Night before Trump’s inauguration was ‘very emotional


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
I have had to make some edits from this story to ensure "Gender Neutrality" in order to appease "liberal sensitivity"


Night before Trump’s inauguration was ‘very emotional’: Michelle Obama

The Meat Puppet Faggot's Wookie Husband, in an interview Saturday evening said the night before President Trump’s inauguration in January 2017 was “very emotional.”

This coming from a leftist piece of shit that was earlier quoted as having said it "couldn't wait to walk out of the WH and never look back"

"The truth is, on that day I was moving my children out of the only house they had really grown up in,” the former first wookie told Gayle King of CBS News at the Essence Festival in New Orleans. “I 'think' that gets lost on people.”

They grew up?

It said she was rushing to get her daughters and their friends out of the White House after they’d had a sleepover the night before the inauguration.

Now you want them to be perceived as little kids?

“The girls didn't get up,” she explained. “They're all crying and they have their teddy bears and they're moving slow and I'm like, 'You've got to get up and get out of this house.' And I don't know where these kids are going, but they had to get up and out of that house. So you've got tears and I'm pushing people out a freight elevator and my kids are crying.”

Are you kidding me? These are grown up "kids" who we've seen pictures of smoking dope for God's sake. Now you're trying to act like they were little kids clutching teddy bears as the secret service was dragging you out of a house you owned? You have to be Weapons Grade Stupid to conclude rational people would believe this story.

“That's why they make the babies cute because you would leave them at the post office,” It joked.

Uhhh... No... YOU might leave them for dead, or even eat them. The rest of us value human life, especially that of our children.

It said it "thinks" it's faggot wife sometimes made the presidency look easy.

“I guess it's kind of like if the black guy can do it, anybody can do it -- and that's not true. It's a hard job.”

The wookie said people forget how many punches they took to win the White House and that for a bit it was portrayed as “an angry black woman who was emasculating her husband.” Both Democrats and Republicans were afraid of “the strength of a black woman,” it said.

It can't open it's filthy sewer without gassing on about racism. I am so glad these freaks of nature are out of the WH.

I have had to make some edits from this story to ensure "Gender Neutrality" in order to appease "liberal sensitivity"


Night before Trump’s inauguration was ‘very emotional’: Michelle Obama

The Meat Puppet Faggot's Wookie Husband, in an interview Saturday evening said the night before President Trump’s inauguration in January 2017 was “very emotional.”

This coming from a leftist piece of shit that was earlier quoted as having said it "couldn't wait to walk out of the WH and never look back"

"The truth is, on that day I was moving my children out of the only house they had really grown up in,” the former first wookie told Gayle King of CBS News at the Essence Festival in New Orleans. “I 'think' that gets lost on people.”

They grew up?

It said she was rushing to get her daughters and their friends out of the White House after they’d had a sleepover the night before the inauguration.

Now you want them to be perceived as little kids?

“The girls didn't get up,” she explained. “They're all crying and they have their teddy bears and they're moving slow and I'm like, 'You've got to get up and get out of this house.' And I don't know where these kids are going, but they had to get up and out of that house. So you've got tears and I'm pushing people out a freight elevator and my kids are crying.”

Are you kidding me? These are grown up "kids" who we've seen pictures of smoking dope for God's sake. Now you're trying to act like they were little kids clutching teddy bears as the secret service was dragging you out of a house you owned? You have to be Weapons Grade Stupid to conclude rational people would believe this story.

“That's why they make the babies cute because you would leave them at the post office,” It joked.

Uhhh... No... YOU might leave them for dead, or even eat them. The rest of us value human life, especially that of our children.

It said it "thinks" it's faggot wife sometimes made the presidency look easy.

“I guess it's kind of like if the black guy can do it, anybody can do it -- and that's not true. It's a hard job.”

The wookie said people forget how many punches they took to win the White House and that for a bit it was portrayed as “an angry black woman who was emasculating her husband.” Both Democrats and Republicans were afraid of “the strength of a black woman,” it said.

It can't open it's filthy sewer without gassing on about racism. I am so glad these freaks of nature are out of the WH.


I can only imagine how emotional it was for Hillary. She didn't have her teddy bears, though, she was breaking dishes, throwing lamps, and firing staff as Bill hid in his Den with his copy of Hustler magazine fantasizing what it must be like to have a real woman.
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I can only imagine how emotional it was for Hillary. She didn't have her teddy bears, though, she was breaking dishes, throwing lamps, and firing staff as Bill hid in his Den with his copy of Hustler magazine fantasizing what it must be like to have a real woman.

Hitlery did have the furniture she stole from the WH and from the State Dept to comfort her that night.

