NK Readies To Attack SK within days


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
Kim Jong-Un's army fires rockets at mock enemy warships | Daily Mail Online
Someone should let the pervert to watch some Youtubes like this one:
kuwait road of dead - Google Search:
Those 'hundreds of tanks' the pervert claims to have are sitting ducks for the B1 bombers.
The minute the pervert orders the rockets to be fired a nice fat MOAB will be landing on his head.
Anyone who doesn't believe there are B1s flying at 50K+ feet above the pervert's head 24/7 is delusional.
Cut off the pervert's head and the millions of half starved NK military zombies will stand at attention and die of thirst waiting for orders that will never come.
All the analysis of the current DPRK versus Trump-USA spectacle that I've seen ignores the Globalist.
The conflict is NOT just USA versus DPRK.
The Globalist are using DPRK to trigger nuke attack to end all "sovereign" nations and end the current world order.
Globalist minions are pressuring Trump to attack DPKR .... and looks to me like they will succeed. Quoting: JWP

whats the point of building a new world order with a nuclear wasteland? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 74768464

A lot of people will survive. And the Globalist have well planned to fully enjoy their rule of the survivors.

The Globalist deem the world losing a billion or two (or even more) of it's current inhabitants to be a wonderful outcome.

See the Vatican's FAZZINI sculputure ... named "Christ rising from crater of nuclear bomb blast"

Via Knights of Malta, the Vatican owns the CIA. CIA has access to EVERYTHING the Fed Govt has. EVERYTHING.

I fully believe via the CIA the Vatican has had nukes planted in key targets in USA and Europe.

Goal: End the "sovereign nations" turn them into FAILED STATES.

Later to be transformed into provinces of the One World Government.

Trump-USA attack of DPKR just the means to lead into MANY nukes exploding .... and few will suspect the entity that set the nukes.

ps: when I grad from flight school, upon choice of what plane to fly ...At Cherry Point NAS,
I was asked: "if so ordered by competent authority, would you drop nuke on an American city"


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