NJ Mayor, Admitted Surrogate, Does Complete Flip-Flop On Bain Capital


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I was listening to "Meet The Depressed" yesterday and heard Newark's mayor admit he was an Obama surrogate and claim that he was literally sickened by the attacks on Bain Capital and on Rev Wright. Within 2 hrs he released a video totally changing his position. Bain Capital is Fair-Game in his book.

I listened to the guy and most of what he said was pro-Obama, but still, the right found this little morsel of truth, played it on FOX, and then somehow somebody got to him and convinced him to publically change his stance. They basically made him fall on his own sword because they need this fake story line to stick. They can't have their surrogates showing their true feelings. Everyone has to be on the same page or it doesn't pass the smell test.

The truth is, the Obama Administration has no shame. Lying and making stuff up about their opposition is all they have, and believe it or not, lying about everything is an effective campaign tactic when you have the resources Obama has. I'm sure their best defense is their surrogates repeating these lies on air, and if that doesn't work they can always resort to the tried and tested "They All Do IT!!!!" "The GOP is just as bad as us!"

Their army of private free-lance opposition researchers can always find an example of some schmuck on the right that did exactly the same thing.
The black community in New Jersey got to him and told if if he wants to run for governor at some point, he better perform his role as an "official" surrogate for the Obama Campaign.
If Mayor Booker is "sickened" by the attacks on "Reverend Wrong", then he is STILL just another racist Obama PROSTITUTE (he isn't important enough to reach Obama "pimp" status) with no core values, no core beliefs, and a "race warlord in-training" I.D. card.

Booker should be embarrassed that he is the mayor of a cesspool city that has been reduced to anarchy, in a state where the top two-thirds should be walled off and converted into a giant prison.

Booker says he is STILL going to work hard to get Obama re-elected, so what is the big concern here? Just WHO, outside of New Jersey, has ever even HEARD of Cory Booker, until yesterday?

Are the Democrat neo-coms (sorry for the redundancy) so INSECURE about Barack Obama that ANY Obama prostitute who doesn't stay on the "plantation", and on his/her knees, is considered to be a potential "runner"?

At least Obama won't have to worry about his "mainstream" news media hookers and pimps leaving the plantation...........they all just bought enough kneepads and condoms (at taxpayer expense, of course) to last them through November.
Salt called this yesterday.

New Jersey mayor is back on the plantation.

I've been looking around and it is becoming more and more clear that nothing Obama does is what it seems. The right doesn't know. The left doesn't know. When they drift they're pulled back in somehow ether with a bribe or threats.

The corruption is palatable. I long for the days when it wasn't so much in our faces.
Bain caplital is going to become the bane of your exsistance.

Enjoy the candidate your masters chose for you.

You did get robmoney just like we told you you would.

And your even liking it like we told you you would
Salt called this yesterday.

New Jersey mayor is back on the plantation.

I've been looking around and it is becoming more and more clear that nothing Obama does is what it seems. The right doesn't know. The left doesn't know. When they drift they're pulled back in somehow ether with a bribe or threats.

The corruption is palatable. I long for the days when it wasn't so much in our faces.

I long for the days when the average U.S. citizen was shocked by government corruption, graft, flip-flopping, lies, back-room deals, and all of the other things that happen in the sick, twisted world of "politics".

People just don't CARE anymore. They are either too ignorant to care, too depressed to care, too pre-occupied with their own problems to care, or they feel too insignificant to believe they can make a difference.

Politics, politicians, and government in-general have ALWAYS been full of corruption and scandal and the pathological desire for absolute power.

Nothing has changed, except for the "enhanced" abilities of the news media to report it or cover it up or spin it to suit their own agendas.
Funny that a Rev is all that the GOP has to attack Obama with, this was an issue last election but holds no water now.
Salt called this yesterday.

New Jersey mayor is back on the plantation.

I've been looking around and it is becoming more and more clear that nothing Obama does is what it seems. The right doesn't know. The left doesn't know. When they drift they're pulled back in somehow ether with a bribe or threats.

The corruption is palatable. I long for the days when it wasn't so much in our faces.

More pressure was put on Booker by the black community in New Jersey, than by Obama. Blacks love Obama, Booker wants to be governor, Booker needs the black vote, hence the cave.
Salt called this yesterday.

New Jersey mayor is back on the plantation.

I've been looking around and it is becoming more and more clear that nothing Obama does is what it seems. The right doesn't know. The left doesn't know. When they drift they're pulled back in somehow ether with a bribe or threats.

The corruption is palatable. I long for the days when it wasn't so much in our faces.

I long for the days when the average U.S. citizen was shocked by government corruption, graft, flip-flopping, lies, back-room deals, and all of the other things that happen in the sick, twisted world of "politics".

People just don't CARE anymore. They are either too ignorant to care, too depressed to care, too pre-occupied with their own problems to care, or they feel too insignificant to believe they can make a difference.

Politics, politicians, and government in-general have ALWAYS been full of corruption and scandal and the pathological desire for absolute power.

Nothing has changed, except for the "enhanced" abilities of the news media to report it or cover it up or spin it to suit their own agendas.

What the hell are you talking about? Years agao in the USA you were elected if you were KKK, anti-black, anti gay-ant-anti, by local voters.
Funny that a Rev is all that the GOP has to attack Obama with, this was an issue last election but holds no water now.

If you say so Sparky.

Rev Wright is a window into Obama's real personality. That is the only thing he is.