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I have had to make some edits from this story to ensure "Gender Neutrality" in order to appease "liberal sensitivity"


Night before Trump’s inauguration was ‘very emotional’: Michelle Obama

The Meat Puppet Faggot's Wookie Husband, in an interview Saturday evening said the night before President Trump’s inauguration in January 2017 was “very emotional.”

This coming from a leftist piece of shit that was earlier quoted as having said it "couldn't wait to walk out of the WH and never look back"

"The truth is, on that day I was moving my children out of the only house they had really grown up in,” the former first wookie told Gayle King of CBS News at the Essence Festival in New Orleans. “I 'think' that gets lost on people.”

They grew up?

It said she was rushing to get her daughters and their friends out of the White House after they’d had a sleepover the night before the inauguration.

Now you want them to be perceived as little kids?

“The girls didn't get up,” she explained. “They're all crying and they have their teddy bears and they're moving slow and I'm like, 'You've got to get up and get out of this house.' And I don't know where these kids are going, but they had to get up and out of that house. So you've got tears and I'm pushing people out a freight elevator and my kids are crying.”

Are you kidding me? These are grown up "kids" who we've seen pictures of smoking dope for God's sake. Now you're trying to act like they were little kids clutching teddy bears as the secret service was dragging you out of a house you owned? You have to be Weapons Grade Stupid to conclude rational people would believe this story.

“That's why they make the babies cute because you would leave them at the post office,” It joked.

Uhhh... No... YOU might leave them for dead, or even eat them. The rest of us value human life, especially that of our children.

It said it "thinks" it's faggot wife sometimes made the presidency look easy.

“I guess it's kind of like if the black guy can do it, anybody can do it -- and that's not true. It's a hard job.”

The wookie said people forget how many punches they took to win the White House and that for a bit it was portrayed as “an angry black woman who was emasculating her husband.” Both Democrats and Republicans were afraid of “the strength of a black woman,” it said.

It can't open it's filthy sewer without gassing on about racism. I am so glad these freaks of nature are out of the WH.

Michelle really did forget the people she could have helped-the poor blacks. She wanted to be the Laura Bush type and missed her chance. Seems Melania does more with kids.
I can only imagine how emotional it was for Hillary. She didn't have her teddy bears, though, she was breaking dishes, throwing lamps, and firing staff as Bill hid in his Den with his copy of Hustler magazine fantasizing what it must be like to have a real woman.

Plus stealing furniture.

Yes, let's not forget trying to take anything that wasn't nailed down, including the rugs, curtains and dishes. They had the back of their van half loaded with goods before being caught. Isn't stealing from the White House a federal crime? All those nice priceless things that Jackie Kennedy had so meticulously collected and put there. After all, the Clintons just assumed that everything in the Whitehouse was just theirs to take! This from the family that sold tickets to people to sleep overnight in the Lincoln bedroom. God knows what went on in there. Now we know how the Clintons made their millions after leaving the presidency dirt poor like the common folk.
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Michelle really did forget the people she could have helped-the poor blacks. She wanted to be the Laura Bush type and missed her chance. Seems Melania does more with kids.

Good point, but solving problems puts bureaucrats out of work, and if poverty in the black community is ever actually fixed it will be through self reliance and that doesn't work for socialism.

I personally don't believe those people gave a damn about anyone other than themselves.

I have had to make some edits from this story to ensure "Gender Neutrality" in order to appease "liberal sensitivity"


Night before Trump’s inauguration was ‘very emotional’: Michelle Obama

The Meat Puppet Faggot's Wookie Husband, in an interview Saturday evening said the night before President Trump’s inauguration in January 2017 was “very emotional.”

This coming from a leftist piece of shit that was earlier quoted as having said it "couldn't wait to walk out of the WH and never look back"

"The truth is, on that day I was moving my children out of the only house they had really grown up in,” the former first wookie told Gayle King of CBS News at the Essence Festival in New Orleans. “I 'think' that gets lost on people.”

They grew up?

It said she was rushing to get her daughters and their friends out of the White House after they’d had a sleepover the night before the inauguration.

Now you want them to be perceived as little kids?

“The girls didn't get up,” she explained. “They're all crying and they have their teddy bears and they're moving slow and I'm like, 'You've got to get up and get out of this house.' And I don't know where these kids are going, but they had to get up and out of that house. So you've got tears and I'm pushing people out a freight elevator and my kids are crying.”

Are you kidding me? These are grown up "kids" who we've seen pictures of smoking dope for God's sake. Now you're trying to act like they were little kids clutching teddy bears as the secret service was dragging you out of a house you owned? You have to be Weapons Grade Stupid to conclude rational people would believe this story.

“That's why they make the babies cute because you would leave them at the post office,” It joked.

