How bad will their Blackshirts hurt the Ds?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
The Idiots funding the Anti-fa do not or cannot think. A party organ that lacks only the ability to goose step to make the pluperfect 2018 GOP campaign ads is a major liability. However talking points as opposed to thought no matter how muddled leads to the following anti-fa errors:

they're preferably dressed in gestapo black but Rainbow stripes are also permitted.

they are violently anti "Zionist" and want Islamic terrorists to be welcome here.

They also hate Christianity and free speech. They stage violent incidents to drive this home.

So, I ask again how much will the D stormtroopers help the GOP win the next two federal elections?
Republican fascists just screwed up big time.

Thety murdered a pretty white woman, and now they're trying to make excuses and deflect.

They could get away with murdering black people and blaming them for getting murdered, as the media would help them get away with it. But murdering a pretty white woman? Not a chance. They took their murdering way too far. Even non-liberals are shocked by seeing them murder a pretty white woman.

And deflection threads like this one just make it worse for you.
The Idiots funding the Anti-fa do not or cannot think. A party organ that lacks only the ability to goose step to make the pluperfect 2018 GOP campaign ads is a major liability. However talking points as opposed to thought no matter how muddled leads to the following anti-fa errors:

they're preferably dressed in gestapo black but Rainbow stripes are also permitted.

they are violently anti "Zionist" and want Islamic terrorists to be welcome here.

They also hate Christianity and free speech. They stage violent incidents to drive this home.

So, I ask again how much will the D stormtroopers help the GOP win the next two federal elections?
Repugs should worry about getting rid of the guys in sheets and carrying Nazi flags before they start planning how to use antifa against dems.
The Idiots funding the Anti-fa do not or cannot think. A party organ that lacks only the ability to goose step to make the pluperfect 2018 GOP campaign ads is a major liability. However talking points as opposed to thought no matter how muddled leads to the following anti-fa errors:

they're preferably dressed in gestapo black but Rainbow stripes are also permitted.

they are violently anti "Zionist" and want Islamic terrorists to be welcome here.

They also hate Christianity and free speech. They stage violent incidents to drive this home.

So, I ask again how much will the D stormtroopers help the GOP win the next two federal elections?
Repugs should worry about getting rid of the guys in sheets and carrying Nazi flags before they start planning how to use antifa against dems.
The Idiots funding the Anti-fa do not or cannot think. A party organ that lacks only the ability to goose step to make the pluperfect 2018 GOP campaign ads is a major liability. However talking points as opposed to thought no matter how muddled leads to the following anti-fa errors:

they're preferably dressed in gestapo black but Rainbow stripes are also permitted.

they are violently anti "Zionist" and want Islamic terrorists to be welcome here.

They also hate Christianity and free speech. They stage violent incidents to drive this home.

So, I ask again how much will the D stormtroopers help the GOP win the next two federal elections?
Repugs should worry about getting rid of the guys in sheets and carrying Nazi flags before they start planning how to use antifa against dems.

keep thinking that way please
Repugs should worry about getting rid of the guys in sheets and carrying Nazi flags before they start planning how to use antifa against dems.

Blaming "Repugs" for neo-Nazis is like blaming Christianity for the Westboro Baptist Church. Many Democrats, on the other hand, wholeheartedly support the violent "Antifa" protesters.
Really? Who are the "many democrats" that wholeheartedly support violent demonstrators of any kind?
Who are the "many democrats" that wholeheartedly support violent demonstrators of any kind?

Let's start with you: Do you believe the Antifa protesters have the right to prevent others with opposing views from exercising their First Amendment rights? Do you believe that the police should stand down or stand by while they destroy private property? Or do you believe they should be cordoned off and identified so that facial recognition from videos can be used to arrest and prosecute those who are committing crimes?
Who are the "many democrats" that wholeheartedly support violent demonstrators of any kind?

Let's start with you: Do you believe the Antifa protesters have the right to prevent others with opposing views from exercising their First Amendment rights? Do you believe that the police should stand down or stand by while they destroy private property? Or do you believe they should be cordoned off and identified so that facial recognition from videos can be used to arrest and prosecute those who are committing crimes?

Thank you for driving home my point.
Who are the "many democrats" that wholeheartedly support violent demonstrators of any kind?

Let's start with you: Do you believe the Antifa protesters have the right to prevent others with opposing views from exercising their First Amendment rights? Do you believe that the police should stand down or stand by while they destroy private property? Or do you believe they should be cordoned off and identified so that facial recognition from videos can be used to arrest and prosecute those who are committing crimes?
Well, they have first amendment rights too. That said, nobody has the right to destroy private property except the owner of said property. Nobody has the right to perpetrate violent acts against others except in self defense. Those that commit crimes should be identified, arrested, and prosecuted. That's where I stand.
If Democrats really want to stop the rise of Neo-Nazi violence, there’s a very easy way. Stop normalizing black nationalism and the Alt-Left. End the racist witch hunts for white privilege. Make it clear that street violence is unacceptable and that racism is bad no matter who it comes from. Allow people you disagree with to express their views without trying to destroy their lives.

