New York times applauds far left violence


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
New York Times Applauds Far-left Violence

New York Times reporters Thomas Fuller, Alan Feuer and Serge Kovaleski are responsible for this admiring profile of the far-left Brownshirts called antifa: “‘Antifa’ members are ready to literally fight right-wingers.”

And this is how MSM dictates what the sheep think, it's just like throwing gas into a fire those on the lower IQ charts pick up this information and spin it totally out of control because they're that stupid.

They are falling for the bait each and every time having no idea how it is they who are ushering in a communist desired Nation . Weak minds can not see reality.
New York Times Applauds Far-left Violence

New York Times reporters Thomas Fuller, Alan Feuer and Serge Kovaleski are responsible for this admiring profile of the far-left Brownshirts called antifa: “‘Antifa’ members are ready to literally fight right-wingers.”

And this is how MSM dictates what the sheep think, it's just like throwing gas into a fire those on the lower IQ charts pick up this information and spin it totally out of control because they're that stupid.

They are falling for the bait each and every time having no idea how it is they who are ushering in a communist desired Nation . Weak minds can not see reality.

New York Times applauds? Admiring profile? Those are some disingenuous phrases.
Sky news told their viewers that Trump said he loved statues that supported slavery.
This is a global assault. It doesn't matter if it is a lie, it matters how many people you can get to believe it. That's why they don't care about getting caught lying and just keep on doing it. Lying is effective. Ask advertising agencies...
We need to stop being media suckers.
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Sky news told their viewers that Trump said he loved statues that supported slavery.

He did. He called them beautiful.

Calling something beautiful is not the same as saying you love it, and certainly not the same as saying you support the ideology behind it. Nor is it even agreeing that the statues support slavery. There's no need to exaggerate what Trump (or anyone else) says to vilify him.
Calling something beautiful is not the same as saying you love it, and certainly not the same as saying you support the ideology behind it. Nor is it even agreeing that the statues support slavery. There's no need to exaggerate what Trump (or anyone else) says to vilify him.
The statues are beautiful art.

And the Democrats who made them did them with love and admiration for the subjects.
Here's the source article so you don't have to suffer the inbred OP's fake news: 'Antifa' members are ready to literally fight right-wingers

Psh it's not even from the New York Times. Great article though :thup:

Maybe you've been hit in the head by too many baseball bats out in the streets..
Or MAYBE you understand less about how things work than you scream about at protests.

It's simple.. Read the authors and the credit..

'Antifa' members are ready to literally fight right-wingers
Term refers to loose coalition of anti-fascists.
AUGUST 19, 2017 — 5:33PM

This is how pathetic the LEFTIST REJECTS are getting.
You are a sheep and you can't comprehend ----->

"Consider, the “divide and conquer” strategy pursued by Barack Obama. He has popularized the Marxist philosophy of the redistribution of wealth as he has pitted the “oppressed” lower class against the “privileged” upper class. He would have you believe that rich people flying around on their corporate jets are responsible for starving little old ladies and denying our children basic health care."
Sky news told their viewers that Trump said he loved statues that supported slavery.

He did. He called them beautiful.

Calling something beautiful is not the same as saying you love it, and certainly not the same as saying you support the ideology behind it. Nor is it even agreeing that the statues support slavery. There's no need to exaggerate what Trump (or anyone else) says to vilify him.
Well, you have that correct, the treasonous fat senile old clown say enough on his own that vilifies him.
These statues were erected when the nation was trying to heal after a catastrophic civil war, 630,000 or so American dead.
The people currently trying to remove the statues are doing so with the express objective of undoing that healing and plunging America into a second, or perhaps, even an extension of the first one. Who would do that, the definition of a Community organizer being a person who deliberately rubs raw the resentments of a self perceived oppressed minority.
Who would benefit from America's being plunged back into Civil war? An America whose attention was diverted would allow Iran, armed with nuclear weapons, to carry out its stated goal of eliminating Israel from the face of the earth without fearing any retribution from the west.
And the Seventh Angel poured forth the contents of his bowl into the air and a loud voice from on the Throne in the Temple called out "There! It is done"

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