Newt going to Mount Trump to kiss the ring.

Seriously..the Koch Brothers, Grover Norquist and now Trump?

Gosh..fine bunch of kingmakers. :clap2:

While I agree with you in principle, the lefts continued willingness to suck Soro's cock kinda negates any mock outrage you present about them.


And no 'outrage' on my part.

Trump is a serial bankruptcy sorta guy. Soros?

Trump is douchebag. Soros on the other hand has made billions by destroying the pensions of public and private workers the world over. He is the very embodiment of the evil capitalist personified and yet you all give hima pass because he gives little pittances to your pet causes. Basically you whore yourselves out to one of the most vile people on Earth for money. And that's sad.

At least the Koch brothers havn't fucked over employee pension funds. They are their own brand of bad but they don't actively fuck over people. That's Soros's department.
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I like President-elect Newt.

[ame=]Newt Gingrich: Serial Hypocrisy - YouTube[/ame]​

Its true that he has flip flopped as much as Mitt. For both of them, it just depends on who pays them the most.

As it is, Gingrich is just another lobbyist. That's bad enough. Mitt is chronically unemployed which is a very good place for him. (Besides, he has to oversee tearing down his $12MILLION shack and rebuilding it four times larger. He doesn't have time to drag the US down in the gutter.)

The American people will be the losers if either of those two money grubbers get elected to ANY position of power.
While I agree with you in principle, the lefts continued willingness to suck Soro's cock kinda negates any mock outrage you present about them.


And no 'outrage' on my part.

Trump is a serial bankruptcy sorta guy. Soros?

Trump is douchebag. Soros on the other hand has made billions by destroying the pensions of public and private workers the world over. He is the very embodyment of the evil capitalist personified and yet you all give hima pass because he gives little pittances to your pet causes. Basically you whore yourselves out to one of the most vile people on Earth for money. And that's sad.

At least the Koch brothers havn't fucked over employee pension funds. They are their own brand of bad but they don't actively fuck over people. That's Soros's department.

Oh give me a break. Soros did what you guys always said was the "right" thing to do. He shook up a dodgy and corrupt institution..and made some money doing it. And when he was done..the english economy was in better shape for it. Don't like what he did? Push for regulation into the currency futures market.

The Koch Brothers are as ruthless as anyone out there. Why the heck do you think they are pushing for candidates that want to cut regulation? Because of altruism?


And no 'outrage' on my part.

Trump is a serial bankruptcy sorta guy. Soros?

Trump is douchebag. Soros on the other hand has made billions by destroying the pensions of public and private workers the world over. He is the very embodyment of the evil capitalist personified and yet you all give hima pass because he gives little pittances to your pet causes. Basically you whore yourselves out to one of the most vile people on Earth for money. And that's sad.

At least the Koch brothers havn't fucked over employee pension funds. They are their own brand of bad but they don't actively fuck over people. That's Soros's department.

Oh give me a break. Soros did what you guys always said was the "right" thing to do. He shook up a dodgy and corrupt institution..and made some money doing it. And when he was done..the english economy was in better shape for it. Don't like what he did? Push for regulation into the currency futures market.

The Koch Brothers are as ruthless as anyone out there. Why the heck do you think they are pushing for candidates that want to cut regulation? Because of altruism?


See, I told you that Obama kisses Soros by proxy :lol:

And no 'outrage' on my part.

Trump is a serial bankruptcy sorta guy. Soros?

Trump is douchebag. Soros on the other hand has made billions by destroying the pensions of public and private workers the world over. He is the very embodyment of the evil capitalist personified and yet you all give hima pass because he gives little pittances to your pet causes. Basically you whore yourselves out to one of the most vile people on Earth for money. And that's sad.

At least the Koch brothers havn't fucked over employee pension funds. They are their own brand of bad but they don't actively fuck over people. That's Soros's department.

Oh give me a break. Soros did what you guys always said was the "right" thing to do. He shook up a dodgy and corrupt institution..and made some money doing it. And when he was done..the english economy was in better shape for it. Don't like what he did? Push for regulation into the currency futures market.

The Koch Brothers are as ruthless as anyone out there. Why the heck do you think they are pushing for candidates that want to cut regulation? Because of altruism?


C'mon Sallow, you're better then that. Show me one group the Koch brothers have gone out of their way to screw. Soros destroyed pension funds all over the world and made billions, you really think that's OK? I'll grant you it was legal at the time, but how about that ethical part.
Trump is douchebag. Soros on the other hand has made billions by destroying the pensions of public and private workers the world over. He is the very embodyment of the evil capitalist personified and yet you all give hima pass because he gives little pittances to your pet causes. Basically you whore yourselves out to one of the most vile people on Earth for money. And that's sad.

