No c.o.l.a. For seniors is paying for what?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Senior will not be getting a C.O.L.A for the third year. How much is it saving the government and what does it pay for? Incarcerations illegal aliens. School lunches and breakfast for children of illegal aliens? Healthcare for illegal aliens and their children. Instate tuition for children of illegal aliens and eventually amnesty? Putting people to death in prison? Everyone in America is making is making sacrifices except illegal aliens.

Congress has made sure that social security recipients will not receive a COLA for the next two years. Congressional members received a $4,700 pay raise in January of 2009, and in March of 2009, voted to curtail any increase until 2011. The congressional members currently receive an annual sum of $174,000.00.

Why do they receive a raise in 2011, but social security will still have a cola freeze?

The well being of our senior citizens is in jeopardy. 7 out of 10 seniors have stipulated that they will suffer financially due to the lack of a COLA increase in their 2010 social security income. This information was gathered by a telephone poll conducted October 21 - 29, 2009 by the Insured Retirement Institute.

Many seniors will be and have been just barely living on beans, rice, and ramen noodles. Many have gone and will go without needed doctor visits and medications. Many have and will lose their homes because they can no longer meet their expenses.
(And Section 8 Housing program is closed indefinitely)

social security cola rip off. Senior Citizens Unite!
Ironic how most of our problem point to illegal immigration except the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
That's called "austerity". We do with less while our masters (Banksters and Elected Officials) raise taxes for them and cut services for us. Both the Democrats AND Republicans are guilty.

When will it end? People start getting real angry when food costs about 40% or more of your take home pay. I think we pay about, on average, 10-15% right now but that will rise rapidly in the next few years.

My advice to you: Start stockpiling food.
I posted this post because I hear senior saying that there is no skin off their back because they are not paying the price. They don't understand that if they are living at all they are paying. When the buy food, and when their benefits and services are cut. Even children pay.

"To stand in silence when they should be protesting makes cowards out of men"
Abraham Lincoln
I posted this post because I hear senior saying that there is no skin off their back because they are not paying the price. They don't understand that if they are living at all they are paying. When the buy food, and when their benefits and services are cut. Even children pay.
Anyone on a fixed income is gonna' suffer when inflation hits. And inflation is a certainty as long as the Privately owned Federal Reserve is printing money and giving it to Banks.
AND - giving it to the imported poor! Again, so many of you live in a fantasy world and with your heads in the sand. It's no wonder this country is going to hell in a hand basket - much sooner than I predicted.

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