*No Islamic Law In OK*!!!!!

*Should ALL *50* States Vote On This Measure*?

  • *YES WE CAN*!!!!!!

    Votes: 10 90.9%

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Oklahomans voted in a measure to forbid judges from considering international law or Islamic law when deciding cases, which shows some guts by the people of Oklahoma.
2. We should follow suit here in *TEXAS*!
3. Lets keep islamic law totally out of America!
4. Lets go a step farther and keeps muslims out of America!!!!!
5. Link and sample:Voters ban judges from using international law | NewsOK.com

"Republican Rex Duncan, the sponsor of the measure, called it a "pre-emptive strike" designed to close the door on activist judges "legislating from the bench or using international law or Sharia law."

Members of the Muslim community called the question an attack on Islam and some of them said they are prepared to file a lawsuit challenging the measure."

6. Its time America stands up for itself, and it warms he dear sweet heart to know its started in Oklahoma USA!!!!!!!:clap2::clap2::clap2:

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The vote was totally unnecessary. Sharia law could NEVER be implemented in the US because it would violate the Constitution flagrantly (see 1st Amendment).

BTW, I find your statement of "Lets go a step farther and keeps muslims out of America!!!!!" utterly reprehensible and misguided. All persons, no matter what religion, are allowed freedom of practice here under the 1st Amendment. Not all Muslim are extremists who hate America.

An article from the obviously apolitical Library of Congress showing the Founding Fathers tolerated the Muslim faith:

The Founding Fathers and Islam (May 2002) - Library of Congress Information Bulletin

Although the times have changed since then, this notion that all Muslims should be thrown out of America and forbidden to enter is an abrogation of human rights in the highest sense of the world, and against fundamental American nature.
I'm going to propose a ballet initiative banning french speaking green spotted lizard people with orange testicles from taking over the state of Nebraska, seceding, and declaring their flesh eating half chicken half alligator swamp god emperor for life.

Then I'm going to ask the christian broadcasting network and the American Center for Law and Justice to spend millions of dollars campaigning for it after I tell them that their chicken-lizard god's name is Allah.
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Are you implying that you have the right to say that all Muslims should be thrown out of the USA and prevented from entering? (sorry, your post is ambiguous)

Yes, you have that fundamental right to free speech; but that most certainly does not make it MORALLY right at all.

I apologize if I misinterpreted your post.
Mang, I was SO expecting a Mod to steal my post of HOURS ago...

You? I TOTALLY forgive! ;)

p.s. But I was looking forward to a War Of The Words! (Yes, I DID mean Words, rather than Worlds)

Are you implying that you have the right to say that all Muslims should be thrown out of the USA and prevented from entering? (sorry, your post is ambiguous)

Yes, you have that fundamental right to free speech; but that most certainly does not make it MORALLY right at all.

I apologize if I misinterpreted your post.

And THERE's the Rub:

It was a referendum against INTERNATIONAL LAW.

Gee. Guess you're a muslim apologist,

and P. fucking S. It SHOWS.

Want to live in a muslim nation? I'll BEG on street corners to get you there. ONE WAY ticket to your "liberal" DREAM culture.

Write to us, IF that's allowed. I WON't lift a finger to get you back, however.
I think we should go back about a hundred years in the wording of the oath of allegiance to become a citizen in America.

And in that oath of allegiance they should denounce any belief that requires killing of infidels or putting them in a class system

But I guess it wouldn't do any good since it's acceptable to lie as long as it furthers Islam.

Are you implying that you have the right to say that all Muslims should be thrown out of the USA and prevented from entering? (sorry, your post is ambiguous)

Yes, you have that fundamental right to free speech; but that most certainly does not make it MORALLY right at all.

I apologize if I misinterpreted your post.

And THERE's the Rub:

It was a referendum against INTERNATIONAL LAW.

Gee. Guess you're a muslim apologist,

and P. fucking S. It SHOWS.

Want to live in a muslim nation? I'll BEG on street corners to get you there. ONE WAY ticket to your "liberal" DREAM culture.

Write to us, IF that's allowed. I WON't lift a finger to get you back, however.

1.) Not a liberal. At all. Independent here.

2.) How am I a Muslim apologist? I clearly stated that sharia could not already be used as the basis for law in the country because it clearly violates the Constitution in my first post in the topic. Thus, the vote was unnecessary.