Obama's words and acts are the bulk of the indictments of his presidency. Rev Wright merely helps us deduce what makes him do what he does.
I've been looking around and it is becoming more and more clear that nothing Obama does is what it seems. The right doesn't know. The left doesn't know. When they drift they're pulled back in somehow ether with a bribe or threats.

The corruption is palatable. I long for the days when it wasn't so much in our faces.

I long for the days when the average U.S. citizen was shocked by government corruption, graft, flip-flopping, lies, back-room deals, and all of the other things that happen in the sick, twisted world of "politics".

People just don't CARE anymore. They are either too ignorant to care, too depressed to care, too pre-occupied with their own problems to care, or they feel too insignificant to believe they can make a difference.

Politics, politicians, and government in-general have ALWAYS been full of corruption and scandal and the pathological desire for absolute power.

Nothing has changed, except for the "enhanced" abilities of the news media to report it or cover it up or spin it to suit their own agendas.

What the hell are you talking about? Years agao in the USA you were elected if you were KKK, anti-black, anti gay-ant-anti, by local voters.

Yeah, Democrats elected Robert Byrd and George Wallace.
I've been looking around and it is becoming more and more clear that nothing Obama does is what it seems. The right doesn't know. The left doesn't know. When they drift they're pulled back in somehow ether with a bribe or threats.

The corruption is palatable. I long for the days when it wasn't so much in our faces.

I long for the days when the average U.S. citizen was shocked by government corruption, graft, flip-flopping, lies, back-room deals, and all of the other things that happen in the sick, twisted world of "politics".

People just don't CARE anymore. They are either too ignorant to care, too depressed to care, too pre-occupied with their own problems to care, or they feel too insignificant to believe they can make a difference.

Politics, politicians, and government in-general have ALWAYS been full of corruption and scandal and the pathological desire for absolute power.

Nothing has changed, except for the "enhanced" abilities of the news media to report it or cover it up or spin it to suit their own agendas.

What the hell are you talking about? Years agao in the USA you were elected if you were KKK, anti-black, anti gay-ant-anti, by local voters.

You are absolutely correct, but I don't get your point.

I'm not talking about the people who voted for Robert KKK Byrd, or the people who voted for Barack Obama because he is black (albeit HALF-black), or the southern Democrats who voted for the most vile racists.

I'm talking about TODAY.
I long for the days when the average U.S. citizen was shocked by government corruption, graft, flip-flopping, lies, back-room deals, and all of the other things that happen in the sick, twisted world of "politics".

People just don't CARE anymore. They are either too ignorant to care, too depressed to care, too pre-occupied with their own problems to care, or they feel too insignificant to believe they can make a difference.

Politics, politicians, and government in-general have ALWAYS been full of corruption and scandal and the pathological desire for absolute power.

Nothing has changed, except for the "enhanced" abilities of the news media to report it or cover it up or spin it to suit their own agendas.

What the hell are you talking about? Years agao in the USA you were elected if you were KKK, anti-black, anti gay-ant-anti, by local voters.

You are absolutely correct, but I don't get your point.

I'm not talking about the people who voted for Robert KKK Byrd, or the people who voted for Barack Obama because he is black (albeit HALF-black), or the southern Democrats who voted for the most vile racists.

I'm talking about TODAY.

Or the people who voted for Jesse Helms or Strom Thurman. I see you didn't mention them.

As for today, today is mild compared to past American political history, study the topic.
Funny that a Rev is all that the GOP has to attack Obama with, this was an issue last election but holds no water now.

There are so MANY issues and angles to attack Barack Obama on, it's difficult to choose just one.

Reverend Wright is old news. Apparently Booker missed that memo. He's probably still busy laying off Newark police officers.

Choosing which one of Obama's DISASTERS to attack him with, is like being a kid on Halloween night with a bag full of candy.............WHICH ONE should we "enjoy" first?
What the hell are you talking about? Years agao in the USA you were elected if you were KKK, anti-black, anti gay-ant-anti, by local voters.

You are absolutely correct, but I don't get your point.

I'm not talking about the people who voted for Robert KKK Byrd, or the people who voted for Barack Obama because he is black (albeit HALF-black), or the southern Democrats who voted for the most vile racists.

I'm talking about TODAY.

Or the people who voted for Jesse Helms or Strom Thurman. I see you didn't mention them.

As for today, today is mild compared to past American political history, study the topic.

You're playing with fire, son. I am a HISTORIAN. It's what I do. It's "Thurmond", not "Thurman". Strom was a DEMOCRAT, back in the days when he was a card-carrying RACIST. He changed his tune, mended his ways, and became a Republican.

I never saw Robert Byrd "mend his ways", or even APOLOGIZE for being a card-carrying member of the KKK.

I also seem to recall that Bill Clinton claimed former Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus and former Arkansas Senator J. William Fullbright (both segregationists) as his "mentors".

Fullbright and Faubus................both involved in some "messy" racist "situations".

The list goes on and on and on. Checkmate, son.
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What the hell are you talking about? Years agao in the USA you were elected if you were KKK, anti-black, anti gay-ant-anti, by local voters.

You are absolutely correct, but I don't get your point.

I'm not talking about the people who voted for Robert KKK Byrd, or the people who voted for Barack Obama because he is black (albeit HALF-black), or the southern Democrats who voted for the most vile racists.

I'm talking about TODAY.

Or the people who voted for Jesse Helms or Strom Thurman. I see you didn't mention them.

As for today, today is mild compared to past American political history, study the topic.

Good examples. Good thing they're gone, huh.

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