Nice NewsWeek article read...What Bush Got Right

LordBrownTroutHmmm. so now you admit that you and your buddies use "gang up" tactics, interesting.
Thanks for the compliment, I didn't realize I was so important. :badgrin:
Bring em on
..(I still can't believe anyone would chain e-mail my rantings, I must be better than I thought, I'm flattered !!!)

Here ya go blunt. Yep, it came across one of my emails one time and I deleted it but luckily I found what you were previously posting.

The Third World Traveler. Is this the drivel that you were talking about blunt?

George Bush’s accomplishments from the Third World Traveler

Sorry, but I’m just not compelled to argue lunatic fringe crud from radical left wing websites. Listings of such jewels as Noam Chomsky, Ray Bradbury, oh yeah, and this one:

"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
John Maynard Keynes
Conspiracy theories out the yang. Nice try blunt.
Yeah, but only AFTER he tried for HARRIET FREAKIN' MYERS. Bush is the biggest conservative sell-out who ever walked on two legs. He's ruined the Republicans' reputation as good on defense and money issues for the next 10 years.

Yeah, that was a joke when he nominated Myers. I also didn't agree with creating a whole new dept either.
Sorry, but I’m just not compelled to argue
Then why are you? Fine, apologize for disqualifying my posts as falsehoods and admit they're true. (or admit you know they're true)
So you're not going to list even one of these so called Bush's accomplishments that you've been ranting about huh? (gee, I'm surprised!:badgrin:)
You and your buddies crack me up, not a one of ya to date have posted a single word that holds water or makes a lick of sense..same ole same ole..
"prove it, that's bullshit, where's your source?" and on and on
Have one of you morons ever had an original thought or at least an opinion?

Here ya go blunt. Yep, it came across one of my emails one time and I deleted it but luckily I found what you were previously posting.
Then why did you ask for the source? (to blur and distract)

I know your fearless leader is an incompetent retard, maybe you guys follow the example. (man what a bunch of lying idiots)
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LordBrownTroutThen why are you? Then fine, apologize for disqualifying my posts as falsehoods and admit they're true. (or admit you know they're true)
So you're not going to list even one of these so called Bush's accomplishments that you've been ranting about huh? (gee, I'm surprised!:badgrin:)
You and your buddies crack me up, not a one of ya to date have posted a single word that holds water or makes a lick of sense..same ole same ole..
"prove it, that's bullshit, where's your source?" and on and on
Have one of you morons ever had an original thought or at least an opinion?

Then why did you ask for the source? (to blur and distract)

I know your fearless leader is an incompetent retard, maybe you guys follow the example. (man what a bunch of lying idiots)

Just clarifying how you left wing radicals operate, that's all.
Just clarifying how you left wing radicals operate, that's all.
Oh thanks, now I get it.
So, bottom line, you're an admitted bullshitter that lacks the mental capacity to defend your own positions or present a believable argument (basically you're just throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks)...typical Bush supporter, dumber than a sack of shit.
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Oh thanks, now I get it.
So, bottom line, you're an admitted bullshitter that lacks the mental capacity to defend your own positions or present a believable argument (basically you're just throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks)...typical Bush supporter, dumber than a sack of shit.
Go smoke a blunt, blunt....

everybody with half a lack of sense knows you are a partisan hack:eusa_whistle:

Lets talk about your avatar for instance...MCBush?

How about Obamacrat? Name anything of substance Obama has opposed that the vast majority of his party propagated? Absolutely nothing....

Mccain has opposed several of Bush's proposals, prime example the Energy Policy Act of 2005, Mccain voted against it because it had to many kickbacks for 'Big Oil'. While Obama voted for the Energy Policy Act of 2005....:eusa_eh:

Obama admits in 2004 if he is elected in 2008 he wouldn't know what he was doing, do you need a link?
Here's a few of his greatest accomplishments that you must be so proud of dumbass.

George W. Bush:
accomplishments as president

* Attacked and took over two countries.
* Spent the surplus and bankrupted the treasury.

* Set economic record for most private bankruptcies filed in any 12 month period.
how is that his fault?

* Set all-time record for biggest drop in the history of the stock market.
how is that HIS fault. don't forget under him it has gone up to its highest levels. of course i wouldn't give him credit

* First president in decades to execute a federal prisoner.

* First president in US history to enter office with a criminal record.
who gives a damn.. and let's not forget about clinton
* First year in office set the all-time record for most days on vacation by any president in US history.
you do know you don't have to be in D.C to get work done right.:lol:

* Set the record for most campaign fund-raising trips than any other president in US history.

