if necessary.


The Parasitic Fascistic Faction is in full control. We expect to confiscate property and income without resistance. W do not expect you to stand your ground. We own the taxpayers and the producers.

Hey, it is your red herring; go for it, Person on the Right.

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