No 2nd amendment and it’s an island…gun offenses up 2,500% in Britain..


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
They don’t have a border with Indians……so how is this possible?

Britain's gun crime epidemic: Firearm offences in London soar 2,500% in one year with 850 incidents in England and Wales - as interactive map reveals how many gun crimes have been in YOUR area

  • Firearms offences have risen by 49% in a year according to Home Office data
  • This year has seen 850 offences lodged across England and Wales
  • This includes 237 London incidents - a 2533% increase on past figures

How do you have a gun crime epidemic in a country without a second amendment, extreme gun control, all the anti-gun laws that American gun banners dream about……and you are an island that doesn’t share a border with Indiana?
And in about 6,000 years, they may have a fifth of the gun deaths we have if this trend continues.

And yet as I told you, their gun crime rate is going up......why?

Because their criminals are changing.......the social welfare state, and their immigration policies have created new criminals who aren't afraid of the police, and who need more and more guns to fight each other over drug turf........
We have too many illegal immigrants who enjoy nothing more than gun fights over drugs , trafficking and scamming stupid American tourists .

Decent English people look the other way and ignore these uncultured third world types.

The true number of gun crimes committed by jolly decent English people is fast approaching zero .

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