New York Times continues its attack against men: "The Unexamined Brutality of the Male Libido"


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
New York times has just published a new regressive masterpiece, here is just an excerpt:

"For most of history, we’ve taken for granted the implicit brutality of male sexuality. In 1976, the radical feminist and pornography opponent Andrea Dworkin said that the only sex between a man and a woman that could be undertaken without violence was sex with a flaccid penis: “I think that men will have to give up their precious erections,” she wrote. In the third century A.D., it is widely believed, the great Catholic theologian Origen, working on roughly the same principle, castrated himself.

Acknowledging the brutality of male libido is not, of course, some kind of excuse. Sigmund Freud recognized the id, and knew it as “a chaos, a caldron full of seething excitations.” But the point of Freud was not that boys will be boys. Rather the opposite: The idea of the Oedipus complex contained an implicit case for the requirements of strenuous repression: If you let boys be boys, they will murder their fathers and sleep with their mothers."

Opinion | The Unexamined Brutality of the Male Libido

I doubt this cuck of a writer has any erection to speak of, and balls equal to the person who castrated himself, so at least it's not completely hypocritical. If you don't let boys be boys, this is the result.

Once again they have got everything backwards, modern men are generally the least sexually aggressive around and do not approve of Weiner's actions. Apart from these lefties who want to import a bunch of rapefugees at least. Men are also the ones who pay the taxes so these lefties can leech off the system not working, this is their thank you.
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No replies? The patriarchy has been squashed?
New York times has just published a new regressive masterpiece, here is just an excerpt:

"For most of history, we’ve taken for granted the implicit brutality of male sexuality. In 1976, the radical feminist and pornography opponent Andrea Dworkin said that the only sex between a man and a woman that could be undertaken without violence was sex with a flaccid penis: “I think that men will have to give up their precious erections,” she wrote. In the third century A.D., it is widely believed, the great Catholic theologian Origen, working on roughly the same principle, castrated himself.

Acknowledging the brutality of male libido is not, of course, some kind of excuse. Sigmund Freud recognized the id, and knew it as “a chaos, a caldron full of seething excitations.” But the point of Freud was not that boys will be boys. Rather the opposite: The idea of the Oedipus complex contained an implicit case for the requirements of strenuous repression: If you let boys be boys, they will murder their fathers and sleep with their mothers."

Opinion | The Unexamined Brutality of the Male Libido

I doubt this cuck of a writer has any erection to speak of, and balls equal to the person who castrated himself, so at least it's not completely hypocritical. If you don't let boys be boys, this is the result.
Telemachus Complex Makes Boys Into Men

The Oedipus Complex is not natural, common, or healthy. Because of their own confused attempt to cover their weakness, Freudians try to make freaks into a standard to judge human nature by. Any male worth anything at all desires to fight side-by-side with his father to save his mother. He wants to be his own uncle.
New York times has just published a new regressive masterpiece, here is just an excerpt:

"For most of history, we’ve taken for granted the implicit brutality of male sexuality. In 1976, the radical feminist and pornography opponent Andrea Dworkin said that the only sex between a man and a woman that could be undertaken without violence was sex with a flaccid penis: “I think that men will have to give up their precious erections,” she wrote. In the third century A.D., it is widely believed, the great Catholic theologian Origen, working on roughly the same principle, castrated himself.

Acknowledging the brutality of male libido is not, of course, some kind of excuse. Sigmund Freud recognized the id, and knew it as “a chaos, a caldron full of seething excitations.” But the point of Freud was not that boys will be boys. Rather the opposite: The idea of the Oedipus complex contained an implicit case for the requirements of strenuous repression: If you let boys be boys, they will murder their fathers and sleep with their mothers."

Opinion | The Unexamined Brutality of the Male Libido

I doubt this cuck of a writer has any erection to speak of, and balls equal to the person who castrated himself, so at least it's not completely hypocritical. If you don't let boys be boys, this is the result.

Once again they have got everything backwards, modern men are generally the least sexually aggressive around and do not approve of Weiner's actions. Apart from these lefties who want to import a bunch of rapefugees at least. Men are also the ones who pay the taxes so these lefties can leech off the system not working, this is their thank you.
Poor widdle victim :itsok:
Coastal Liberals should stop the half measures and just walk the walk! Stop apologizing for being a man!! Cut off your cock and balls! Do it. Do it for the LBGBQTLMNOP!!
Coastal Liberals should stop the half measures and just walk the walk! Stop apologizing for being a man!! Cut off your cock and balls! Do it. Do it for the LBGBQTLMNOP!!

I don't know, they are so cucked that perhaps they have indeed gone through with it? Certainly I haven't observed any use of balls from these people. Maybe they want to bring in the Muslims so that at least someone would give attention to their wives.
Coastal Liberals should stop the half measures and just walk the walk! Stop apologizing for being a man!! Cut off your cock and balls! Do it. Do it for the LBGBQTLMNOP!!

I don't know, they are so cucked that perhaps they have indeed gone through with it? Certainly I haven't observed any use of balls from these people. Maybe they want to bring in the Muslims so that at least someone would give attention to their wives.
Eminent Emasculation

The road to success imposed by the bipartisan ruling class is to go to college and live like a teenager afraid to grow up. Their stunted degreed eunuchs rule society, which is why all this childish unmanliness dominates it. The rich snakes better give us the same high allowance and paid-up tuition they give their sons or a manly generation will arise someday and make sure those brats never graduate.
Liberals love to bash men and masculinity as some violent, aggressive thing -- yet they fellate a religion that's a universal exercise in brutality and slavery against women! They support/import a religion where it's a common tradition to throw disfiguring acid in the faces of disobedient women.......this is what's known as liberals being BREATHTAKINGLY full of shit.

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