No Refusal Blood Draws


Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2011
Puts a whole new meaning into "unreasonable searches and seizures".

Reminds me of the story about that degenerate Texas sheriff's deputy who made a traffic stop then made the driver drop his pants so the deputy could stick his finger up the guy's ass. (That kind of thing is highly offensive to we Republicans, even if it gets all you democrats aroused.)

Forcibly taking blood? They used to make people forcibly get frontal lobotomies and shock treatment too. I thought those medieval institutions were gone.
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Reminds me of the story about that degenerate Texas sheriff deputy who made a traffic stop then made the driver drop his pants so the deputy could stick his finger up the guy's ass. (That kind of thing is highly offensive to we Republicans, even if it gets all you democrats aroused.)
It's your kinda people doing it, so stop with your latent homosexual fantasies...
Nearly every post Tom writes mentions some sort of perversion. He's plainly very familiar and experienced with such things.
His mind does seem to linger there for way too long, for someone that claims not to be that way....

Yea, yea, I've only heard the "If you defend the rights of kids not getting raped by queers, then you must be queer yourself" attack only about a hundred thousand times. It's pretty sad don't you think, Moonglow, that the worst insult queers can think of to dish out, is that someone might be as degenerate as themselves?
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Any judge authorizing this type of search should be held to account and voted out of office.

The cops should refuse such orders. If you fail a field sobriety check can you not be arrested for the sake of public safety? If you refuse a breathalyzer, isn't that another nail in your coffin in court? If anyone here has law enforcement experience, I'd be interested in your take on this.

They don't need to jam a needle in your arm against your will when you're already screwed, detained, off the road and out of major league bucks. I'm no lawyer but I'm pretty sure that meets the standard of unreasonable search and seizure.

I couldn't do this to my fellow citizen. It's Orwellian.
And I am sure those charged are having to pay for the blood tests...
You mean like this:

Civil rights attorney says Hispanic officers may have targeted 'white boy' because they 'don't like him living in their community.'

Police forced New Mexico scrap metal tradesman David Eckert to undergo two digital anal probes, three enema insertions and ultimately a colonoscopy after officers incorrectly assumed he was concealing drugs, according to a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court on his behalf. . . . .

Officers then transported Eckert to the Gila Regional Medical Center after an emergency room doctor at a Deming, N.M., hospital told them "this is unethical," Kennedy said. The doctor who refused to comply with police is willing to testify if the lawsuit goes to trial, according to Kennedy.

After arriving at the Gila facility, doctors examined Eckert's anal cavity twice with their fingers, put him through an x-ray scan and then inserted three rounds of enemas into his anus. After each enema, doctors examined the stool sample produced. Eckert was then given a second x-ray scan and forced to undergo a colonoscopy with anesthesia.

It's unclear why the colonoscopy was necessary after enemas and x-rays did not reveal hidden drugs. Eckert was sent a $6,000 bill for the medical procedures he involuntarily underwent, his lawyer says.

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