No mass school shootings in the American past so it makes no sense to ban guns. This is a mental Health issue and also related to anti-Americanism


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
If you look at the 20th century the great majority of it up until the era of columbine and after there were no mass school shootings. Yet we had plenty of guns all over the country. So the reason why we still have the mass shootings today it is related to the uprise of anti-Americanism, the belief that America is systemically racist, The uprise in drug use, legalization of drugs all throughout America, the rise of young people spending all their time playing video games sitting in front of tick-tock in front of Twitter instead of being outside playing baseball playing football playing basketball like we used to have. The rise of obesity , The downfall of middle class jobs being available to young people out of high school.

A very small percentage of Americans the pro BLM people, the pro ultra feminist people, those who are against masculinity they are driving hatred in this country. They are driving people to drugs to alcoholism to obesity. The great majority of white people and Black people in this country and the great majority of immigrants all stand against this and they stand for traditional values for respecting their ancestors.

The hope in going forward is that we actually have politicians who represent the will of the majority of those living in our country….we don’t have that now ….we have to have politicians who respects the American past and who respects mutual respect between different races, we don’t have that now.

All of these situations all of these facts are why we continue to have mass school shootings.
You are exactly correct. The problem is not the gun, not any gun. Even most faux-conservatives, including virtually every single Republican in Congress, wants to target guns, gun ownership, red-flag laws, background checks, and just about everything except locking up crazy people and not manufacturing more crazy people in our public schools.
If you look at the 20th century the great majority of it up until the era of columbine and after there were no mass school shootings. Yet we had plenty of guns all over the country. So the reason why we still have the mass shootings today it is related to the uprise of anti-Americanism, the belief that America is systemically racist, The uprise in drug use, legalization of drugs all throughout America, the rise of young people spending all their time playing video games sitting in front of tick-tock in front of Twitter instead of being outside playing baseball playing football playing basketball like we used to have. The rise of obesity , The downfall of middle class jobs being available to young people out of high school.

A very small percentage of Americans the pro BLM people, the pro ultra feminist people, those who are against masculinity they are driving hatred in this country. They are driving people to drugs to alcoholism to obesity. The great majority of white people and Black people in this country and the great majority of immigrants all stand against this and they stand for traditional values for respecting their ancestors.

The hope in going forward is that we actually have politicians who represent the will of the majority of those living in our country….we don’t have that now ….we have to have politicians who respects the American past and who respects mutual respect between different races, we don’t have that now.

All of these situations all of these facts are why we continue to have mass school shootings.
The number support the facts listed above you can look at the list below. There are perhaps one mass shooting per year in the United States throughout much of the 20th century and sometimes there were none of them. Certainly almost no mass school shootings in the 1910s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s.

So we see today a rise of hatred of America, rise of depression, rise of drug use hard-core drugs that did not exist in the past, a general acceptance of drug use in America today that did not occur in the past.

Those who are the purveyors of fake news are the exact people who say “oh we just need to ban guns that’s the problem” or they say “well the problem is racism or that America is systemically racist” that is the fake news. It is up to us American patriots to spread the truth.

In the 1950s for example there is one, yes that’s right one recorded instance of a mass shooting.

That’s one in 10 years.–1999)

We could learn a lot from those who came before us but those ignorant minority of Americans today who believe that America was a racist country they are the problem. It is clear crystal clear that the country was much safer and better especially for the middle class in the 20th century than it is today.

A rise of modern day hatred of Christianity from the far left is contributing to low morals, depression, drug use among a lot of young people in this country and that is a problem. We can combat this by doing the right things making the country a better place
Critically important chart related to the discussion. We see over the last 20 years a downfall of patriotism, religious values. This of course has a relation to the uprise of mass shootings, criminality in America the rise of drug use the loss of masculinity among many men, the rise of ultra feminism. All of these are playing a role in destabilizing our country. America has been through great challenges before World War II, but here’s the thing during World War II we were patriotic, we were deeply Christian, we loved our country, we rejected this drug use. We don’t have that today we have to find a way to respect the American past. To stand up to the degradation which is a tiny minority of Americans(some who are rich and elite and who only care about profit) trying to destroy this country

See the attached facts crush the pro BLM people, facts crush the few Americans who believe that this country is a “systemically racist” country or was a bad country in history…. when In reality when you look at American history we are the liberators we helped to win World War II. There’s so much to be proud of when it comes to American history.


