No One Has Ever Fallen Faster


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
GOP Summit—The Good, The Bad And The Absolutely Crazy
GOP presidential contenders flocked to Iowa on Saturday to try out their pitches on the unofficial beginning of the Iowa Caucus. Hint: Sarah Palin has lost her mind.


What did we learn?

Palin is past her sell-by date.

It’s the unofficial policy of many serious political reporters (myself included) to not cover Palin speeches. So it’s entirely possible I missed a key stretch of her decline that would help make sense of, or have prepared me for, the word-salad-with-a-cup-of-moose-stew that she presented.

Sample passage: “Things must change for our government! It isn’t too big to fail, it’s too big to succeed! It’s too big to succeed, so we can afford no retreads or nothing will change, with the same people and same policies that got us into the status quo! Another Latin word, status quo, and it stands for, ‘Man, the middle class and everyday Americans are really gettin’ taken for a ride.’”

The speech (perhaps a generous description) went on 15 minutes past the 20 minutes allotted other speakers. And even as she ended it, one sensed less a crescendo than the specter of a gong, a hook to pull her off, or—a sincere thought I had—an ambulance to take her… somewhere.
She's just a complete embarrassment.

Forgot the photo - what a winner.

It doesn't matter.

Obumble is now a Lame Duck.

He lost both chambers of Congress.

Congress has turned its back on him.

The Failed Messiah has failed himself, his country, and his party - many of whom are running from him at the speed of light.

Prospects for a Democrat in the White House anytime soon after 2016 continue to dwindle.

I have no clue which of a hundred-and-one losers that the Pubs will put-up for election.

But they'd have to phukk-up pretty badly now, not to kick the ass of the Dems' choice.
Ted Cruz takes aim at IRS and ISIS: ‘Time to face reality’ of Obama failures

BizPac Review ^ | January 25, 2015 | Carmine Sabia
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz used his appearance at this weekend’s Iowa Freedom Summit to excoriate Obamacare, Islamic State militants and that other evil scourge: the Internal Revenue Service. “The most important tax reform we can do is abolish the IRS,” Cruz said to the delight of attendees at the conservative event. (VIDEO-AT-LINK) Turning his aim on Obamacare, the senator said it’s time to “repeal every word” of President Obama’s signature health care legislation. But Cruz saved his harshest critique for Obama’s handling of Islamic State, the terrorist group some refer to by the acronym, ISIS. “What’s happening in Iraq is...
Ted Cruz takes aim at IRS and ISIS: ‘Time to face reality’ of Obama failures

BizPac Review ^ | January 25, 2015 | Carmine Sabia
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz used his appearance at this weekend’s Iowa Freedom Summit to excoriate Obamacare, Islamic State militants and that other evil scourge: the Internal Revenue Service. “The most important tax reform we can do is abolish the IRS,” Cruz said to the delight of attendees at the conservative event. (VIDEO-AT-LINK) Turning his aim on Obamacare, the senator said it’s time to “repeal every word” of President Obama’s signature health care legislation. But Cruz saved his harshest critique for Obama’s handling of Islamic State, the terrorist group some refer to by the acronym, ISIS. “What’s happening in Iraq is...

It doesn't matter.

Obumble is now a Lame Duck.

He lost both chambers of Congress.

Congress has turned its back on him.

The Failed Messiah has failed himself, his country, and his party - many of whom are running from him at the speed of light.

Prospects for a Democrat in the White House anytime soon after 2016 continue to dwindle.

I have no clue which of a hundred-and-one losers that the Pubs will put-up for election.

But they'd have to phukk-up pretty badly now, not to kick the ass of the Dems' choice.


It doesn't matter.

Obumble is now a Lame Duck.

He lost both chambers of Congress.

Congress has turned its back on him.

The Failed Messiah has failed himself, his country, and his party - many of whom are running from him at the speed of light.

Prospects for a Democrat in the White House anytime soon after 2016 continue to dwindle.

I have no clue which of a hundred-and-one losers that the Pubs will put-up for election.

But they'd have to phukk-up pretty badly now, not to kick the ass of the Dems' choice.



The Myth of the Clinton Surplus
No pres has for quite a while...even Clinton!!

Ted Cruz takes aim at IRS and ISIS: ‘Time to face reality’ of Obama failures

BizPac Review ^ | January 25, 2015 | Carmine Sabia
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz used his appearance at this weekend’s Iowa Freedom Summit to excoriate Obamacare, Islamic State militants and that other evil scourge: the Internal Revenue Service. “The most important tax reform we can do is abolish the IRS,” Cruz said to the delight of attendees at the conservative event. (VIDEO-AT-LINK) Turning his aim on Obamacare, the senator said it’s time to “repeal every word” of President Obama’s signature health care legislation. But Cruz saved his harshest critique for Obama’s handling of Islamic State, the terrorist group some refer to by the acronym, ISIS. “What’s happening in Iraq is...


The group originated as Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad in 1999, ( Blow Job Clinton was president!)which was renamed Tanzim Qaidat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn—commonly known as al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI)—when the group pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda in 2004. Following the 2003 invasion of Iraq, AQI took part in the Iraqi insurgency. In 2006, it joined other Sunni insurgent groups to form the Mujahideen Shura Council, which shortly afterwards proclaimed the formation of an Islamic state, naming it the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI). The ISI gained a significant presence in Al Anbar, Nineveh, Kirkuk and other areas, but around 2008, its violent methods, including suicide attacks on civilian targets and the widespread killing of prisoners, led to a backlash from Sunni Iraqis and other insurgent groups.[a]

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Wait until the Democrats start their clown show. We'll have Joe (Bozo) Biden, Hillary (what difference does it make) Clinton, and Elizabeth (I'm an Indian and you didn't build that) Warren. This'll be great entertainment.
The Myth of the Clinton Surplus
No pres has for quite a while...even Clinton!!


Here's an easy to read graphic for you.

Too bad your chart doesn't include Obama. But the fact that it specifically mentions Clinton tells me they don't WANT to put Obama's deficits up there. The chart would have to be enlarged to cover it all.

Table 7.1—Federal Debt at the End of Year: 1940–2019

PS: you may have to google the table; sorry 'bout that, Chief!!
I thought this thread was about Obama. Started off with star power and "we're the ones we've been waiting for." Now mired in scandal and reeling from "you didnt build that."
It doesn't matter.

Obumble is now a Lame Duck.

He lost both chambers of Congress.

Congress has turned its back on him.

The Failed Messiah has failed himself, his country, and his party - many of whom are running from him at the speed of light.

Prospects for a Democrat in the White House anytime soon after 2016 continue to dwindle.

I have no clue which of a hundred-and-one losers that the Pubs will put-up for election.

But they'd have to phukk-up pretty badly now, not to kick the ass of the Dems' choice.


It doesn't make any difference.

The situation is what it is.

The time to try to convince America of your point(s) here would have been prior to the November 2014 mid-terms.

You(r side) failed to do this.

You have now lost all power but the Executive, and that is being marginalized as best as practicable, as we speak.

It now no longer matters 'how.

All that matters now is 'what'.

And the 'what' in this instance is that you(r side) has lost the Legislative branch of government, and that Legislature has turned its back on you(r standard-bearer).

He is truly the Failed Messiah.

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