Ninth Circuit Sides With Trump on Border Wall

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Oh that’s got to hurt.

The court they count on to reverse everything wholesome that is implemented, just took a big dump on their position.

Happy days are here again... on one issue.


The infamously liberal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals just sided with the Trump Administration on a border wall case, as The Hill reports:

A California-based federal appeals court on Monday sided with the Trump administration in lawsuits brought by states and environmental groups challenging the U.S. government’s authority to expedite construction of barriers along the border with Mexico.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in a 2-1 ruling said the Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 gives the Department of Homeland Security broad authority to construct the border barriers and waive environmental laws in the process.

The ruling affirms a district court’s decision that allowed the federal government to construct wall “prototypes” and replace 14 miles of primary fencing near San Diego and replace similar fencing along a three-mile strip near Calexico, Calif.

The appeals court decision also narrows the path for environmental groups to launch legal challenges to President Trump’s proposed border wall.

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