New York Times' editorial board BLASTS Trump....

Directed both at the OP and the NY Times.... 'F* YOU!'

News from The Associated Press

12:45 p.m.

"President Donald Trump is saying that "racism is evil" as he condemns the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists as "criminals and thugs."

He is speaking in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House after meeting with Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI director Christopher Wray about the race-fueled violence Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia."

Unlike the racist asshole Obama, Trump did not rush to an ERONEOUS conclusion as Obama did, which resulted in a ridiculous 'Beer Summit' instead of an apology to the Police officer who Obama falsely accused of being a racist.

Instead, Trump actually waited to learn all the facts and talked to his US AG before making a statement....and that statement was a condemnation of the KKK, Neo-Nazis, and the White Supremacists.

In their rush to condemn Trump and to even connect Trump to the KKK, one of NBC's anchors/reporters even cited / referenced a Neo-Nazi web site, seemingly legitimizing the site as a credible news source, in his attack on Trump.

Of course now that the Left's attempt to paint President Trump as what their own exposed personal DNC e-mails proved the DNC to be, what will the snowflakes complain about now. Knowing them they will fine something, as they are / never will be satisfied with anything Trump does because they are still butt-hurt over him defeating their lil' criminal candidate.
With Trump's condemnation of the groups, the NY Times is stuck with shit all over their face, their credibility destroyed, with nothing left to do but attempt to spin the story, potentially claim THEY 'forced' Trump to do so.....

Uh Mr. Drumpf the entire nation is against you on this

and as for the leftist who shot up the GOP House baseball team, he was a "lone wolf" and not representative of the hate, bigotry, and extremely warped view of reality of the Dem Party, was he???

The crazy that shot up the baseball team didn't have hundreds or chanting people marching with guns, torches, and swastikas to help pump him up into a murderous frenzy. He hadn't been in a crowd of Nazies shouting racist Nazi slogans just a few minutes before he did his disgusting act. The right made sure to give their murderer all the support he needed so he could fulfill his goal.
The crazy that shot up the baseball team didn't have hundreds or chanting people marching with guns, torches, and swastikas to help pump him up into a murderous frenzy

Ne, he was a huge fan of Rachel Maddow, and supported an extremist communist type of redistributionist ideology, chock full of hatemongers like the PLM and Bill Ayers...

He hadn't been in a crowd of Nazies shouting racist Nazi slogans just a few minutes before he did his disgusting act.

No, but he did watch a lot of CNN...

The right made sure to give their murderer

This is the DOUBLE STANDARD in a nutshell. The "lone wolf" who shot up the GOP House baseball team was no more and no less a "lone wolf" than the thug who drove into the crowd, the difference is that leftist BIGOTS AND LIARS try to paint everyone who doesn't support the Dem Party as that guy, while nobody tries to paint every Dem as the "lousy shot at the ballpark..."
He gets all the damage from not doing so the first time he spoke and he gets all the damage from his base for being a coward and doing so after he was forced to. He's read the book 'How to drag your face through broken glass AFTER you light it on fire'.

Right on target........Trump was forced by some saner folks around him to COUNTER his natural instinct to be just another fucked up racist.......Too damn late.
With Trump's condemnation of the groups, the NY Times is stuck with shit all over their face, their credibility destroyed, with nothing left to do but attempt to spin the story, potentially claim THEY 'forced' Trump to do so...

Too fucking late for Trump.........He should come out of the closet and wear some Nazi helmet...LOL
I posted the O/P hoping that right wing morons would keep bumping it up for others to see the NYT article........I simply can't "thank" enough the R-W nitwits on this thread .....LOL
I posted the O/P hoping that right wing morons would keep bumping it up for others to see the NYT article........I simply can't "thank" enough the R-W nitwits on this thread .....LOL
I have no problem bumping this up so everyone can see what an ignorant, hate-driven, butt-hurt, reality-devoid snowflake you are, gnat. Glad I can help.


New York Times' editorial board BLASTS Trump....

Good....That makes me very happy. The NY times is as ignorant as the day is long. We all know it, we all see it, we all know when we are being lied to, we all know when we are being mislead. The NY Times has ZERO credibility with us.
Why is it that whenever you say, "New York Times", I think "National Enquirer"?

well, probably because you're an idiot.

The only idiot I'm seeing here is you. Ignoring the FACT that the leftist provocateurs intent to deny the legal, permitted, exercise of a groups constitutional free speech rights, is just as anti American as anything said by the group they opposed.

I personally disagree with the message of all supremacist, but that is irrelevant, you may oppose the message of a particular group, but in this country they have a right to deliver that message unmolested, as long as they are doing so lawfully. The confrontation came from the left, they are just as responsible for the outcome as anyone. Pretending the left is innocent here is laughable.

The confrontation came from the left, they are just as responsible for the outcome as anyone. Pretending the left is innocent here is laughable.

LAUGH AWAY.......and don't forget to burn a few crosses and wear a pointed hood.

Sure, "both sides" are guilty? How many Nazi fuck heads were killed or maimed on Saturday?.
What's new...
Fully realizing that right wing, Trump acolytes will smirk at ANYTHING that is printed in the NYT, few can still defend this so-called president and his clearly manifested affinity for the same bigoted objectives of white supremacists. …..At “best,” (or at worst) all that these acolytes can do is to divert their hatred toward Obama, Clinton, democrats in general, and those few sane republicans who are starting to see the Trump brand as an albatross on their backs.