At least the Koch brothers havn't fucked over employee pension funds. They are their own brand of bad but they don't actively fuck over people. That's Soros's department.

Oh give me a break. Soros did what you guys always said was the "right" thing to do. He shook up a dodgy and corrupt institution..and made some money doing it. And when he was done..the english economy was in better shape for it. Don't like what he did? Push for regulation into the currency futures market.

The Koch Brothers are as ruthless as anyone out there. Why the heck do you think they are pushing for candidates that want to cut regulation? Because of altruism?


See, I told you that Obama kisses Soros by proxy :lol:

Trump is douchebag. Soros on the other hand has made billions by destroying the pensions of public and private workers the world over. He is the very embodyment of the evil capitalist personified and yet you all give hima pass because he gives little pittances to your pet causes. Basically you whore yourselves out to one of the most vile people on Earth for money. And that's sad.

At least the Koch brothers havn't fucked over employee pension funds. They are their own brand of bad but they don't actively fuck over people. That's Soros's department.

Oh give me a break. Soros did what you guys always said was the "right" thing to do. He shook up a dodgy and corrupt institution..and made some money doing it. And when he was done..the english economy was in better shape for it. Don't like what he did? Push for regulation into the currency futures market.

The Koch Brothers are as ruthless as anyone out there. Why the heck do you think they are pushing for candidates that want to cut regulation? Because of altruism?


C'mon Sallow, you're better then that. Show me one group the Koch brothers have gone out of their way to screw. Soros destroyed pension funds all over the world and made billions, you really think that's OK? I'll grant you it was legal at the time, but how about that ethical part.

Oh gosh..really? The Koch brothers? They are involved in Oil speculation. Do I have to map that out to you?

They have done things to destroy environmental regulations..heck..and they write the laws and feed them to congress and states.

They aren't "nice" people. Neither is Soros. Neither is anyone that's been really really successful. Pick a person..and you can find something they did to screw someone else over.

Nature of the beast.
And, apparently serial philanderer, aduterer, smarmy, slimy, Cain is going to endorse, (who else?) serial philanderer, adulterer, smarmy, slimy Newt.

RW voters have no standards at all. Even if Newt wasn't talking about taking even more jobs away from people, he gives career politicians a bad name.

Not to mention that, a very short time ago, the rw voters were all saying how they want to vote out all the career politicians and then they get behind one of the most dangerous and most crooked in our history.

No standards. None at all.

Huh!!?? They have LOTS of standards (and morals). The only problem is they only apply them to Democrats and they only count when it's a Democrat in office.
Seriously..the Koch Brothers, Grover Norquist and now Trump?

Gosh..fine bunch of kingmakers. :clap2:

While I agree with you in principle, the lefts continued willingness to suck Soro's cock kinda negates any mock outrage you present about them.
If by them, you mean the Koch Brothers.....they come-off (and, are treated) like Trump-twins.​

November 3, 2011

"Tomorrow, billionaire David Koch and presidential candidate Mitt Romney are set to speak at the a Tea Party conference financed by the same Koch brother’s fortune. The Defending the Dream Summit, a conference funded by Koch and sponsored by his Americans for Prosperity group, is a yearly event where Republican politicians come to praise the Koch brothers and their political network. For instance, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), as he was seeking the Republican nomination, paid tribute to the Koch’s political network at the same event in 2007."

While I agree with you in principle, the lefts continued willingness to suck Soro's cock kinda negates any mock outrage you present about them.


And no 'outrage' on my part.

Trump is a serial bankruptcy sorta guy. Soros?

Trump is douchebag. Soros on the other hand has made billions by destroying the pensions of public and private workers the world over. He is the very embodiment of the evil capitalist personified and yet you all give hima pass because he gives little pittances to your pet causes. Basically you whore yourselves out to one of the most vile people on Earth for money. And that's sad.

At least the Koch brothers havn't fucked over employee pension funds. They are their own brand of bad but they don't actively fuck over people. That's Soros's department.

So many accusations......and, no details/proof.

Absolutely, shocking.

Trump is douchebag. Soros on the other hand has made billions by destroying the pensions of public and private workers the world over. He is the very embodyment of the evil capitalist personified and yet you all give hima pass because he gives little pittances to your pet causes. Basically you whore yourselves out to one of the most vile people on Earth for money. And that's sad.

At least the Koch brothers havn't fucked over employee pension funds. They are their own brand of bad but they don't actively fuck over people. That's Soros's department.

