No path to citizenship ever.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

People who enter the country illegally committing a federal crime,
(Federal crimes are generally more serious than crimes charged in state courts)
disrespecting our immigration laws and continue to break laws by working illegally using false or stolen documents (should never be allowed citizenship and allowed to vote. They are not deserving of those rights (working with fake documents is document fraud, a felony)
. Works permits is the most they should be allowed if that be Obama’s plan for Comp. Immig. Reform. Only people who enter the country legally, waiting their turn is deserving of that right. Like those who came through Ellis Island and registering. Like Jesus and Mary traveling to Bethlehem to register. There has to be a limit on benefits given to Illegal Aliens. If businesses cannot find Americans to fill their jobs, then they can apply for immigrant work permits and nothing else. If medical care and other services are needed, then send the bill to Mexico their country of citizenship.

Automatic Birthright Citizenship should be repealed for the reason, U.S. citizenship should not be cheapened when Americans and died defending the right of citizenship.

Anyone who believe different is anti-America and anti-American and hell bent on destroying this country.

We do not owe citizens of Mexico and their children any thing. Anchor babies are citizens of Mexico by way of their Mexican parents.

Being in a bank is not a crime but robbing the bank is.
What kind of crime is working with fake documents?

No, working with fake documents is document fraud, a felony.
If you worked under another person's name, it's identity theft on top of that.
If you used a US citizen's SSN or marked "US citizen" on the I-9 form, that's the mother of all felonies and a surefire way to get deported with a lifetime bar attached.
What kind of crime is working with fake documents? - Yahoo! Answers
But who wrote all those laws that you are talking about?

In a world where country borders exist only for currency manipulations, what border fence can you build that keeps out the $1/day guys?

And if you lock the border against outsiders, what will you do when you lock the border from the inside too? Several cities along the US-Canada border are now putting up border walls across their own town squares to cut apart their neighborhoods, much like the Berlin Wall did.
1. Continuing to rant against illegal aliens is not only mean spirited, but nonproductive as well. They and their U.S. born children are here to stay, and demonizing them only causes further hostility and resentment between ethnic groups in this country. Instead, we should focus on securing our borders and turning those who are here into tax-paying citizens.

2. Similarly, comparing secure national borders to the Berlin Wall is idiotic and diminishes any arguments for comprehensive immigration reform. There is a world of difference between walls to keep prisoners IN and fences to keep trespassers OUT.
Either the US is a nation of laws or it is not.

That is the primary question about illegals in America.

Do we really get to choose which laws we obey and which we do not?
Either the US is a nation of laws or it is not.

That is the primary question about illegals in America.

Do we really get to choose which laws we obey and which we do not?

So what, exactly, are you advocating? Imprison and/or deport 10+ million people? What about their U.S. CITIZEN CHILDREN? (They haven't broken any law.) Isn't it time to consider actual solutions instead of continuing with the temper tantrums?
1. Continuing to rant against illegal aliens is not only mean spirited, but nonproductive as well. They and their U.S. born children are here to stay, and demonizing them only causes further hostility and resentment between ethnic groups in this country. Instead, we should focus on securing our borders and turning those who are here into tax-paying citizens.

2. Similarly, comparing secure national borders to the Berlin Wall is idiotic and diminishes any arguments for comprehensive immigration reform. There is a world of difference between walls to keep prisoners IN and fences to keep trespassers OUT.

You mean tax taking citizens. Legalizing these illegals will overwhelm the public benefit system just like the eastern europeans did to Britian.
These illegals are already overwhelming the public benefit system, partly because they are precluded from regular employment. Conditional visas should require 10 years of self support and paying taxes WITHOUT BENEFITS before a permanent visa is issued. Also, return to the U.S. after deportation should be made a FELONY.
So what, exactly, are you advocating? - jwoodie

That the high quality marvelous-beyond-imagination people making rules in America either change the law or enforce it while ordinary people of means still give enough of a shit to care what happens outside our local communities, a position that is a lot closer to apathy than it is to a tantrum - for the record.

The value of citizenship is perhaps the biggest elephant ghost in the room.

Hilariously that seems to have been resolved by the supremes in KELO (your property can be taken and given to corporations) and reaffirmed in CITIZENS UNITED (corporations are people too, only they can't bleed and die on battlefields).
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The USA should continue to keep its door widely open to immigrants, at least one million people a year, especially to social elites, well-educated people and those who can make contribution to American society. Help these immigrants to get into the main stream of American society, such as English proficiency, American way of thinking, concern of society, etc.


Any reasonable, effective immigration reform must include a path to eventual citizenship.

Automatic Birthright Citizenship should be repealed for the reason, U.S. citizenship should not be cheapened when Americans and died defending the right of citizenship.


This would require repealing the 14th Amendment.

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