No, Illegal Aliens Are NOT "Contributing"


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
I am so tired of hearing Democrats claim that illegal aliens are contributing to the US economy. Just now on the Fox News show hosted by Tucker Carlson, a liberal radio show host claimed that it is OK for California to be giving $20 Million to illegal aliens at the border, and those inside the state.

When challenged on that point (noting 75,000 California homeless citizens who could be getting that money), the answer was that the illegal aliens are "contributing" to California's economy. Actually, when looks at the situation in its entirety, it is obvious that not only are illegal (and legal) aliens NOT contributing, but the net result of their presence is just the opposite.

Just speaking economically, illegals are, in fact, a DRAIN that is causing LOSSES to California, and the US.

1. Immigrants (legal & illegal) are EXTRACTING $138 Billion out of the US economy in remittances, when they send out of the country. This is money not being spent in US stores (aka "the economy"), that would have been if Americans were in those jobs.

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2016

2. Immigrants (legal & illegal) are contributing less than Americans would be, if Americans had the jobs that immigrants have. That's because immigrants are paid less, and therefore pay less in taxes. So rather than being a "contribution", immigrant taxes are a net LOSS. Also, many illegals, due to the clandestine nature of their employment, work off the books and pay not tax at all.

3. Immigrants increase the population, and thus add to resource DRAIN. Less oil, gas, fresh water, minerals , etc. available per capita.

4. Although most immigrants are law abiding, some are criminal, and thus are an addition to the numbers of crimes committed, increasing those numbers + the amount of criminal justice money having to be spent.

5. Immigrants increase school populations thereby DRAINing school budgets.

6. Immigrants (including illegals) utilize EMTALA while obtaining medical care in hospitals' emergency rooms.

Unions are partly responsible for this overall loss, which especially hits American workers hard. Unions, overzealous to rebuild declining memberships, lied to American workers and told them, Don’t worry! This will make the union stronger. Maybe it did by giving them more workers to join them and pay union dies, but it sure didn't help American workers. Thirty years later, California construction workers who were making $45 an hour are now making $11 an hour, and majority of these are illegal aliens.


WATCH: Whistleblower Says Illegal Aliens Have 'Taken Over Every Trade' in CA Construction, Driven Down U.S. Wages | Breitbart

There are some things that immigrants DO contribute >> Pollution, traffic congestion, overcrowding, disease, cultural erosion.
Illegals have contributed to profits at Trump properties
But they were not known to be illegals. They got in with false documentation, and so were seen as Americans.

Please post relevant to the OP.
Illegals have contributed to profits at Trump properties
But they were not known to be illegals. They got in with false documentation, and so were seen as Americans.

Please post relevant to the OP.


why didn't they use e-verify?

I worked with illegals at a few places. everyone knew

please and Trump being a Self-proclaimed Stable Genius, how could he not know?


why didn't they use e-verify?

I worked with illegals at a few places. everyone knew

please and Trump being a Self-proclaimed Stable Genius, how could he not know?
You think Trump examines every one of tens of thousands of people in his employ ? And if illegals were using false Social Security identity, e-verify would not affect them.

It's a pretty flimsy argument to go after somebody who has had a few illegals working for him, submerged in an employee population of thousands of people. Come back when you have something substantial. Just coming in here and hollering "bullshit" doesn't fly.


why didn't they use e-verify?

I worked with illegals at a few places. everyone knew

please and Trump being a Self-proclaimed Stable Genius, how could he not know?
You think Trump examines every one of tens of thousands of people in his employ ? And if illegals were using false Social Security identity, e-verify would not affect them.

It's a pretty flimsy argument to go after somebody who has had a few illegals working for him, submerged in an employee population of thousands of people. Come back when you have something substantial. Just coming in here and hollering "bullshit" doesn't fly.
he knew

it's well known he knew

the best people for those low wages were illegals
Donald Trump knew illegals were working at his properties. Why would people deny the obvious?

Report: Trump Resort Hired Undocumented Workers

'Why wouldn't he figure it out?'

Victorina Morales, who is a Guatemala national, told the newspaper: “We are tired of the abuse, the insults, the way he talks about us when he knows that we are here helping him make money.” She added, “We sweat it out to attend to his every need and have to put up with his humiliation.”

Sandra Diaz, a Costa Rica native and now a legal U.S. resident, who once worked at the New Jersey club, said there were “many people without papers.” According to The Times, Diaz “witnessed several people being hired whom she knew to be undocumented.”

The newspaper account says a golf club employee drives other employees to their jobs at the club “because it is known that they cannot legally obtain driver’s licenses” without the proper immigration documents.

The New York Times says there is no evidence the president or the Trump Organization knew about the immigration status of their workers.

However, the article ends with Morales saying about Trump: “I ask myself, is it possible that this señor thinks we have papers? He knows we don’t speak English. ... Why wouldn’t he figure it out.”​


why didn't they use e-verify?

I worked with illegals at a few places. everyone knew

please and Trump being a Self-proclaimed Stable Genius, how could he not know?
You think Trump examines every one of tens of thousands of people in his employ ? And if illegals were using false Social Security identity, e-verify would not affect them.

It's a pretty flimsy argument to go after somebody who has had a few illegals working for him, submerged in an employee population of thousands of people. Come back when you have something substantial. Just coming in here and hollering "bullshit" doesn't fly.
he knew

it's well known he knew

the best people for those low wages were illegals

He didn't know Manafort was a tax cheat either.
He didn't know Flynn was making promises to the Russians
He didn't know that his son was meeting with the Russians one floor below his office
He didn't know Roger Stone was directing the hacking of DNC and Podesta e-mail accounts.
Poor taken advantage of.
Illegals have contributed to profits at Trump properties
But they were not known to be illegals. They got in with false documentation, and so were seen as Americans.

