Newsweek: Obama is Poised to be as Significant as Reagan

It's Newsweek. Anyone seen one lately? They're desperately fighting to stay afloat and as part of the strategery to hopefully do so they've evolved into a combination People and whatever rag mag you care to insert. It'll be gone soon and a nice negative on Tina Brown's resume.
Reagan was the worst president we ever had. What an insulting article.

Ronald Reagan's presidency led to the release of the hostages after 444 days.
Ronald Reagan's presidency led to the eventual dissolution of the then greatest enemy, the Soviet Union.
Ronald Reagan's presidency instilled hope and pride of being American.

If and when Barak Obama ever has a decision or a policy that puts the fear into Iran, similar to Reagan's inaguration did, maybe then Obama can claim to better than Jimmy Carter.
If and when Obama does to Al Quada what Reagan did to the Soviet Union, maybe then he might be considered a pretty fair president.

Ravi, you obviously were nowhere near the National Mall in the Summer of 2004, when thousands gathered to pay homage to Ronald Reagan, if you claim that he was the worst president.

Yes, I agree with you, the article was insulting and offensive.

To common sense and the memory and legacy of Ronald Reagan.

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