Let’s discard the fiction that President Trump wasn’t placating white supremacists by responding so weakly to the neo-Nazi violence that killed Heather Heyer, a 32-year-old counter-demonstrator in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday. The neo-Nazis heard his message loud and clear. …….

Mr. Trump is alone in modern presidential history in his willingness to summon demons of bigotry and intolerance in service to himself. He began his political career on a lie about President Barack Obama’s citizenship and has failed to firmly condemn the words and deeds of white supremacists, neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan leaders and other bigots who rallied behind him. A number of these people, including David Duke, the former Klan imperial wizard, and Richard Spencer, self-styled theorist of the alt-right, were part of the amen chorus of bigots in Charlottesville.
The confrontation came from the left, they are just as responsible for the outcome as anyone. Pretending the left is innocent here is laughable.

LAUGH AWAY.......and don't forget to burn a few crosses and wear a pointed hood.

Sure, "both sides" are guilty? How many Nazi fuck heads were killed or maimed on Saturday?.

36 were injured in total, can you tell me which side they were on? Now why don't you address the anti American activities of the "counter protesters", they tried to deny a lawfully assembled march, their constitutional rights.

Oh wow. The NYT attacks President Trump. How completely unexpected. I mean seriously what is Trump supposed to do now that the NYT editorials dont like him?!
The confrontation came from the left, they are just as responsible for the outcome as anyone. Pretending the left is innocent here is laughable.

LAUGH AWAY........


Sure, "both sides" are guilty? How many Nazi fuck heads were killed or maimed on Saturday?.

It takes TWO to tango, moron, If you weren't such a bigot you would admit that much. The Nazi's didn't start a fight with themselves! The Leftist counter-protesters came there looking for trouble and found it. That all the injuries and worse all happened to them just proves the point: next time stay home and watch CNN where you belong.
Fully realizing that right wing, Trump acolytes will smirk at ANYTHING that is printed in the NYT, few can still defend this so-called president and his clearly manifested affinity for the same bigoted objectives of white supremacists. …..At “best,” (or at worst) all that these acolytes can do is to divert their hatred toward Obama, Clinton, democrats in general, and those few sane republicans who are starting to see the Trump brand as an albatross on their backs.

Let’s discard the fiction that President Trump wasn’t placating white supremacists by responding so weakly to the neo-Nazi violence that killed Heather Heyer, a 32-year-old counter-demonstrator in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday. The neo-Nazis heard his message loud and clear. …….

Mr. Trump is alone in modern presidential history in his willingness to summon demons of bigotry and intolerance in service to himself. He began his political career on a lie about President Barack Obama’s citizenship and has failed to firmly condemn the words and deeds of white supremacists, neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan leaders and other bigots who rallied behind him. A number of these people, including David Duke, the former Klan imperial wizard, and Richard Spencer, self-styled theorist of the alt-right, were part of the amen chorus of bigots in Charlottesville.

This is from a CNN piece back in March 2016 of Trump clearly denouncing Duke and the KKK.

"David Duke is a bad person, who I disavowed on numerous occasions over the years," Trump said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."

"I disavowed him. I disavowed the KKK," Trump added. "Do you want me to do it again for the 12th time? I disavowed him in the past, I disavow him now."
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Trump was forced to come out and condemn his base, finally. This is what arrogant ignorance gets you. "Well I'll condemn everyone but I'm not going to condemn the KKK, David Duke, and the White Surpremacists who are my voting base and you can't make me, I do what I want." Uh Mr. Drumpf the entire nation is against you on this. "I condemn the KKK, David Duke, and the White Surpremacists because I was told to."

He gets all the damage from not doing so the first time he spoke and he gets all the damage from his base for being a coward and doing so after he was forced to. He's read the book 'How to drag your face through broken glass AFTER you light it on fire'.

Bravo la zurullo de la naranja. You've done it again Gilligan.

Liar! Trump's words back in March:

"David Duke is a bad person, who I disavowed on numerous occasions over the years," Trump said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
"I disavowed him. I disavowed the KKK," Trump added. "Do you want me to do it again for the 12th time? I disavowed him in the past, I disavow him now."

Donald Trump denounces David Duke, KKK - CNNPolitics
Fully realizing that right wing, Trump acolytes will smirk at ANYTHING that is printed in the NYT, few can still defend this so-called president and his clearly manifested affinity for the same bigoted objectives of white supremacists. …..At “best,” (or at worst) all that these acolytes can do is to divert their hatred toward Obama, Clinton, democrats in general, and those few sane republicans who are starting to see the Trump brand as an albatross on their backs.

Let’s discard the fiction that President Trump wasn’t placating white supremacists by responding so weakly to the neo-Nazi violence that killed Heather Heyer, a 32-year-old counter-demonstrator in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday. The neo-Nazis heard his message loud and clear. …….

Mr. Trump is alone in modern presidential history in his willingness to summon demons of bigotry and intolerance in service to himself. He began his political career on a lie about President Barack Obama’s citizenship and has failed to firmly condemn the words and deeds of white supremacists, neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan leaders and other bigots who rallied behind him. A number of these people, including David Duke, the former Klan imperial wizard, and Richard Spencer, self-styled theorist of the alt-right, were part of the amen chorus of bigots in Charlottesville.

This is from a CNN piece back in March 2016 of Trump clearly denouncing Duke and the KKK.

"David Duke is a bad person, who I disavowed on numerous occasions over the years," Trump said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."

"I disavowed him. I disavowed the KKK," Trump added. "Do you want me to do it again for the 12th time? I disavowed him in the past, I disavow him now."

I, too, think it's funny when when your lie is proven and you continue to tell the lie.

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