No comments?

*sigh* I thought I'd beaten that bit of idiocy out of you by now.. Oh well.. Back to square one...
Bonnie said:
I think we have many lurkers that like to "watch"........
.. I watched for a while too but as a guest not a member. When I decided to join I had made up my mind to post..... something. Different strokes for different folks I guess. :huh:
Mr. P said:
Beat me more on the "other" thread, we've off topic here.:)

That's ok. I have a high cute factor, so I'll get into LESS trouble than you will. :D
Johnney said:
ole men have the best

Unfortunately, they're usually skulking in the bushes, sending it out on a fishing line...
Shattered said:
I lurked for about a week before opening my big mouth.. :)

I lurked for some time. I posted on another board that was more filled with Liberals. I felt I had some use there killing their dreams and pulling the threads in their arguments than I did here agreeing most of the time. I would stop by lurk and read some good posts before tearing back into that board. I then decided to get into the conversation to bolster myself for more Liberal attacks on that board as they were getting particularly shrill just before the election.

Now, this is the board I post mostly on and I visit occassionally on that board.
jimnyc said:
It took me awhile as I'm no wiz in editing vBulletin templates and php code, but I added the option at the bottom of the board showing all the visitors to the board in the past 24 hours (from midnight).

Like? dislike? haven't noticed? Could care less?

Noticed it right away. I like it... and check it every time I'm here now.

Keep it Big Jim.

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