No Matter the Outcome Today in Virginia

You need to put the Trump Kool-Aid down.
Unless you are a resident of the state of VA, you cannot vote in their election.

Please produce one credible article that states CRT is taught in K-12.
Otherwise, STFU. As I understand it, the alt-right has successfully inserted this red herring
into the minds of the faithful lemmings.

Just because it's not titled CRT doesn't mean they are not teaching the same commie crap. If they were teaching nothing like that, parents all over the state who know what shit their kids are being fed would not have attended those school board meetings in protest.
No matter the outcome today in Virginia, my life will not change one iota. The duopoly will win and the state will lose, but I do not live there so I do not really give a shit about them

But it will be fun to watch both sides spinning the outcome to their advantage no matter what it is

I'm sure you don't care. But if Republicans can turn a blue state red, it's indicative of the mood of the rest of the country. They even said the NJ race was tightening up, but nobody is really following that thus far.
To "win," Youngkin needs to defeat the Reich by over 10%, to overcome the fraud factor. The Reich understands the implications of a loss here. Marc Elias has dozens of cars with BIG trunks full of McAuliffe ballots waiting in the wings.

That still wouldn't do any good. Don't you remember, Russian collusion?
Apparently McAuliffe just said yesterday at his last pre-election speech that he was going to diversify teachers in Virginia ---- meaning he was going to stuff the schools with black teachers. He said there were 80% white teachers, but 50% black students (Virginia obviously has a serious problem with way too many blacks!). So he was going to even it up. I suspect that will NOT please parents anymore than all the other stuff has ---- the dirty books, the CRT, the trannies raping girls in the bathrooms.

I thought that was sort of a crazy thing to do, to threaten to push black teachers on everyone. He must be desperate, throwing a Hail Mary pass, but if people are already upset about black problems, why would they want this?
I care less who wins. Corporate Dems of the Obama/Hillary wing of the party are no better than Trump supporters but I think we need to wait until after the election to make statements on this race.

Remember the recall election in California was supposed to be close also. It wasn't.
No the recall race was a loss and we knew it long before the vote. He had recovered several months before the vote.
McAwful just claimed Abram’s really won.
Yes!! I read that, too. Seems to be he is pandering shamelessly to the blacks; he really did agree with Stacey Abram that she had won!! But apparently she didn't, by a lot.

Yet he doesn't agree that Trump won when that really was a questionable election.

Blacks always are supposed to get away with this stuff, whites never. Huh. Something very wrong here.
I care less who wins. Corporate Dems of the Obama/Hillary wing of the party are no better than Trump supporters but I think we need to wait until after the election to make statements on this race.

Remember the recall election in California was supposed to be close also. It wasn't.

California is Communist central in the US. Apples and oranges really. They will vote D no matter how much they F-up the state.
California is Communist central in the US. Apples and oranges really. They will vote D no matter how much they F-up the state.

But the polls right up until the election said it was close. People claim you can't trust polls (you can't) until they want to use them for their benefit.
But the polls right up until the election said it was close. People claim you can't trust polls (you can't) until they want to use them for their benefit.

So the polls were wrong (as they mostly are) so what's your point? If you think those illegals are not voting then think again. You are trying to equate two different groups of people.
But the polls right up until the election said it was close. People claim you can't trust polls (you can't) until they want to use them for their benefit.
No, polls are purely political propaganda, IMO. Lies and more lies, to promote the candidate the pollsters favor.

They CAN'T accurately poll people any more (if they ever could), because the Right won't take their surveys. So they just lie. Like weathermen: predicting the future is Big Business, even though no one can predict the future.

They are NOT "teaching CRT"

CRT is the new Right Wing boogeyman and they'll invoke that bogeyman at every opportunity
Not only is CRT taught, Democrats coverup rapes of school children.
I care less who wins. Corporate Dems of the Obama/Hillary wing of the party are no better than Trump supporters but I think we need to wait until after the election to make statements on this race.

Remember the recall election in California was supposed to be close also. It wasn't.
Democrats cheat , and will continue to cheat until there are consequences.
The funny thing is how Youngkin is disavowing the fat former guy........
Is that why Youngkin has Trump rallying for him?
Yes!! I read that, too. Seems to be he is pandering shamelessly to the blacks; he really did agree with Stacey Abram that she had won!! But apparently she didn't, by a lot.

Yet he doesn't agree that Trump won when that really was a questionable election.

Blacks always are supposed to get away with this stuff, whites never. Huh. Something very wrong here.

Yes but you know they are scared to death when they whip out the race card. He dragged Dementia and Whorris to back him up and they are the least popular Prez and VP in a long time. It seems to me his strategy is to try and drag as many D's to the polls since Independents are out of the question. Democrats are not smart enough to vote the right way. That's why they're Democrats.

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