Oh give me a break. Soros did what you guys always said was the "right" thing to do. He shook up a dodgy and corrupt institution..and made some money doing it. And when he was done..the english economy was in better shape for it. Don't like what he did? Push for regulation into the currency futures market.

The Koch Brothers are as ruthless as anyone out there. Why the heck do you think they are pushing for candidates that want to cut regulation? Because of altruism?


C'mon Sallow, you're better then that. Show me one group the Koch brothers have gone out of their way to screw.

You Teabaggers STILL haven't.....


(Stupid Teabaggers.)​
Karl Rove is having a baby about the Trump debates. Holy can't make this stuff up!!
Oh give me a break. Soros did what you guys always said was the "right" thing to do. He shook up a dodgy and corrupt institution..and made some money doing it. And when he was done..the english economy was in better shape for it. Don't like what he did? Push for regulation into the currency futures market.

The Koch Brothers are as ruthless as anyone out there. Why the heck do you think they are pushing for candidates that want to cut regulation? Because of altruism?


C'mon Sallow, you're better then that. Show me one group the Koch brothers have gone out of their way to screw. Soros destroyed pension funds all over the world and made billions, you really think that's OK? I'll grant you it was legal at the time, but how about that ethical part.

Oh gosh..really? The Koch brothers? They are involved in Oil speculation. Do I have to map that out to you?

They have done things to destroy environmental regulations..heck..and they write the laws and feed them to congress and states.

They aren't "nice" people. Neither is Soros. Neither is anyone that's been really really successful. Pick a person..and you can find something they did to screw someone else over.

Nature of the beast.

Oil speculation makes MILLIONS of people money Sallow, you know it just as well as I do.
The AGW fraud has been exposed for what it is so you no longer need to wrap your head around the mantra of oil and CO2 destroying the planet. They clearly do not.

So that leaves us with oil development. The price of a barrel of oil based on demand is 60 bucks. The reason why that barrel costs significantly more is because of ivory tower speculators driving up the cost of that barrel of oil. Soros is just as heavily involved in the oil trade as the Kochs are, you guys just choose to ignore that little fact.

You well know that laws are written by the special interests, OF BOTH sides, thus to accuse one side only of that is dishonest (something I don't percieve you to be so why do you defend that?) and allows it to continue.

Yes the Koch brothers are bad, I argue that Soros is far worse, but ignore the degree of scale. Until the left is willing to villify those who support them for the unethical and criminal (yes Soros is a convicted FELON) acts that they commit, they have no moral high ground to leap to. They are just as sordid and disgusting as the righties they try to smear.
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C'mon Sallow, you're better then that. Show me one group the Koch brothers have gone out of their way to screw. Soros destroyed pension funds all over the world and made billions, you really think that's OK? I'll grant you it was legal at the time, but how about that ethical part.

Oh gosh..really? The Koch brothers? They are involved in Oil speculation. Do I have to map that out to you?

They have done things to destroy environmental regulations..heck..and they write the laws and feed them to congress and states.

They aren't "nice" people. Neither is Soros. Neither is anyone that's been really really successful. Pick a person..and you can find something they did to screw someone else over.

Nature of the beast.

Oil speculation makes MILLIONS of people money Sallow, you know it just as well as I do.
The AGW fraud has been exposed for what it is so you no longer need to wrap your head around the mantra of oil and CO2 destroying the planet. They clearly do not.

So that leaves us with oil development. The price of a barrel of oil based on demand is 60 bucks. The reason why that barrel costs significantly more is because of ivory tower speculators driving up the cost of that barrel of oil. Soros is just as heavily involved in the oil trade as the Kochs are, you guys just choose to ignore that little fact.

You well know that laws are written by the special interests, OF BOTH sides, thus to accuse one side only of that is dishonest (something I don't percieve you to be so why do you defend that?) and allows it to continue.

Yes the Koch brothers are bad, I argue that Soros is far worse, but ignore the degree of scale. Until the left is willing to villify those who support them for the unethical and criminal (yes Soros is a convicted FELON) acts that they commit, they have no moral high ground to leap to. They are just as sordid and disgusting as the righties they try to smear.

We obviously come from two different viewpoints on this..but bottom line?

I want money OUT of politics. Soros or Koch should not have any more power as a private citizen then I do.

That's what really burns me up. And while I am not looking for an egalitarian society overall, indeed, some income disparity encourages good work ethics..what I don't want is one ruled by the super rich.

Because that never has a good outcome.
I want money OUT of politics. Soros or Koch should not have any more power as a private citizen then I do.

Me too!!

But are you willing to accept the flip-side of that "coin"? (ie keeping politics out of money?)

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