Newt's choice for Sec of State: John Bolton

It can't get any better than this.. John Bolton is revered by the Conservative wing of the republican party. Go Newt Go!


You DO realize, don't you, that certain people are not suited for certain jobs? Being a Secretary of State requires an ability to be diplomatic and to be able to use calm reasoning and rational arguments to convince others to support your position. Bolton is an emotional hothead who has a tendency to be verbally abusive and unnecessarily confrontational. That would not likely work with world leaders ESPECIALLY since the US is experiencing an economic nadir and really isn't in the best position to try to force others to do our will. He would be a disaster as Sec of State.
Maybe Newt could make Bolton a Master Janitor... although I doubt his child laborers would work for him.

I suspect the children would be trying to unionize ASAP.
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Hillary Clinton has a high 60's approval rating now. Newt should definitely run on replacing her with the Moustache.

Actually, I think he would have to consider replacing her. I can't see her serving under any Republican if they won.
Hillary Clinton has a high 60's approval rating now. Newt should definitely run on replacing her with the Moustache.

Actually, I think he would have to consider replacing her. I can't see her serving under any Republican if they won.

Didn't Hillary announce a while back that she would be leaving at the end of Obama's first term?
Hillary Clinton has a high 60's approval rating now. Newt should definitely run on replacing her with the Moustache.

Actually, I think he would have to consider replacing her. I can't see her serving under any Republican if they won.

Didn't Hillary announce a while back that she would be leaving at the end of Obama's first term?

I recall reading that somebody said that, but I never saw a confirmation from Hillary herself.
It can't get any better than this.. John Bolton is revered by the Conservative wing of the republican party. Go Newt Go!


You DO realize, don't you, that certain people are not suited for certain jobs? Being a Secretary of State requires an ability to be diplomatic and to be able to use calm reasoning and rational arguments to convince others to support your position. Bolton is an emotional hothead who has a tendency to be verbally abusive and unnecessarily confrontational. That would not likely work with world leaders ESPECIALLY since the US is experiencing an economic nadir and really isn't in the best position to try to force others to do our will. He would be a disaster as Sec of State.

Yeah. The audacity of Newt to suggest that he would appoint a diplomat to a diplomatic position. He must be insane.
It can't get any better than this.. John Bolton is revered by the Conservative wing of the republican party. Go Newt Go!


You DO realize, don't you, that certain people are not suited for certain jobs? Being a Secretary of State requires an ability to be diplomatic and to be able to use calm reasoning and rational arguments to convince others to support your position. Bolton is an emotional hothead who has a tendency to be verbally abusive and unnecessarily confrontational. That would not likely work with world leaders ESPECIALLY since the US is experiencing an economic nadir and really isn't in the best position to try to force others to do our will. He would be a disaster as Sec of State.
Some of Bolton's greatest hits:
In 2002, said Iraq "could fabricate a nuclear weapon within one year" if it obtained fissile material. He also played in a role in the infamous yellowcake forgery.

He accused Cuba of developing biological weapons with the intent of selling them to Iraq.

He lied about being investigated for falsifying the case for WMDs in Iraq.

He blocked Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice from receiving accurate information about Iran.
And more recently, he said the U.S. should have launched a unilateral military attack on Libya.

If being wrong on the major issues is a qualification, he is certainly qualified.

Daily Kos: Newt Gingrich promises to name John Bolton Secretary of State
It can't get any better than this.. John Bolton is revered by the Conservative wing of the republican party. Go Newt Go!


You DO realize, don't you, that certain people are not suited for certain jobs? Being a Secretary of State requires an ability to be diplomatic and to be able to use calm reasoning and rational arguments to convince others to support your position. Bolton is an emotional hothead who has a tendency to be verbally abusive and unnecessarily confrontational. That would not likely work with world leaders ESPECIALLY since the US is experiencing an economic nadir and really isn't in the best position to try to force others to do our will. He would be a disaster as Sec of State.

Yeah. The audacity of Newt to suggest that he would appoint a diplomat to a diplomatic position. He must be insane.

john bolton is a smart man. but he is NOT a diplomat... and, in fact, did a really cruddy job at diplomacy.

however, if you're a neocon rightwingnut and want to 'bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb iran', he's totally your guy. :thup:
I think Bolton would be great. He would be fun to watch and he would help bring about the draft.

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