By extension, this would include international law, because the Constitution is the sole law of the land. Again, logic dictates the vote was unnecessary.

In the post you quoted I was denouncing how he wanted to prevent Muslims from living in or coming to the US. In that quote I never stated that sharia should be applied in the USA; I only stated it was unjust for them to be FORCEDLY booted out of the country, a flagrant violation of human rights. BTW, human rights is not code for international law, I meant the basic human rights enshrined in the AMERICAN CONSTITUTION.

All I was condemning was the immorality of his speech, not the legality of it.

I don't know how allowing Muslims to live in America turns us into an Islamic state or makes me a radical apologist for them.

Your arguments should probably have more basis in fact than second-grade level name calling next time.
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Sorry bout that,


Are you implying that you have the right to say that all Muslims should be thrown out of the USA and prevented from entering? (sorry, your post is ambiguous)

Yes, you have that fundamental right to free speech; but that most certainly does not make it MORALLY right at all.

I apologize if I misinterpreted your post.

1. I'm not only implying they be banned/shown the exits from USA, as a religion or whatever they are, cult, political movement, I'm demanding that they be haulted from entering into USA, as the first measure.
2. And I don't care if its *MORALLY* right either.
3. And I don't care if its *Political Correct* either.
4. All I care about is my *COUNTRY*!!!!
5. And seeing I do, I know islam is the only real threat we are going to see here, as far as my *COUNTRY* being over taken from muslims who breed like wild animals, at my expense, the *TAX PAYER*.

Sorry bout that,


Are you implying that you have the right to say that all Muslims should be thrown out of the USA and prevented from entering? (sorry, your post is ambiguous)

Yes, you have that fundamental right to free speech; but that most certainly does not make it MORALLY right at all.

I apologize if I misinterpreted your post.

1. I'm not only implying they be banned/shown the exits from USA, as a religion or whatever they are, cult, political movement, I'm demanding that they be haulted from entering into USA, as the first measure.
2. And I don't care if its *MORALLY* right either.
3. And I don't care if its *Political Correct* either.
4. All I care about is my *COUNTRY*!!!!
5. And seeing I do, I know islam is the only real threat we are going to see here, as far as my *COUNTRY* being over taken from muslims who breed like wild animals, at my expense, the *TAX PAYER*.


I never said anything was politically correct/politically incorrect, so don't stuff words in my mouth to make me look like the stereotype of a raging liberal.

I, like you, simply wish for what is best for the United States. I agree with you in that the imposition of sharia or international law would be INCREDIBLY BAD for these United States.

However, I do doubt (out of concern for my country) the veracity of the points that you have presented. They are addressed as listed below:

1. This proposition is a fundamental violation of US laws (and even Constitutional regulations) addressing the regulation of entry for Muslims and BASIC CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS of life, liberty, and property for the Muslims living here.

BTW, Islam is not a cult. There are certainly extremists within Islam who practice cult-like orthodoxies, but they do not make of a majority of Muslims within the US or even the world.

2. Should the United States not uphold what is morally right? I don't mean seem pretentious declaring what is/is not morally right, but general societal standards (AND THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION ITSELF) dictate that people are equal, regardless of religion. Thusly, the United States MUST uphold its own ideals in order to remain the beacon of justice and democracy it is for not only all the world, but mostly its own citizens.

3. Political discourse should not have to be "politically correct", so I agree with you there. It stifles democratic argument. But I never meant to imply that your argument has to be "politically correct" to have credence. Again, I'm not a liberal.

4. Addressed above. I love my nation as dearly as you do; I only wish the best for its advancement and want the same general concept (national well-being) as you.

5. This is does not appear to be based in fact. How do Muslims drain resources from the tax payer? What is the average birthrate for Muslims? When will they surpass the population of average Americans, if at all? Sources for an assertion of this magnitude would be nice.

Just so you know, I may argue civilly and not curse you out, but I'm by no means a pushover. Argue with fact please.
The vote was totally unnecessary. Sharia law could NEVER be implemented in the US because it would violate the Constitution flagrantly (see 1st Amendment).

BTW, I find your statement of "Lets go a step farther and keeps muslims out of America!!!!!" utterly reprehensible and misguided. All persons, no matter what religion, are allowed freedom of practice here under the 1st Amendment. Not all Muslim are extremists who hate America.

