New York Times columnist warns America may be inadvertently dragged into direct war with Russia

NATO was established specifically to keep Stalin from invading West Germany. France and England never recovered after WWII. Only American might could keep Stalin, with all his American supplied munitions, in check.

Stalin is dead, the USSR was defeated by Ronald Reagan over 30 years ago, Germany is united and not threatened by Russia. The reason for NATO is gone.
USSR never admitted defeat and certainly did not internalize it, and here we are again. People from East Germany have been fracturing Germany since day one of the wall coming down, most likely part of a long term Russian strategy. You are either an appeaser or supporting the other side. Whatever the case, you are misguided unless being paid to espouse these thoughts to the unsuspecting.
USSR never admitted defeat and certainly did not internalize it, and here we are again. People from East Germany have been fracturing Germany since day one of the wall coming down, most likely part of a long term Russian strategy. You are either an appeaser or supporting the other side. Whatever the case, you are misguided unless being paid to espouse these thoughts to the unsuspecting.

The Irony of democrats, who openly supported Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, et al. now thinking that accusing Americans of what you did for a hundred years is beyond the pale.

It's amusing to see you lie that your beloved USSR never fell, that this never happened:



"He who controls the past controls the future" - George Orwell
PUtin is a psychopath----who if or when or whatever he loses the war, the other oligarths will end him and likely his lineage. Psychopaths are vindicative as hell. At this point, Putin has to feel betrayed by BIDEN who promised putin that he could invade and take ukraine and now biden is taking bribes to send tiny ukraine weapons that they are using to defy and embarrass putin.

If putin loses, he will strike out trying to make everyone else hurt.
PUtin is a psychopath----who if or when or whatever he loses the war, the other oligarths will end him and likely his lineage. Psychopaths are vindicative as hell. At this point, Putin has to feel betrayed by BIDEN who promised putin that he could invade and take ukraine and now biden is taking bribes to send tiny ukraine weapons that they are using to defy and embarrass putin.

If putin loses, he will strike out trying to make everyone else hurt.

It's sad. Russia had a real chance in 1990. American "leadership" was Bush the Eviler, who instantly backed the Oligarchs of the old guard and undermined Yeltsin. KKK leader, Rep. Albert Gore backed Soviet Dictator Mikhail Gorbachev, funding him as a "green" leader to continue promoting Communism under the environmental movement, that his son would later be Pope of.

Corruption, backed by Americans on both sides destroyed the fledgling Russian Federation and allowed criminal thug Putin to seize power.
The Irony of democrats, who openly supported Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, et al. now thinking that accusing Americans of what you did for a hundred years is beyond the pale.

It's amusing to see you lie that your beloved USSR never fell, that this never happened:

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View attachment 642752

"He who controls the past controls the future" - George Orwell
It is pityful to watch a Putin Puffer, like yourself, squirm because most Americans know Russia, under current leadership for what it is with the same intents as back in the 70s, and still bound to fail at it. Tuff Sh#t for you comrade. There will be no return of a united Soviet, taking over nearby countries in Europe or exerting military power around the globe. Go outside, bum a cheap Sobranie Black Russian smoke (as is custom) and a shot of Rusya vodka out of your desk to ease your pain.
It's sad. Russia had a real chance in 1990. American "leadership" was Bush the Eviler, who instantly backed the Oligarchs of the old guard and undermined Yeltsin. KKK leader, Rep. Albert Gore backed Soviet Dictator Mikhail Gorbachev, funding him as a "green" leader to continue promoting Communism under the environmental movement, that his son would later be Pope of.

Corruption, backed by Americans on both sides destroyed the fledgling Russian Federation and allowed criminal thug Putin to seize power.
Yeltsin was leader of the Communist Party from 90-91 in the "Supreme Soviet", and president from 91-99 how was he replaced by Bush who was long out of office by then?
No. He is not. He has made all the right moves on this Russian aggression thing, so far.
:omg: You make sub-moronic fool of self, he's done nothing to de-escalate the situation, indeed, he has called for regime change and opened up an economic war upon Russia and this is on top of both Biden and Obama starting this war way back in 2013/14 by sponsoring a coup, and then sending us to train Azov Nazi's in asymmetrical warfare fighting, even as Azov Nazi's were waging an ethnic cleansing attempt upon the Donetsk region where population is overwhelmingly Russian! Russia did not start the war, the two worst presidents in US history did, all so the US senate could launder their ill gotten gains through the Ukraine, in this war Russia wears the white hats!
:omg: You make sub-moronic fool of self, he's done nothing to de-escalate the situation, indeed, he has called for regime change and opened up an economic war upon Russia and this is on top of both Biden and Obama starting this war way back in 2013/14 by sponsoring a coup, and then sending us to train Azov Nazi's in asymmetrical warfare fighting, even as Azov Nazi's were waging an ethnic cleansing attempt upon the Donetsk region where population is overwhelmingly Russian! Russia did not start the war, the two worst presidents in US history did, all so the US senate could launder their ill gotten gains through the Ukraine, in this war Russia wears the white hats!
Vlad did not have to attack, and does not listen to US presidents when he want to do something. Joe could have told Ukraine to roll over and play dead for the bear at the back door, but I wouldn't and neither did he. If Ukraine want to fight to preserve their independence from the invading Russian, trying to take over their country a few miles at a time, they deserver our support. If they want to try to take Alaska back, are you in favor of rolling over and giving it to them?