Please post relevant to the OP.


why didn't they use e-verify?

I worked with illegals at a few places. everyone knew

please and Trump being a Self-proclaimed Stable Genius, how could he not know?

If an illegal has a fake set of papers, the papers DID belong to someone else before they were stolen then sold to the illegals.

E-verify can't get around stolen papers.
he knew

it's well known he knew

the best people for those low wages were illegals

You're making quite a case for yourself as a phony. You take a speech from Trump's daughter where she's talking about hiring people on qualifications, not on race or sex, and dishonestly convert her words into what you want them to be perceived as > ie. hiring illegals instead of legals.

And you think somebody is going to be snowed by that ? I see you're new here. Let me tell you. People here aren't stupid.

As I said before, come back when you have something substantial. Here, you have NOTHING. You haven't presented a shred of evidence to show that Trump even knew these women existed, let alone their legal status. Give us a break. :rolleyes:
Illegals have contributed to profits at Trump properties
But they were not known to be illegals. They got in with false documentation, and so were seen as Americans.

Please post relevant to the OP.


why didn't they use e-verify?

I worked with illegals at a few places. everyone knew

please and Trump being a Self-proclaimed Stable Genius, how could he not know?

If an illegal has a fake set of papers, the papers DID belong to someone else before they were stolen then sold to the illegals.

E-verify can't get around stolen papers.
please, they didn't all have somebody else's identities. you're bending over backwards as an apologist

I worked alongside illegals

everyone knew

but I guess everything is different in Trump World, eh? You know it's true he knew. It just kills you to admit it
No, "everyone" DOES NOT know that. In fact, everyone is smart enough to know that in business, when you have tens of thousands of employees, you don't know who almost all of them are.

This is all left up to hiring managers, and they may not know who the employees are either, due to the use of false documentation, which is quite common. This is the reason why prosecutions of employers for IRCA violations are rare. Ho hum. this guy is putting me to sleep. :bigbed:

Also, you obviously don't know what you're talking about since the MAroLago employees were legal visa workers, not illegal aliens.
ok why are you such an apologists

Trump was so concerned about illegals he never ordered his own company to NOT hire them?
Are you just trolling here ?, becasue your comments are a bit too asinine to be legit.

Of course, his company was ordered to not hire illegals. But when they have false documentation, there is no way to know that they are illegals. (and you haven't presented a shred of evidence that there was)
from rightwing news:
President Trump’s business empire will start to use the federal E-Verify program to weed out workers who are in the country illegally, the Trump Organization announced this week, after another set of workers came forward to say they had been employed at one of his golf courses.

The Washington Times reported last month that just five of the 565 companies in the president’s empire were signed up for the system.

Now, the others say they’re finally going to get on board. Dinged by illegal hires, Trump companies agree to use E-Verify

THE BOTTOM LINE is MORE IMPORTANT To the Trump Family Criminal Organization
I don't have the time to go into all these links you're polluting this thread with, but in time over the next week, I will, and I'll see if they have a grain of truth, or are saying anything even worth talking about. In the meantime, I'm not accepting a word of any of it.

What I said before still holds - that with tens of thousands of employees, a business owner doesn't not know who 99% of them are, and the hiring managers are often unable to ascertain legal from illegal, which is why employer prosecution is rare. In case you may not know, under the IRCA law, employers can be liable for hiring illegal aliens only if they do so KNOWINGLY.
No, Illegal Aliens Are NOT "Contributing?

they contributed to profits at Trump properties
The OP TOPIC is about "contributing " to the US economy, not somebody's individual business. So talking about what anybody did at any private company is a completely OFF TOPIC violation of forum rules.

If there are 20M illegal aliens in the US, they are contributing mightily to the sales tax receipts of the communities where they live. Wherever they shop, they are getting charged sales taxes on clothing, supplies, etc...

So their presence is far from the total loss the OP makes it out to be.
If there are 20M illegal aliens in the US, they are contributing mightily to the sales tax receipts of the communities where they live. Wherever they shop, they are getting charged sales taxes on clothing, supplies, etc...

So their presence is far from the total loss the OP makes it out to be.

So go ahead, give us the ‘real’ number...and factor in the value of the life of Mollie Tibbetts would you please.
If there are 20M illegal aliens in the US, they are contributing mightily to the sales tax receipts of the communities where they live. Wherever they shop, they are getting charged sales taxes on clothing, supplies, etc...

So their presence is far from the total loss the OP makes it out to be.
This post is refuted by both #1 and #2 of the OP >>

1. Immigrants (legal & illegal) are EXTRACTING $138 Billion out of the US economy in remittances, when they send out of the country. This is money not being spent in US stores (aka "the economy"), that would have been if Americans were in those jobs. Thus, immigrant sales tax "contribution" is far less than the sales tax contribution would be if Americans had the jobs held by immigrants. Thus, the immigrant jobs represent a LOSS in sales tax.

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2016

2. Immigrants (legal & illegal) are contributing less than Americans would be, if Americans had the jobs that immigrants have. So sales from immigrants is much less than would be if Americans held the jobs that immigrants hold. US business are not only losing $138 Billion/year in sales due to remittances, but from all these lost sales, the govts are losing sales tax $$ as well.

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