Newt- not quite the honest guy you all thought he was

Taking a clip without the entire context, is a cheap shot while trying to cover yourself on illegal immigration. Newt has flipped and flopped so many times, it's hard to keep count. The Democratic National committee would have a hey day should he be our nominee.

Mitt Romney 2012 | Mitt Romney Central: News, 2012 Polls, Video, Endorsements, and Announcement

yawn,, those fuckers at the dnc are goona have a cow no matter who the Republican nominee is.. deal with it.
Taking a clip without the entire context, is a cheap shot while trying to cover yourself on illegal immigration. Newt has flipped and flopped so many times, it's hard to keep count. The Democratic National committee would have a hey day should he be our nominee.

Mitt Romney 2012 | Mitt Romney Central: News, 2012 Polls, Video, Endorsements, and Announcement

Being accuse of being a flip-flopper by a Romney supporter is like being called a slut by Paris Hilton.

The pure chutzpah of it is galling.
I like Gingrich because he's very smart and highly entertaining, but he's too bombastic to be President.

Lee Atwater once said "Stay out of the way when your opponent is busy shooting himself." Newt has been shooting himself for the past 20 years. Obama wouldn't have to say anything. The Dems would just have to show clips of Newt speaking.

The longer Newt talks the closer he comes to pulling a Biden. It will happen, just when is the question.

But he's finally smiling at the camera. That's gotta count for something.
Is any politician honest? Perhaps Mr. Smith, but that was a movie. I have no problem when a person, even a politician who changes his mind about an issue. Times can change, issues are more complicated and we all do the same. If we don't we're just a party puppet with no independent thinking skills.

The debates demonstrated this man's logic and thinking outside the box for solutions to the complex problems we have today. The other candidates, and mostly Obama appear to be just school kids next to the "Thinker and Doer."

I'll take Newt. Thank you very much.
There's only two others who haven't had their time in the limelight yet & thats Paul & Huntsman.

Neither one of them has a snow ball's chance in hell of winning, so they are on ignore.

Well, that's an interesting point.

Why is Romney Credible and Huntsman not?

They are both liberal RINO's, Mormons and ex-governors. Except Huntsman got elected more than once, and he's also served in the diplomatic corps. So on paper, he's far more qualified than Romney is. I wouldn't vote for him for the same reasons I'm not voting for Romney, but if you have already thrown those considerations out, why not vote for Huntsman?

The only two things that make Romney "credible" and Huntsman not is 1) Romney is willing to shamelessly lie about what he actually believes to fool people and 2) Romney is willing to spend gobs of his own money he made putting working people out of jobs.
Taking a clip without the entire context, is a cheap shot while trying to cover yourself on illegal immigration. Newt has flipped and flopped so many times, it's hard to keep count. The Democratic National committee would have a hey day should he be our nominee.

Mitt Romney 2012 | Mitt Romney Central: News, 2012 Polls, Video, Endorsements, and Announcement

Can you imagine what the Democratic national committee would do with this should Newt be our nominee. Good Lord save us all.

[ame=]Nancy Pelosi and Newt Gingrich Commercial on Climate Change - YouTube[/ame]

For all of you Newt fans, you need to think again, this add would be run 24/7 by the Democrat National committee with their billion dollars in campaign money.
Taking a clip without the entire context, is a cheap shot while trying to cover yourself on illegal immigration. Newt has flipped and flopped so many times, it's hard to keep count. The Democratic National committee would have a hey day should he be our nominee.

Mitt Romney 2012 | Mitt Romney Central: News, 2012 Polls, Video, Endorsements, and Announcement

Being accuse of being a flip-flopper by a Romney supporter is like being called a slut by Paris Hilton.

The pure chutzpah of it is galling.

The only flip Romney did was on abortion, I too have changed my mind on that very difficult position, so did Reagan and Bush. They all were pro-choice and became pro-life.
Women died going to hacks in dark back alleys getting abortions, watch" Cider house rules." And get an education you bigot.

You are a bigot and a Mormon hater, I wonder what you would say if we had a Jewish person running for President.
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Gingrich is a piece of shit. He'll make a perfect pResident for The Great Satan.
Don't give up on Rick Perry just yet either.:eusa_shhh:
Your masters have a plan.:eusa_shhh:
I remember when he called Ryan's Plan "right wing social engineering…

Ryan’s ‘plan’ was an assault on the middle/working class, a punitive measure against those who ‘failed’ to adequately provide for their old age. It was a remarkable glimpse into the hateful, extreme nature of rightist dogma.

I like Gingrich because he's very smart and highly entertaining…

He may be ‘smart’ (clever) but he’s woefully ignorant. As far as his being ‘entertaining,’ to each his own; but he needs to continue to ‘entertain’ as a private citizen.
Being accuse of being a flip-flopper by a Romney supporter is like being called a slut by Paris Hilton.

The pure chutzpah of it is galling.

The only flip Romney did was on abortion, I too have changed my mind on that very difficult position, so did Reagan and Bush. They all were pro-choice and became pro-life.

You are a bigot and a Mormon hater, I wonder what you would say if we had a Jewish person running for President.

Well, if Judiasm was started by a con artist who wanted to sleep with 14 year old girls, I'd probably have the same opinion...

Romney's flip flops are not limited to abortion. The guy has also flipped on gay rights, gun control, his own health care program, taxes, the Auto Bailout, TARP, and just about every other issue.
There's only two others who haven't had their time in the limelight yet & thats Paul & Huntsman.

Neither one of them has a snow ball's chance in hell of winning, so they are on ignore.