But that’s the opposite of what the Dems will do. They don’t want fewer Neo-Nazis; they want more of them. They don’t want fewer attacks like Charlottesville and Charleston. They want more of them.

The Dems have become an extremist party run by the radical left. Obama, Holder, and Lynch made common cause with black nationalist hate groups against civil society. It began when Obama defended the vile racism of Jeremiah Wright and concluded with DOJ organized race riots. DNC boss Tom Perez addresses La Raza and his deputy Keith Ellison is a veteran of the Nation of Islam.

The radical left wants to see Neo-Nazis gain prominence on the right to polarize the country. It wants to see our values and norms drowned in violence so that it has an excuse to eliminate free speech. It seeks to eliminate democracy by making the other side appear nightmarishly dangerous. It plots to impose a totalitarian system on the United States by empowering extremists to destroy the current system. Doug Ross @ Journal: Stop Neo-Nazis using this one weird trick!
Repugs should worry about getting rid of the guys in sheets and carrying Nazi flags before they start planning how to use antifa against dems.

Blaming "Repugs" for neo-Nazis is like blaming Christianity for the Westboro Baptist Church. Many Democrats, on the other hand, wholeheartedly support the violent "Antifa" protesters.
Judging by the responses on this board, there's plenty of support among Repugs for the neo-nazis and white nationalists / supremacists. They act like the counter-protesters had it coming.
If Democrats really want to stop the rise of Neo-Nazi violence, there’s a very easy way. Stop normalizing black nationalism and the Alt-Left.

There is no such thing as "alt-left".

Save the conspiracy rants and phony equivalence bullshit for your fellow cultists. Nobody else is going to swallow it. Your party is full of Nazis. That's entirely the fault of people like you, not the Democrats. You've given those Nazis big smoochy kisses for years, instead of casting them out.
If Democrats really want to stop the rise of Neo-Nazi violence, there’s a very easy way. Stop normalizing black nationalism and the Alt-Left.

There is no such thing as "alt-left".

Save the conspiracy rants and phony equivalence bullshit for your fellow cultists. Nobody else is going to swallow it. Your party is full of Nazis. That's entirely the fault of people like you, not the Democrats. You've given those Nazis big smoochy kisses for years, instead of casting them out.
So those were avg democrats in the streets eh.........ok then nice to know thats your entire entourage
Repugs should worry about getting rid of the guys in sheets and carrying Nazi flags before they start planning how to use antifa against dems.

Blaming "Repugs" for neo-Nazis is like blaming Christianity for the Westboro Baptist Church. Many Democrats, on the other hand, wholeheartedly support the violent "Antifa" protesters.

not around here they dont

antifa as part of the new face of the democrat party

is driving normal folks away in droves

just today the some at the DNC had been screaming that they will not accept

pro life democrats in the party


the party is quickly falling into the anti American party
Judging by the responses on this board, there's plenty of support among Repugs for the neo-nazis and white nationalists / supremacists. They act like the counter-protesters had it coming.

Despite brief periods of apparent lucidity, you keep falling back to your race card mentality. I support anyone exercising their First Amendment rights and oppose anyone trying to prevent it. You, on the other hand, seem to be quite selective as to whom you would grant these rights to and from whom you would deny them. And you consider yourself to be an anti-fascist?
If Democrats really want to stop the rise of Neo-Nazi violence, there’s a very easy way. Stop normalizing black nationalism and the Alt-Left.

There is no such thing as "alt-left".

Save the conspiracy rants and phony equivalence bullshit for your fellow cultists. Nobody else is going to swallow it. Your party is full of Nazis. That's entirely the fault of people like you, not the Democrats. You've given those Nazis big smoochy kisses for years, instead of casting them out.

So you admit antifa represents mainstream liberals....
Republican fascists just screwed up big time.

Thety murdered a pretty white woman, and now they're trying to make excuses and deflect.

They could get away with murdering black people and blaming them for getting murdered, as the media would help them get away with it. But murdering a pretty white woman? Not a chance. They took their murdering way too far. Even non-liberals are shocked by seeing them murder a pretty white woman.

And deflection threads like this one just make it worse for you.

Republican fascists just screwed up big time.

Thety murdered a pretty white woman, and now they're trying to make excuses and deflect.

They could get away with murdering black people and blaming them for getting murdered, as the media would help them get away with it. But murdering a pretty white woman? Not a chance. They took their murdering way too far. Even non-liberals are shocked by seeing them murder a pretty white woman.

And deflection threads like this one just make it worse for you.

Sorry dude, black people kill more black people then anyone else. Are you just angry you were born black? If so that would be new. Racial self hatred. What would a libtard even call that?
If Democrats really want to stop the rise of Neo-Nazi violence, there’s a very easy way. Stop normalizing black nationalism and the Alt-Left.

There is no such thing as "alt-left".

Save the conspiracy rants and phony equivalence bullshit for your fellow cultists. Nobody else is going to swallow it. Your party is full of Nazis. That's entirely the fault of people like you, not the Democrats. You've given those Nazis big smoochy kisses for years, instead of casting them out.

So you admit antifa represents mainstream liberals....

They do. No democrat I know of has even denounced them.

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