*NFL Hiring Crooks And Killers*

Kiss my ass and come back to reality. :)

You might as well go ahead on and be a flaming fundamentalist. Willfull ignorance is thier strong suit and as a Anarcho-capitalist you show no more intelligence than those of faith.

There is no such thing as a "free" or "open" maketplace. Hopefully there never will be because the goal of pure capitalism is monopoly in regards to controlling raw materials, manufacturing and distribution consuming all available resources as fast as is possible with no short or more importantly long term survival of the consumer.

Communism is immoral because it assumes the state is more important than any individual. It has always been run by immoral people so a true experiment of a large group has never been achieved. In theory it is not foolish to plan ahead far into the future and make the best use out of what materials are available. It never turns out that way.

Pure capitalism is immoral because it is not guided by principals that are for the best interest of the species of human beings that depend on some form of intelligent planning for our future.

Our form of government and economic system is as good as exists except that fundamentalists hold the rest of the planet of human beings hostage over thier bizzar religios beliefs. In that end we get stupid people electing equally stupid representatives that kill any usefull progress in the name of "gods" word. They force thier faith on all of us.

Football is just a game. I personally find Pro Football very entertaining. It is a sad comentary that as badly as out communities and country is managed that a winning football season is all I really have to look foward to.

There were ignorant and immoral white men playing in the major sports before the blacks were allowed to participate. In early professional sports ALL of the bad actors were white.

Go Hawks!!!

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