An article from the obviously apolitical Library of Congress showing the Founding Fathers tolerated the Muslim faith:

The Founding Fathers and Islam (May 2002) - Library of Congress Information Bulletin

Although the times have changed since then, this notion that all Muslims should be thrown out of America and forbidden to enter is an abrogation of human rights in the highest sense of the world, and against fundamental American nature.

I think we should ban all Muslims too, then we wouldn't have to ban sharia law.

Did you know the Terrorist Front Group CAIR is filing a lawsuit against the state of Oklahoma over this resolution?
CAIR to Announce Suit Challenging Oklahoma Anti-Islam Amendment | SYS-CON MEDIA

And if that's not enough, look what the Muzzie bastards are doing to promote sharia here:
Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America (AMJA): Helping Muslims Live by Sharia | Logan's Warning
1.) Not a liberal. At all. Independent here.

2.) How am I a Muslim apologist? I clearly stated that sharia could not already be used as the basis for law in the country because it clearly violates the Constitution in my first post in the topic. Thus, the vote was unnecessary.

By extension, this would include international law, because the Constitution is the sole law of the land. Again, logic dictates the vote was unnecessary.

In the post you quoted I was denouncing how he wanted to prevent Muslims from living in or coming to the US. In that quote I never stated that sharia should be applied in the USA; I only stated it was unjust for them to be FORCEDLY booted out of the country, a flagrant violation of human rights. BTW, human rights is not code for international law, I meant the basic human rights enshrined in the AMERICAN CONSTITUTION.

All I was condemning was the immorality of his speech, not the legality of it.

I don't know how allowing Muslims to live in America turns us into an Islamic state or makes me a radical apologist for them.

Your arguments should probably have more basis in fact than second-grade level name calling next time.

I've only read the first, about, two lines of your reply, but:

We're STILL a fucked up "democracy" that allows the ignorant majority to rule,

hence OK's referendum about this issue.

NO International law shall stand in that state, and believe me when I tell you ~

now that THEY've been so bold as to put it to a vote?

OTHER states will, also.

It isn't just about Sharia ~ it's about ANY other country/ideology 's laws superseding our OWN Constitution.

Ever heard of a dude with the screen name of SunniMan? Yeah. He's got it, babe. THAT's how to overthrow what you don't like in America.

What's PITIFUL? We better do what OK has, NOW, or we'll be steamrolled, and "freedom" of ANYTHING will just be a faint memory.

The Constitution CAN be changed ~ cripes! Look what Obozo has done to and with it.
Sharia law could NEVER be implemented in the US because it would violate the Constitution flagrantly (see 1st Amendment).

One truth of human nature. Unless spelled out clearly you only slow down the corruption and manipulation of original intent by the power mad.

Therefore, something as basic as this MUST be said. After all, people try to say that the separation of church and state means an atheist default setting in ALL things public.
I say give Muslims a choice...either leave or swear before Allah they will not actively support or by lack of action allow support of any terrorist action here or abroad so long as they live in the US.

Fuck them, in other words. Mormons had to adjust their religion for the sake of the safety and sanity of the US. Muslims can do the same.
I say give Muslims a choice...either leave or swear before Allah they will not actively support or by lack of action allow support of any terrorist action here or abroad so long as they live in the US.

Fuck them, in other words. Mormons had to adjust their religion for the sake of the safety and sanity of the US. Muslims can do the same.

AB, that won't work because Muslims lie. It's called Taqqiya and they are allowed to do it according to the Quran as long as it for the purpose of deceiving non-believers.

We need to throw them out before Obama opens the floodgates even more to raghead immigration. He just invited 80,000 3rd world mostly Muslim refugees to come here at our expense to live off welfare when they get here.
Sorry bout that,

Yankster* old chum,........

1. But I think and believe that islam isn't a religion at all, and shouldn't be under the umbrella of the *Constitution*, 1st Amerndment.
2. No, it should be outside this religious protection.
3. Look overseas for the proof, look to the source, if you're wise enough too, saudia arabia, where its a theocracy, both government and so called religious center, its one and the same, two sides of the same coin, look how *sharia law* is in England, France, and Germany, they demand that they apease them, or else, (You don't know this?), so you should be smart enough to know, its not a religion, its a set of laws, and thier government (mecca~via~turkey) dictates these laws!
4. And everywhere they spread they sow discord, contempt, for those nations, demanding rights, sharia law inacted, look around if you don't believe me, unless you live under a rock, I can bring countless examples of real proof, and so can many other patriots here, (I mean right here reading this), but would you care?
5. No, you would still stand on your failed principles, that will end up hurting you and yours no doubt, I can't stand with you, or anywhere near you, noway, no how.