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What I really think happened is that Deep State CIA type people nursed and conditioned just a few people with a few screw's loose to eventually pop their corks. But this started a cascade of real copy cats who acted completely independently of conditioning, hypnosis,etc. Did you know quite a number of mass shooters have discussed hearing electronic sounds and voices in their heads? Well the first thing many people are going to say is "are you surprised". But the key word is this electronic thing. There is a technology called "voice to skull" technology that is mostly weaponized controlled by militaries. It was experimented with for quite some time before it was perfected. What it does is use the internal skeletal structure of your skull as a piezo speaker. It is a bonafide fact that some people who had their teeth in just the right positions were actually able to pick up radio signals in their mouths. This is FACT. Look it up. Voice to skull technology simply builds on this principle based on lots of high-tech experimentation done behind closed doors and sometimes on an unsuspecting public.

One of the most notable spikes in mass shootings started to occur just before Obama was reelected and for a little while thereafter. I believe that that was probably one of the times that they were using programs like that to instigate mentally ill people to finally go off the edge. I'm sure they chose them very carefully, and in some cases even abandoned some attempts when it didn't seem to be unfolding the way they wanted it to. I think probably a rather small percentage of mass shootings we're perpetrated in this way..... But in typical CIA fashion the real purpose was to create a never-ending Cascade of copycats.
Another thing is that there was barely any need for security at schools in the 50s the 1960s. People could just walk in. …back in those days we did not have the mental health issues, the drug issues the anti-Americanism that we have today that is driving this type of violence.

The 1965 University of Texas shooting is the first mass shooting I think of where many innocent people were shot and there was no personal motive between the shooter and the victims. From 1791 (passage of the 2nd Amendment) to 1965, I can think of no mass shootings of innocents (ie no personal motive). That’s 174 years of no mass shootings of innocents yet in the last nearly 60 years, these shooting events have grown seemingly at exponential levels.

What changed in the last 60 years vs the 174 years prior?
Critically important chart related to the discussion. We see over the last 20 years a downfall of patriotism, religious values. This of course has a relation to the uprise of mass shootings, criminality in America the rise of drug use the loss of masculinity among many men, the rise of ultra feminism. All of these are playing a role in destabilizing our country. America has been through great challenges before World War II, but here’s the thing during World War II we were patriotic, we were deeply Christian, we loved our country, we rejected this drug use. We don’t have that today we have to find a way to respect the American past. To stand up to the degradation which is a tiny minority of Americans(some who are rich and elite and who only care about profit) trying to destroy this country

See the attached facts crush the pro BLM people, facts crush the few Americans who believe that this country is a “systemically racist” country or was a bad country in history…. when In reality when you look at American history we are the liberators we helped to win World War II. There’s so much to be proud of when it comes to American history.
I still think you need to seek professional help with your obsession with BLM.
The 1965 University of Texas shooting is the first mass shooting I think of where many innocent people were shot and there was no personal motive between the shooter and the victims. From 1791 (passage of the 2nd Amendment) to 1965, I can think of no mass shootings of innocents (ie no personal motive). That’s 174 years of no mass shootings of innocents yet in the last nearly 60 years, these shooting events have grown seemingly at exponential levels.

What changed in the last 60 years vs the 174 years prior?

See March 6, 1933. See November 5, 1934. See July 8, 1945. See July 25, 1945. See September 6, 1949. See April 25, 1965.

Just for starters.
Our gun problem is exactly like the opioid problem.

The corporate manufacturers of both flooded our streets with their products.

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