The military mindset can't be cracked. That makes it impossible for you to explore any possibilities.
So I'll just state my perception of what is possible and becoming quite probable.

Russia will use a tactical nuclear weapon on the Ukraine. The US won't respond with a nuclear weapon on Russia.

And slightly less probable, the same if Russia uses a nuclear weapon on Poland or a Nato country.

I've made myself clear for you. No response from you is required.
You have no military experience or understanding so you are among the least qualified of people to comment on it.
No. He is not. He has made all the right moves on this Russian aggression thing, so far.
The right move would have been to not cancel the lethal aid to Ukraine shortly after taking office that was helping Ukraine fortify itself against invasion by creating a significant deterrent to a Russian invasion.

He also should not have give a greenlight to Putin invading.

He wouldn't even discuss sending lethal aid to Ukraine until his poll numbers hit rock bottom and there was broad support in the polls for resuming lethal aid to Ukraine after the invasion.

He's been behind the ball since he took office on Ukraine and certainly contributed to Putin believing he could invade with nothing to worry about other than a few sanctions if he did so.

Only begrudgingly was he pushed into doing the right thing to help Ukraine.
Vlad did not have to attack, and does not listen to US presidents when he want to do something. Joe could have told Ukraine to roll over and play dead for the bear at the back door, but I wouldn't and neither did he. If Ukraine want to fight to preserve their independence from the invading Russian, trying to take over their country a few miles at a time, they deserver our support. If they want to try to take Alaska back, are you in favor of rolling over and giving it to them?
No, what he did do was offer Zelensky a ride out of the country instead of pouring lethal aid into the country.
:omg: You make sub-moronic fool of self, he's done nothing to de-escalate the situation, indeed, he has called for regime change and opened up an economic war upon Russia and this is on top of both Biden and Obama starting this war way back in 2013/14 by sponsoring a coup, and then sending us to train Azov Nazi's in asymmetrical warfare fighting, even as Azov Nazi's were waging an ethnic cleansing attempt upon the Donetsk region where population is overwhelmingly Russian! Russia did not start the war, the two worst presidents in US history did, all so the US senate could launder their ill gotten gains through the Ukraine, in this war Russia wears the white hats!
A near unanimous vote by the parliament to remove Poroshenko in accordance with their constitution and laws does not equate in any way to a coup, much less one engineered by the US.

The Nazi BS nothing but Russian Propaganda. They have more in common with the Boy Scouts than they do any real Nazis or Neonazis.

They are strong Ukrainian Nationalists fighting against a foreign invader, not a bunch of thugs rounding up Jews to send to concentration camps or starting a global conquest in the name of National Socialism.
It is pityful to watch a Putin Puffer, like yourself, squirm because most Americans know Russia, under current leadership for what it is with the same intents as back in the 70s, and still bound to fail at it. Tuff Sh#t for you comrade. There will be no return of a united Soviet, taking over nearby countries in Europe or exerting military power around the globe. Go outside, bum a cheap Sobranie Black Russian smoke (as is custom) and a shot of Rusya vodka out of your desk to ease your pain.

Putin puffer? LOL

democrats LOVE them some Ruskies. We Americans, not so much.

Spiritual founder of the filthy democrat party:
The right move would have been to not cancel the lethal aid to Ukraine shortly after taking office that was helping Ukraine fortify itself against invasion by creating a significant deterrent to a Russian invasion.

He also should not have give a greenlight to Putin invading.

He wouldn't even discuss sending lethal aid to Ukraine until his poll numbers hit rock bottom and there was broad support in the polls for resuming lethal aid to Ukraine after the invasion.

He's been behind the ball since he took office on Ukraine and certainly contributed to Putin believing he could invade with nothing to worry about other than a few sanctions if he did so.