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The vote was totally unnecessary. Sharia law could NEVER be implemented in the US because it would violate the Constitution flagrantly (see 1st Amendment).

BTW, I find your statement of "Lets go a step farther and keeps muslims out of America!!!!!" utterly reprehensible and misguided. All persons, no matter what religion, are allowed freedom of practice here under the 1st Amendment. Not all Muslim are extremists who hate America.

An article from the obviously apolitical Library of Congress showing the Founding Fathers tolerated the Muslim faith:

The Founding Fathers and Islam (May 2002) - Library of Congress Information Bulletin
Although the times have changed since then, this notion that all Muslims should be thrown out of America and forbidden to enter is an abrogation of human rights in the highest sense of the world, and against fundamental American nature.
Bullshit..As we watch the Constitution being circumvented by the creeps in Washington, I think anything is possible.
OK did the right thing. If the Muslims are offended, they can go piss up a tree.
I am sick and tired of hearing/ reading about how Muslims were offended today.
Fuck those people. Who the hell do they think they are assuming they are so different that they and their religion have some special right to not be offended.
"Not all Muslim are extremists who hate America."
Really?.OK name one Muslim leader, one Imam that unequivocaly and unconditionally condemned the 9/11 attacks of the US and/or unequivocally and unconditonally condemns terroist acts perpetrated by Islamists..
I'll save you the keystrokes for your google search...You won't find one. You won't find any because they don't exist.
Until Muslims get their house in order. Until they denounce Islamic terroists. Until Muslims who are US citizens or naruralized come forward and say with one voice that they are true to the Nation in which they live and embrace, reject all notion of other Muslims committing acts of terror, Muslims cannot be trusted.
Sorry...It is what it is. The only ones who can change this are Muslims.
Calling names on people who think of this issue as I do is not a solution and will draw no reaction.
Sorry bout that,

The vote was totally unnecessary. Sharia law could NEVER be implemented in the US because it would violate the Constitution flagrantly (see 1st Amendment).

BTW, I find your statement of "Lets go a step farther and keeps muslims out of America!!!!!" utterly reprehensible and misguided. All persons, no matter what religion, are allowed freedom of practice here under the 1st Amendment. Not all Muslim are extremists who hate America.

An article from the obviously apolitical Library of Congress showing the Founding Fathers tolerated the Muslim faith:

The Founding Fathers and Islam (May 2002) - Library of Congress Information Bulletin
Although the times have changed since then, this notion that all Muslims should be thrown out of America and forbidden to enter is an abrogation of human rights in the highest sense of the world, and against fundamental American nature.
Bullshit..As we watch the Constitution being circumvented by the creeps in Washington, I think anything is possible.
OK did the right thing. If the Muslims are offended, they can go piss up a tree.
I am sick and tired of hearing/ reading about how Muslims were offended today.
Fuck those people. Who the hell do they think they are assuming they are so different that they and their religion have some special right to not be offended.
"Not all Muslim are extremists who hate America."
Really?.OK name one Muslim leader, one Imam that unequivocaly and unconditionally condemned the 9/11 attacks of the US and/or unequivocally and unconditonally condemns terroist acts perpetrated by Islamists..
I'll save you the keystrokes for your google search...You won't find one. You won't find any because they don't exist.
Until Muslims get their house in order. Until they denounce Islamic terroists. Until Muslims who are US citizens or naruralized come forward and say with one voice that they are true to the Nation in which they live and embrace, reject all notion of other Muslims committing acts of terror, Muslims cannot be trusted.
Sorry...It is what it is. The only ones who can change this are Muslims.
Calling names on people who think of this issue as I do is not a solution and will draw no reaction.

1. It would never work, they won't swear to anything but allah.
2. You or anybody else, can not make islam go neutral.
3. Terrorism is in the text of the koran, and its a law for them to do it, and many other disruptive things to where ever they are.
4. They can't even get along amongst themselves, that should be a clue to most of you.
5. I just don't understand why you want to basically cut your childrens and thier childrens children throats, and so on so forth.
6. Look around people.


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