Nine muslim apes gang raped mother of two in Sweden


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
If you have IQ 55, are youth and muslim, ugly appearance, zero education except excellent knowelage of Quran, can make ficki-ficki 24/7 you are welcome in Sweden as so-called 'refuge' to avoid brutal war in Syria. Even as an Afghan.
What strafe can became these apes.Almost nothing, probably 20 hours social works and a treatment by psychologist as a 'traumatized' refuge.
Sweden is politically correct and has respect to Islam.

The Swedish mother of two was gang-raped to the sound of laughter and joyful shouts by at least nine refugees at a refugee camp in Småland Mariannelund, Sweden. The woman was almost apathetic after the rape and still feels that she has something stuffed in the genital area. Today, the prosecutor presented the evidence, consisting of semen probes, against nine men, of whom several defends their actions against the woman.
‘She is a whore,’ says the Swedish Migration Board interpreter Bahaduri Rafi, 25, who is one of the defendants.

Prosecutor Gunnar Brodin disclosed that forensic scientists found 48 semen stains in the refugee apartment where the gang rape took place. Inside the victim’s rectum and farther up the digestive system was recovered sperm from at least four people. In total, nine men are connected to the rape.

Besides the sadistic gang rape, which was committed by Afghan refugees, the mother of two was close to death because her airways was clogged during the rape, stated courtroom clerk Charlotte Bokelund during the trial. …

The mother of two, who have chosen to follow the trial, repeatedly felt so bad that she had to leave the courtroom to vomit.

48 stains of semen found after refugee gang rape mother of two




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In Finland their Government taught their women to use "the force" to stop Muslim rapists. Sweden needs to adopt these tough procedures

“They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness” -- God
What's wrong with raping a woman? In many Muslim nations, the rapist is blameless. It is part of their culture and who are we to condemn it.

I'm sure the Swede's will excuse it, it's cultural after all. You have to make some cultural allowances for these things.
What's wrong with raping a woman? In many Muslim nations, the rapist is blameless. It is part of their culture and who are we to condemn it.


Well it's not like they are raping people, they are raping women.

From some of the remarks on this, it's pretty clear a lot of the libstains approve of these heinous crimes. Not surprising in the least. Now, keeping with the libstain mantra. some will undoubtedly post, "What crimes."
I'm sure the Swede's will excuse it, it's cultural after all. You have to make some cultural allowances for these things.

It's the fault of the white man's oppressive policies of the past.

The Swede's don't recognize it as a migrant problem, their law forbids them from doing so.

Swedish PM Is Right, You Can’t Blame Muslim Refugees for Rise in Rapes

“Sexual harassment is not automatically binding to migration and immigration,” Swedish prime minister Stefan Löfven told CNBC at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Wednesday, explaining, “We have had sexual harassment in Sweden for many, many years, unfortunately.”

There are two reasons as to why the prime minister could make his bewildering statement without fear of being contradicted: Swedish law forbids registration based on people’s ancestry or religion; and the last time anyone ran a thorough study of rape rates in Sweden was 2005. So if you can’t refer to a rapist by his country of origin, and you don’t count which ethnic minority commits what percentage of the rape, you, too, would have to agree that there’s no proof it’s the Muslims doing the raping in Sweden.

So it’s down to anecdotal information — you see who gets picked up by police for rape in Sweden and it’s Muslims, and estimates which are not completely scientific. But as those go, the results are staggering. The website Muslim Statistics cites government data suggesting 77.6% of rapes in Sweden are committed by the 2% Muslim male segment of the population. These percentages do not include Muslims with Swedish citizenship, who are classified under “Swedish nationals.”

I looked for other sources documenting the problem, other than right wing. Folks on the left are indeed putting their heads in the sand. It's sad, it really is. Even Snopes admitted that bracelets were given out to raise awareness. Like aggressive males care. . . :badgrin:

Protests on Swedish island, attack on refugee center after rape of wheelchair-bound woman


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