No more nonsense, what is the REAL SCORE, in other words, reality!


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
1st Inning----------> Hillary is going to win 300 electoral votes, Trump doesn't have a chance, Hilly and her coattails will change the Senate and the House.

REALITY----------> Trump kicked her a** electorally, (which is the measure we choose our President by) the Senate stayed GOP, so did the House!

End of 1st, Trump GOP 2, far leftists, 0!

2nd Inning--------> Trump is a spy, he is under investigation, he colluded with the Russians, he helped obstructed justice.

REALITY---------> Trump is NOT under investigation, no evidence has been shown that he colluded or obstructed, Trump bombs the Syrian airforce, and Putin is pissed.

End of 2nd, Trump/GOP score a run, score is now 3 to zip!

3rd inning---------> Democrats block travel ban and cheer. Trump asks for instant replay from SCOTUS. SCOTUS UNANIMOUSLY side with Trump.

end of 3rd, Trump/GOP 4, far leftists zilch!

4th inning---------> Far leftists decide to investigate Sessions. Sessions embarrasses all of them on national TV, Even far leftists on the bench say he did nothing wrong. It all kind of goes away.

end of 4th, Trump/GOP now leading 5 to nothing.

5th inning-------->Far leftists CHEER all foul balls and fake news. Far leftists try and claim foul balls, and fake news is actually home runs. CNN catches its reporters CREATING fake news, and demands their resignation. Other FAKE NEWS outlets see that Trump will NOT lie down, and will prosecute, so they begin to distance themselves from FAR LEFTISTS.

end of 5th, Trump/GOP ahead, 6 to nada!

6th inning------->Knowing the game is getting out of hand, the far leftists call in their ace pitcher, BERNIE (the Marxist) Sanders. Bernie throws a few zingers, but wait, the umpire goes to the mound to INVESTIGATE if Marxist Bernie has a foreign substance hidden on his person, lolol! Because of this, Marxist Bernie loses command of both his curveball and SCREWBALL, letting the Trump/GOP score again.

end of 6th, Trump/GOP 7, far leftists in a meltdown-)

7th inning-----------> Pence gets a single, Trump at bat. Trump hits a line shot down the 3rd baseline, and a far leftist coach named LYNCH interferes. Pence scores, Trump to 3rd on the interference-) Kelly Ann Conway at bat and executes a safety squeeze back to Bernie. Marxist BERNIE is dazed and confused, so throws it out of the park and hits a window in a college which then goes bankrupt, lol.

end of 7th, Trump/GOP 9, Socialist, Leftist, egghead, so called geniuses, not a thing!

8th inning---------> Far leftists change hurlers again, to Chucky-Shmucky. Chucky-Shmucky has been informed someone on their team is lying like crazy. Chucky doesn't care, so tries to keep lie going. Now Senate is speaking about possible CENSURE!

end of 8th, Trump/GOP 10, incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial leftists, still trying to find their bats, gloves, and BALLS!

9th inning--------> GOP bring in THE BLONDE BOMBSHELL closer, Ivanka, and she strikes out the side, as Trump/GOP sits down in the field laughing like hell-) Last person to strike out on 3 pitches is Whiff.......errrrr, I mean Shiff, and the only thing he can mutter as he walks back towards the dugout is----------> I think we need investigate LYNCH, heheheheheheheheehehehehe!

EPILOGUE-------------> The far leftists proceed to call the NYT, WP, POLITICO, and all the rest, trying to get them to report that THEY actually WON the game; which they do as they love the far leftist team. Sadly for them, to many people have seen the game on TV and know the TRUTH----------> The far left Democrats got their a**es handed to them, and most of the country is much so, they won't send them a nickel for new equipment. The leftists are now trying a new look squirrel move, and promoting their "NEXT BIG PERSON" in the wings, Dizzy Miss Lizzy, AKA.....POCHAHONTAS, lololol!

Well, maybe she will do a rain dance so a downpour happens, so as the far leftists don't get their derriers kicked again-) Between that, and the trail of leftist tears, the next game may just be postponed, hehehehehehehehehehehehe!
They seem to finally be living their values of self-destruction. Soon we won't have to call them hypocrites any longer. Sad bunch of self haters.
I bet we are all mean and evil as they claim we ran up the score, lololol!

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