Newt Gingrich: If Hillary Runs In 2016, GOP "Incapable Of Competing"


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Jennifer Bendery

WASHINGTON -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton regularly brushes off the idea of a 2016 presidential bid. But if she were to run, at least one prominent Republican thinks his party would be completely outmatched.

"The Republican party is incapable of competing at that level," Gingrich said during an appearance on NBC's "Meet The Press."

"First of all, she's very formidable as a person," he said. "She's a very competent person. She's married to the most popular Democrat in the country; they both think [it] would be good for her to be president. It makes it virtually impossible to stop her for the nomination."

In addition to having Bill Clinton's support, Hillary Clinton would also have the backing of President Barack Obama, who will still be a "relatively popular president," Gingrich added. "Trying to win that will be truly the Super Bowl."

Newt Gingrich: If Hillary Clinton Runs In 2016, Republicans 'Incapable Of Competing' (VIDEO)

Hillary Clinton job approval, 2016 prospects and favorability ratings - The Washington Post
Didn't she have the nomination locked up in 2008? Personally, I don't think she's going to run.
Didn't she have the nomination locked up in 2008? Personally, I don't think she's going to run.

Yes, she did have it locked up - until the DNC and friends stabbed her in the back.

Her campaign screwed up royally, most notably by not understanding how the Democratic nominating process works: their strategy seemed to be based on the idea--which Mark Penn apparently personally believed somehow--that delegates were awarded on a winner-take-all basis. Not only that, she was running a 20th century campaign while Obama was building the template for the 21st century campaign. That concerns me a little bit when thinking about 2016, though to some extent perhaps it's not fair to give her too much grief over that; nobody was ready for what the Obama people were able to do in '08 and again in '12.

That said, the template now exists, at least on the Democratic side (I think the Romney people are still trying to figure out what the fuck happened to ORCA). She'd no longer be competing with Obama's infrastructure but likely would be tapping into it. An impressive tenure as Secretary of State has more or less exorcised the demon that followed her throughout the '08 primaries, her Iraq war vote. She's more popular than she's ever been, as is Bill.

It's always impossible to predict the future in politics, but it's very difficult to see who on either side could stop her in 2016 if she wants to run. Provided she runs the campaign she's capable of running and doesn't inexplicably throw victory away again.
Personally, I doubt she will run. But if she does, I predict a totally different campaign than 2008.

IMO, the presidency is hers - if she wants it.
An impressive tenure as Secretary of State has more or less exorcised the demon that followed her throughout the '08 primaries, her Iraq war vote.
Don't be fooled, she's a CFR and Tri-Lateral Commission Member in good standing. If she were elected in 2016 the Wars would continue just as they have under Obama.

Pretty soon Obama will have amassed near Dictatorial Powers in the Executive. Any right thinking person wouldn't want the Hildebeast wielding all that power, or any elected official for that matter.
By Jennifer Bendery

WASHINGTON -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton regularly brushes off the idea of a 2016 presidential bid. But if she were to run, at least one prominent Republican thinks his party would be completely outmatched.

"The Republican party is incapable of competing at that level," Gingrich said during an appearance on NBC's "Meet The Press."

"First of all, she's very formidable as a person," he said. "She's a very competent person. She's married to the most popular Democrat in the country; they both think [it] would be good for her to be president. It makes it virtually impossible to stop her for the nomination."

In addition to having Bill Clinton's support, Hillary Clinton would also have the backing of President Barack Obama, who will still be a "relatively popular president," Gingrich added. "Trying to win that will be truly the Super Bowl."

Newt Gingrich: If Hillary Clinton Runs In 2016, Republicans 'Incapable Of Competing' (VIDEO)

Hillary Clinton job approval, 2016 prospects and favorability ratings - The Washington Post

Congrats President Clinton.
I know Hillary could win in 2016 - just like I knew Romney would lose in 2012.

The country is ripe for its first woman president.
Not that Hillary would necessarily need it - but Obama's political machine could put her in the White House.
Hillary Clinton will never run for President. She's done politically - Owe Bama has screwed over any chance she ever had.
If we get an economy like the last 4 years...
the people will have no choice but to beg the Republicans to take over.
By Jennifer Bendery

WASHINGTON -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton regularly brushes off the idea of a 2016 presidential bid. But if she were to run, at least one prominent Republican thinks his party would be completely outmatched.

"The Republican party is incapable of competing at that level," Gingrich said during an appearance on NBC's "Meet The Press."

"First of all, she's very formidable as a person," he said. "She's a very competent person. She's married to the most popular Democrat in the country; they both think [it] would be good for her to be president. It makes it virtually impossible to stop her for the nomination."

In addition to having Bill Clinton's support, Hillary Clinton would also have the backing of President Barack Obama, who will still be a "relatively popular president," Gingrich added. "Trying to win that will be truly the Super Bowl."

Newt Gingrich: If Hillary Clinton Runs In 2016, Republicans 'Incapable Of Competing' (VIDEO)

Hillary Clinton job approval, 2016 prospects and favorability ratings - The Washington Post

Congrats President Clinton.

I know one President She would leave in the dust. :D

After 8 Years of Hell on Earth, Anything is a step up. She would do well by adding Panetta to the Ticket. If we are still a viable Nation in 2016, it would make for an interesting Race. :)
2016 will be very hard for the dems to win, and they won't win it by running last primaries loser.

She's not just last primary's loser, she's the most popular (active) political figure in the United States. She had as much support among Dems last go-around as Obama did--actually, more if you go by raw vote totals in the 2008 primaries.

More importantly, Obama doesn't have much of a clear heir apparent. Biden isn't going to get traction in the primaries. Clinton is probably the most visible face in this administration after O himself, so it would fall to her. That means if Obama leaves on a reasonably high note, she's the one who can cash in on that. She ran on experience and insider credentials last time but lost to the outsider promising change. It's unlikely someone is going to emerge in the Democratic party to run an Obama-esque campaign in 2016--it's very odd to run a change campaign at the end of two terms of your own party controlling the White House.

Meaning if the Dems keep the White House in 2016 it's very likely to be because people more or less approve of Obama's stewardship--exactly the situation that gives a leg up to the experienced heir apparent. If Dems have to start the 2016 campaign by distancing themselves from Obama, they're starting at a disadvantage and probably would lose anyway. That wouldn't be a Hillary year and it wouldn't probably be any Democrat's year. If they're going to win, my guess is that it's under conditions that would be extremely favorable to Hillary.
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