Nice Terror Could Have Been Stopped by Armed Civilians: ‘Aux Armes, Citoyens’


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Nice Terror Could Have Been Stopped by Armed Civilians

I am a 2nd Amendment advocate; however, I completely disagree with this statement / argument. No one expected a terrorist to steal a semi and use it to kill people any more than anyone expected terrorists to hijack airplanes on 9/11/01 and use them as missiles.

Armed citizens may have succeeded in limiting the number of those injured / killed by bringing the attack to an end sooner, but I do not believe it would have prevented the attack. I believe it is impossible to stop all 'evil' / terrorist attacks.

My heart, thoughts, and prayers go out to the people of France, to those effected by this attack. Stay strong - we are with you.
France doesn't have the gun culture we do anyway. It wouldn't be possible to just flip a switch and change that, nor would you want to.
France doesn't have the gun culture we do anyway. It wouldn't be possible to just flip a switch and change that, nor would you want to.

It is a different culture, so it will be an interesting experiment to see if they develop a better approach to the problem.
France doesn't have the gun culture we do anyway. It wouldn't be possible to just flip a switch and change that, nor would you want to.
Thank goodness for our gun culture.

So far, I'd say the terrorists have identified France as a soft target based on frequency.
Nice Terror Could Have Been Stopped by Armed Civilians

I am a 2nd Amendment advocate; however, I completely disagree with this statement / argument. No one expected a terrorist to steal a semi and use it to kill people any more than anyone expected terrorists to hijack airplanes on 9/11/01 and use them as missiles.

Armed citizens may have succeeded in limiting the number of those injured / killed by bringing the attack to an end sooner, but I do not believe it would have prevented the attack. I believe it is impossible to stop all 'evil' / terrorist attacks.

My heart, thoughts, and prayers go out to the people of France, to those effected by this attack. Stay strong - we are with you.

I agree Easy, Or a terrorist poisoning our air and water... but a gun could have stopped the Florida gay club, Sandy Hook ect. I never liked guns , but I am thinking about getting one.

France doesn't have the gun culture we do anyway. It wouldn't be possible to just flip a switch and change that, nor would you want to.
Thank goodness for our gun culture.


Yeah right. Why without that we might have known the blessings of Orlando and Sandy Hook and San Bernardino and Columbine and Virginia Tech and Binghamton and Aurora and Tucson..... we'd never have tasted the pleasures of having myriad everyday occurrences of militarized cops picking people off.... we'd be deprived of the benefits of inner city districts controlled by gangs, not to mention curious little kids opening a drawer and blowing their little sister's head off.

Lucky us. Oh happy day.

Why, we might actually have to sit through a TV drama or a movie or a video game where no one gets splattered on the sidewalk in a pool of blood, flesh and teeth. Imagine, being condemned to sit through art that might actually appeal to the intellect. Oh the horror.
Armed citizens would have probably resulted in many of them being shot by the police. In Dallas there were armed citizens and most did nothing and/or were arrested. LOL

"Armed protesters added to confusion in Dallas attack

DALLAS -- Among the peaceful marchers in Dallas Thursday, officials say 20-to-30 carried rifles.

"The police are doing a very tough job,” he said Monday. “We've made it harder for them to do their job by increasing the likelihood that they're going to run into armed citizens."

Armed protesters added to confusion in Dallas attack
Armed citizens would have probably resulted in many of them being shot by the police. In Dallas there were armed citizens and most did nothing and/or were arrested. LOL

"Armed protesters added to confusion in Dallas attack

DALLAS -- Among the peaceful marchers in Dallas Thursday, officials say 20-to-30 carried rifles.

"The police are doing a very tough job,” he said Monday. “We've made it harder for them to do their job by increasing the likelihood that they're going to run into armed citizens."

Armed protesters added to confusion in Dallas attack

We all know you are against having guns in public hands as it makes it harder for you to take over the world. You would be shot the furst time you tried to detain someone for having a different political POV to yours.

Who would you act against first the Jews or their supporters ?

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