Nick Sandman settles with WAPO 250 MILLION!! Wow

Let this be a warning fake news!! FCUK YOU
jitts....its F...U....C....K......
Awe ......poor news organizations having to pay for their LIES........

LMAO.............I LOVE IT.
You can jump up and down with joy but the truth remains that both sides of the aisle (news speaking) have paid off.

I seem to remember you crowing that Sandmann would never get a dime.

Let this be a warning fake news!! FCUK YOU

He didn’t get $250 million fool. Neither side issaying how much he got IF ANYTHING.
Awe ......poor news organizations having to pay for their LIES........

LMAO.............I LOVE IT.
You can jump up and down with joy but the truth remains that both sides of the aisle (news speaking) have paid off.

I seem to remember you crowing that Sandmann would never get a dime.

The case is “settled”. It doesn’t necessarily mean WAPO paid ANYTHING. Just that there will be no trial.

Since there are obviously NDA’s we will never know how much or how little the kid received.
Fantastic news!

Maybe there IS some hope for this battered nation.

When he first announced that he would sue, I assumed that his suits would be thrown out by the liberal courts.

I sure hope there are more suits arising from all the looting and statue toppling by very bad people. Even though they themselves are dirt poor, maybe victims can go after the media as this young man did.
Awe ......poor news organizations having to pay for their LIES........

LMAO.............I LOVE IT.
You can jump up and down with joy but the truth remains that both sides of the aisle (news speaking) have paid off.

I seem to remember you crowing that Sandmann would never get a dime.

The case is “settled”. It doesn’t necessarily mean WAPO paid ANYTHING. Just that there will be no trial.

Since there are obviously NDA’s we will never know how much or how little the kid received.
Exactly. Some of these idiots actually think WaPo actually paid out 250 million dollars. Sandmann sued for 250 million. He did not receive 250 million. As a matter of fact if you read the tweets it was obvious that Sandmann may not have settled for that much as they conceded that WaPo made corrections quickly. My feeling is they settled for about 2 mil and Lin Wood received 30 percent and when you add his costs he may have added 20 percent. 2 mil is on the high side.
Awe ......poor news organizations having to pay for their LIES........

LMAO.............I LOVE IT.
You can jump up and down with joy but the truth remains that both sides of the aisle (news speaking) have paid off.

I seem to remember you crowing that Sandmann would never get a dime.

The case is “settled”. It doesn’t necessarily mean WAPO paid ANYTHING. Just that there will be no trial.

Since there are obviously NDA’s we will never know how much or how little the kid received.
No, I am sure WaPo paid nothing and insisted on an NDA. Maybe that had really good lawyers and got the kid to pay the money he didn't get from CNN.

Simply stupid.

The kid is set for life! Good for him.

I'd love to see his smirk now!
Please post a link to what each organization paid. Because all I see is the amounts the little shit was suing them for. My guess? Nothing even remotely approaching what he was asking.

Nuisance lawsuit, paid to go away. Much ado about nothing.

I'm one disappearing motherfucker for $250 million.

Good for this kid. He did exactly nothing wrong. Nothing. He stood there and smiled. He didn't taunt Hiawatha, didn't strike him and didn't address him. He just stood there and was vilified for it.

If there are more lawsuits to come, the defendants in those cases have just been put on notice...
Awe ......poor news organizations having to pay for their LIES........

LMAO.............I LOVE IT.
You can jump up and down with joy but the truth remains that both sides of the aisle (news speaking) have paid off.

I seem to remember you crowing that Sandmann would never get a dime.

The case is “settled”. It doesn’t necessarily mean WAPO paid ANYTHING. Just that there will be no trial.

Since there are obviously NDA’s we will never know how much or how little the kid received.
Exactly. Some of this idiots actually think WaPo paid 250 million. Sandmann sued for 250 million. As a matter of fact if you read the tweets it was obvious that Sandmann may not have settled for that much as they conceded that WaPo made correction quickly. My feeling is they settled for about 2 mil and Lin Wood received a 30 percent with his costs equaling another 20 percent. 2 mil is on the high side.
Great news but to be accurate the settlement figures with WAPO and CNN are far below $250 million. That young man has an opportunity to use his new wealth to fight against the Liberal cancer that has destroyed our Media. I hope he uses it well.
What was the settlement? I didnt see any figures
The kid WON. Whatever money they decided on we may never know, but the fact that he won speaks volumes.

I hope the members of the democrat propaganda wing are having a little "pow wow" discussing how they might want to curb their LYING in the future... however... I don't think they're that smart. I think their HATE for anyone that disagrees with them overrides all rational thought.
His lawyer is a legal badass who has already taken down WaPo and CNN...with 6 more to go.

It's going to be fun to watch how much being a lying, slandering fake news sack of shit is going to cost these America-hating propaganda pushers...

I wonder what Tonto the drummer boy is thinking today as he sits in his mobile home on the reservation.....
I’m thinking the drummer’s struggling to get his head around such a heep big dollar figure.
He's gotta be pissed. The leftists used him, left him looking like a lying POS and nothing else while this kid is going to end up being close to a billionaire....

all I see is the amounts the little shit was suing them for
Careful, that's the kind of libel that got them in trouble. Hes a "little shit" for trying to defuse an encounter with Chief Crazy Drummer?

Again, no settlement amounts they gave the little skid mark to go away were quoted in articles. My guess, maybe paid his community college for 2 years and paid his lawyers off.
This is a victory for everyone, left, right, dog lover, cat lover. Media need to focus more on getting the story right, than on getting the story first.
all I see is the amounts the little shit was suing them for
Careful, that's the kind of libel that got them in trouble. Hes a "little shit" for trying to defuse an encounter with Chief Crazy Drummer?

Again, no settlement amounts they gave the little skid mark to go away were quoted in articles. My guess, maybe paid his community college for 2 years and paid his lawyers off.

No attorney would accept that.

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