* In my first two years in office over 2 million Americans lost their job.
lmao, what's next if i lose my car i'm blaming bush?

* Set the all-time record for most foreclosures in a 12 month period.
why are u blaming bush. did he force people with bad credit to buy a home they had no biz buying?

* Presided over the highest gasoline prices in US history and refused to use the national reserves as past presidents have.
why the hell would he do that? americans can still afford gas.

* Set the all-time record for most people worldwide to simultaneously take to the streets to protest me (15 million people), shattering the record for protest against any person in the history of mankind.

crazy huh? they protest bush buy not the leaders of iran who kill gays

* Members of my cabinet are the richest of any administration in US history. (the 'poorest' multi-millionaire, Condoleeza Rice has an Exxon oil tanker named after her).

being rich is something bad now

* First president in US history to have all 50 states of the Union simultaneously go bankrupt.

* Took the biggest world sympathy for the US after 911, and in less than a year made the US the most resented country in the world (possibly the biggest diplomatic failure in US and world history).

last i check we still talk to germany, france, the u.k, poland, and etc

* With a policy of 'dis-engagement' created the most hostile Israeli-Palestine relations in at least 30 years.
yea blame bush b/c hamas keeps attacking israel

* First US president in history to have a majority of the people of Europe (71%) view my presidency as the biggest threat to world peace and stability.
a poll of 1000 people isn't the majority silly
how is that his fault?

how is that HIS fault. don't forget under him it has gone up to its highest levels. of course i wouldn't give him credit


who gives a damn.. and let's not forget about clinton

you do know you don't have to be in D.C to get work done right.:lol:


lmao, what's next if i lose my car i'm blaming bush?

why are u blaming bush. did he force people with bad credit to buy a home they had no biz buying?

why the hell would he do that? americans can still afford gas.

crazy huh? they protest bush buy not the leaders of iran who kill gays

being rich is something bad now


last i check we still talk to germany, france, the u.k, poland, and etc

yea blame bush b/c hamas keeps attacking israel

a poll of 1000 people isn't the majority silly

Oh, Oh looks like ole LordBrownTrout e-mailed for backup...:badgrin:

Yeh, you're right..Bush isn't reponsible for anything, he's only the president.
What kind of shit are you selling?
The only way Bush isn't reponsible is because he does lack the mental capacity to make any rational decisions, but then he should think of the country first and resign.

um, er um. slobber, everybody er with half a lack um er of sense knows you are a partisan hack, yeh, that's it
Maybe you should take your temperature, you sound like you might have a brain infection...or, you're just another retard on LordBrownTrouts' e-mail list...fuck off little boy

Hey where did the original troll LordBrownTrout go?
Oh I get it, start shit, run and hide, then e-mail the other retards to cover your sorry ass, better do a little better than this stupid shit, these guys are simpletons.
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Oh, Oh looks like ole LordBrownTrout e-mailed for backup...:badgrin:

Yeh, you're right..Bush isn't reponsible for anything, he's only the president.
What kind of shit are you selling?
The only way Bush isn't reponsible is because he does lack the mental capacity to make any rational decisions, but then he should think of the country first and resign.

Maybe you should take your temperature, you sound like you might have a brain infection...or, you're just another retard on LordBrownTrouts' e-mail list...fuck off little boy
Hey fucktard, maybe you should try and list some major bills Obama has opposed the Democratic establishment? Furthermore, little girl, maybe you could show how voting against Bush on several different major pieces of legislation makes Mccain, MCBush? Like I said your just a partisan troll nothing more....


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My, my sonny- it looks like you're becoming angry with me..oh well, too bad..go fuk yourself.
Everyone knows McCain is another Bush, you'll never sell that lie, good luck trying
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Yeh, real tough, fuk you too idiot.
Another silverspoon Texan liar. Wonder why all the liars from Texas have ugly mothers? That Bush's ma is uglier than road kill!!!
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My, my sonny- it looks like you're becoming angry with me..oh well, too bad..go fuk yourself.
Everyone knows McCain is another Bush, you'll never sell that lie, good luck trying

Sure he is fucktard....ignorance doesn't upset me, I find it funny...:lol:
McCain has become Bush lite.

He sold his soul for the nomination.

Maybe you could tell me, how does MCcain voting against the current Energy Policy show that he is Bush III? While Obama did vote for the current Energy policy, does that make Obama, Bush III?
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