Uhhh... No... YOU might leave them for dead, or even eat them. The rest of us value human life, especially that of our children.

It said it "thinks" it's faggot wife sometimes made the presidency look easy.

“I guess it's kind of like if the black guy can do it, anybody can do it -- and that's not true. It's a hard job.”

The wookie said people forget how many punches they took to win the White House and that for a bit it was portrayed as “an angry black woman who was emasculating her husband.” Both Democrats and Republicans were afraid of “the strength of a black woman,” it said.

It can't open it's filthy sewer without gassing on about racism. I am so glad these freaks of nature are out of the WH.


I can only imagine how emotional it was for Hillary. She didn't have her teddy bears, though, she was breaking dishes, throwing lamps, and firing staff as Bill hid in his Den with his copy of Hustler magazine fantasizing what it must be like to have a real woman.
Screw the Hildebeast. She got exactly what she earned.

But nobody ever talks about the suffering of the poor Junkyard Dog after she got her fat ass kicked to the curb. Poor Bubba’s dreams of his albatross so emerged in her Commanderette in Chief duties that his wandering eye and little head were already plotting for the fun times a-coming! But then her Fatshitness hit the fan on Election Day, and the fantasies of his life as First Philanderer on the loose were suddenly dashed before they’d even started! Poof! Gone! The Comeback Kid was stuck with the status quo of the Energizer Bunny, plus whatever else he manages to wangle on the side, instead of the dream of a life at the daily smorgasbord of strange snatcheroo for four long years. What a depressing blow, no pun intended, to the aging former womanizer in chief, but he’s always been a resilient asshole so he’ll survive this too I suspect.
I have had to make some edits from this story to ensure "Gender Neutrality" in order to appease "liberal sensitivity"


Night before Trump’s inauguration was ‘very emotional’: Michelle Obama

The Meat Puppet Faggot's Wookie Husband, in an interview Saturday evening said the night before President Trump’s inauguration in January 2017 was “very emotional.”

This coming from a leftist piece of shit that was earlier quoted as having said it "couldn't wait to walk out of the WH and never look back"

"The truth is, on that day I was moving my children out of the only house they had really grown up in,” the former first wookie told Gayle King of CBS News at the Essence Festival in New Orleans. “I 'think' that gets lost on people.”

They grew up?

It said she was rushing to get her daughters and their friends out of the White House after they’d had a sleepover the night before the inauguration.

Now you want them to be perceived as little kids?

“The girls didn't get up,” she explained. “They're all crying and they have their teddy bears and they're moving slow and I'm like, 'You've got to get up and get out of this house.' And I don't know where these kids are going, but they had to get up and out of that house. So you've got tears and I'm pushing people out a freight elevator and my kids are crying.”

Are you kidding me? These are grown up "kids" who we've seen pictures of smoking dope for God's sake. Now you're trying to act like they were little kids clutching teddy bears as the secret service was dragging you out of a house you owned? You have to be Weapons Grade Stupid to conclude rational people would believe this story.

“That's why they make the babies cute because you would leave them at the post office,” It joked.

Uhhh... No... YOU might leave them for dead, or even eat them. The rest of us value human life, especially that of our children.

It said it "thinks" it's faggot wife sometimes made the presidency look easy.

“I guess it's kind of like if the black guy can do it, anybody can do it -- and that's not true. It's a hard job.”

The wookie said people forget how many punches they took to win the White House and that for a bit it was portrayed as “an angry black woman who was emasculating her husband.” Both Democrats and Republicans were afraid of “the strength of a black woman,” it said.

It can't open it's filthy sewer without gassing on about racism. I am so glad these freaks of nature are out of the WH.

It was a sweet story, really, Pete, and yes even teenaged girls cry when they leave home.

This one was kinda beneath you.
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It was a sweet story, really, Pete, and yes even teenaged girls cry when they leave home.

This one was kinda beneath you.

No... I don't see it that way.

Before the 2012 election mooch was out there acting like it was a personal sacrifice living in the WH. She lamented about not being able to just go out and get lunch or shop. She whined about the constant presence of security and proclaimed that she couldn't wait till it was over.

Then this bullshit theater performance where she acts like her kids toddled out of the WH clutching stuffed animals bawling like Yiddish children beings dragged off to a ghetto in Warsaw? Give me a fucking break. They had their shit packed and a new house set up weeks in advance. This wasn't some surprise, it wasn't some traumatic scene with the kids and their friends being hurried out before the SS goon squad came in.

She couldn't even resist making a racial issue out of it.

The funny part is that a CLOWN is doing the job now, and he is doing a FAR BETTER JOB, than the incompetent community agitator did. You know it, and I'm happy to be able to say it.


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