Only begrudgingly was he pushed into doing the right thing to help Ukraine.

The right move would have been to not cancel the lethal aid to Ukraine shortly after taking office that was helping Ukraine fortify itself against invasion by creating a significant deterrent to a Russian invasion.

He also should not have give a greenlight to Putin invading.

He wouldn't even discuss sending lethal aid to Ukraine until his poll numbers hit rock bottom and there was broad support in the polls for resuming lethal aid to Ukraine after the invasion.

He's been behind the ball since he took office on Ukraine and certainly contributed to Putin believing he could invade with nothing to worry about other than a few sanctions if he did so.

Only begrudgingly was he pushed into doing the right thing to help Ukraine.
No. You leave out parts on purpose. You are talking about the June 18, 2021 announced freeze of a package put together but not shipped. Russia had put 100,000 troops near the border for what it said at the time was, supposedly for a Zapad military exercise, an exercise held with Belarus every few years. In April Kremlin Defense ministry said they were planning to withdraw troops from the region. A Summit with Vlad was held the same week, but was more discussion of cyberattack launched from inside Russia on US business and probing of US infrastructure, than about Ukraine. From what I understand the package was kept together in a wait and see kind of thing. I got no problem with this administration's diplomatic approach, last summer. Remember, Ukrainians were saying as late as December, they did not think Russia would actually invade, that it was just more saber-rattling.

He didn't green light Putin to invade. The only president to green light a foreign country to cross borders to invade and attack inside another country, I have ever heard of is Donald Trump at the request of Turkey and Russia, in order to attack a US ally. Trump agreed and pulled back US troops to aid it.

Joe was the one sounding alarm, due to satellite intelligence interpreted as pre-invasion. It was not about falling poll numbers. You seem a big believer in revisionist history, but it does not work in the short term, or even in the long term if you cannot control the narrative and you guys, don't as you are mostly viewed as Un-American toads, but for good reason, as you are.
No. You leave out parts on purpose. You are talking about the June 18, 2021 announced freeze of a package put together but not shipped. Russia had put 100,000 troops near the border for what it said at the time was, supposedly for a Zapad military exercise, an exercise held with Belarus every few years. In April Kremlin Defense ministry said they were planning to withdraw troops from the region. A Summit with Vlad was held the same week, but was more discussion of cyberattack launched from inside Russia on US business and probing of US infrastructure, than about Ukraine. From what I understand the package was kept together in a wait and see kind of thing. I got no problem with this administration's diplomatic approach, last summer. Remember, Ukrainians were saying as late as December, they did not think Russia would actually invade, that it was just more saber-rattling.

He didn't green light Putin to invade. The only president to green light a foreign country to cross borders to invade and attack inside another country, I have ever heard of is Donald Trump at the request of Turkey and Russia, in order to attack a US ally. Trump agreed and pulled back US troops to aid it.

Joe was the one sounding alarm, due to satellite intelligence interpreted as pre-invasion. It was not about falling poll numbers. You seem a big believer in revisionist history, but it does not work in the short term, or even in the long term if you cannot control the narrative and you guys, don't as you are mostly viewed as Un-American toads, but for good reason, as you are.
I haven't revised anything what I stated is 100% factual. His approval numbers went into the negative starting in November and didn't begin to improve until he finally got on the right side of supplying Ukraine the aid they badly needed AFTER the invasion had begun.

He said we'd do nothing about an incursion but that their might be some sanctions if he went beyond that. That is a greenlight.

The buildup of forces was an obvious prelude to invasion to anyone with a modicum of intellect.

U.S. military and intelligence officials voiced repeated concerns in April after Russia massed as many as 150,000 troops along its border with Ukraine, calling that buildup the biggest since Moscow’s invasion of Crimea in 2014.
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I haven't revised anything what I stated is 100% factual. His approval numbers went into the negative starting in November and didn't begin to improve until he finally got on the right side of supplying Ukraine the aid they badly needed AFTER the invasion had begun.

He said we'd do nothing about an incursion but that their might be some sanctions if he went beyond that. That is a greenlight.

The buildup of forces was an obvious prelude to invasion to anyone with a modicum of intellect.

You tunnel vision it to cause and effect. That is where you made your mistake. Lethal aid resumed and arrived Jan 22, 2022 and NATO allies that had not been supplying lethal aid started at same time.
You tunnel vision it to cause and effect. That is where you made your mistake. Lethal aid resumed and arrived Jan 22, 2022 and NATO allies that had not been supplying lethal aid started at same time.
No, aid resumed, not lethal aid.

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