Well, that's an interesting point.

Why is Romney Credible and Huntsman not?

They are both liberal RINO's, Mormons and ex-governors. Except Huntsman got elected more than once, and he's also served in the diplomatic corps. So on paper, he's far more qualified than Romney is. I wouldn't vote for him for the same reasons I'm not voting for Romney, but if you have already thrown those considerations out, why not vote for Huntsman?

The only two things that make Romney "credible" and Huntsman not is 1) Romney is willing to shamelessly lie about what he actually believes to fool people and 2) Romney is willing to spend gobs of his own money he made putting working people out of jobs.

I am not saying that Huntsman is not honest, but he won't be nominated, he worked for the Obama adminstration as a China diplomat and he won't take China on even though they are stealing our propriety information costing us 750,000 per year and they manipulate their currency putting Americans at an extreme disadvantage. That's why he won't be elected or nominated. He is from the far left of the Republican party.

Plus, I can't stand that cockey eyebrow he always has raised when he's speaking- he comes off very arrogant.
I remember when he called Ryan's Plan "right wing social engineering…

Ryan’s ‘plan’ was an assault on the middle/working class, a punitive measure against those who ‘failed’ to adequately provide for their old age. It was a remarkable glimpse into the hateful, extreme nature of rightist dogma.

I like Gingrich because he's very smart and highly entertaining…

He may be ‘smart’ (clever) but he’s woefully ignorant. As far as his being ‘entertaining,’ to each his own; but he needs to continue to ‘entertain’ as a private citizen.

Please stop with the hyperbole. Ryan's plan was really no different than what Medicare is already doing through Medicare Part C on a more limited scale.
I am not saying that Huntsman is not honest, but he won't be nominated, he worked for the Obama adminstration as a China diplomat and he won't take China on even though they are stealing our propriety information costing us 750,000 per year and they manipulate their currency putting Americans at an extreme disadvantage. That's why he won't be elected or nominated. He is from the far left of the Republican party.

Plus, I can't stand that cockey eyebrow he always has raised when he's speaking- he comes off very arrogant.

He won't be nominated because despite being a Mormon, he is honest. I know, I'm shocked. He's very straightfoward about being a liberal.

As opposed to our boy ROmney, who was for trading with China before he was against it.
Neither one of them has a snow ball's chance in hell of winning, so they are on ignore.

Well, that's an interesting point.

Why is Romney Credible and Huntsman not?

They are both liberal RINO's, Mormons and ex-governors. Except Huntsman got elected more than once, and he's also served in the diplomatic corps. So on paper, he's far more qualified than Romney is. I wouldn't vote for him for the same reasons I'm not voting for Romney, but if you have already thrown those considerations out, why not vote for Huntsman?

The only two things that make Romney "credible" and Huntsman not is 1) Romney is willing to shamelessly lie about what he actually believes to fool people and 2) Romney is willing to spend gobs of his own money he made putting working people out of jobs.

I am not saying that Huntsman is not honest, but he won't be nominated, he worked for the Obama adminstration as a China diplomat and he won't take China on even though they are stealing our propriety information costing us 750,000 per year and they manipulate their currency putting Americans at an extreme disadvantage. That's why he won't be elected or nominated. He is from the far left of the Republican party.

Plus, I can't stand that cockey eyebrow he always has raised when he's speaking- he comes off very arrogant.

There is nothing Rhino about Romney, he fooled the liberal state of Ma into voting for him as governor and came very close to taking Kennedy out in the senate.

He took a state that was 3 billion in deficit and turned that into a 2 billion dollar surplus and he did that in a 4 short years without raising taxes. Now if that's what you call a Rhino, you need to check your definition of one, because it's incorrect.

He believes in personal responsibility, a conservative idea, he beleives so much in this that he issued a mandate that everyone will take personal responsibility and pay for their own health care. Even medicaid he had them pay on a sliding scale. " Personal Responsibility," I totally believe in, as I am sick and tired of paying higher premiums and higher taxes so that people can run to the emergency room with their I-pad in hand while I pay their medical bills.
I am not saying that Huntsman is not honest, but he won't be nominated, he worked for the Obama adminstration as a China diplomat and he won't take China on even though they are stealing our propriety information costing us 750,000 per year and they manipulate their currency putting Americans at an extreme disadvantage. That's why he won't be elected or nominated. He is from the far left of the Republican party.

Plus, I can't stand that cockey eyebrow he always has raised when he's speaking- he comes off very arrogant.

He won't be nominated because despite being a Mormon, he is honest. I know, I'm shocked. He's very straightfoward about being a liberal.

As opposed to our boy ROmney, who was for trading with China before he was against it.

He is not against free trade he is a total proponent of free trade but free trade has to be fair trade and he would implement it, read pg 65 of his jobs bill and learn something- bigot.
I am not saying that Huntsman is not honest, but he won't be nominated, he worked for the Obama adminstration as a China diplomat and he won't take China on even though they are stealing our propriety information costing us 750,000 per year and they manipulate their currency putting Americans at an extreme disadvantage. That's why he won't be elected or nominated. He is from the far left of the Republican party.

Plus, I can't stand that cockey eyebrow he always has raised when he's speaking- he comes off very arrogant.

He won't be nominated because despite being a Mormon, he is honest. I know, I'm shocked. He's very straightfoward about being a liberal.

As opposed to our boy ROmney, who was for trading with China before he was against it.

Here, I will make it easy for you bigot:

Romney: China must respect the free-trade system - The Washington Post

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