New York Times: 30 kids out of 3,3000 at Stuyvesant High School are black

How the Few Black and Hispanic Students at Stuyvesant High School Feel

How many of those "black" students are mixed-race and not truly black? The only message you're sending by labeling them "black" is that the white or Asian genes will do the work and black genes will get the credit.
Sometimes in this world of racism where if you leave europeans OR blacks alone and they'll find differences amongst themselves, ots important to check in and make sure whites, tans, blacks, reds, whoever, have a chance.

Otherwise we can equal them by hatchet, axe and saw as them hippies said.
#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Denounce INTRA-Racial Discrimination.jpg

Hello. Do responsible, caring, loving primary child caregivers genuinely concerned about the overall well-being of our Nation's most precious and cherished assets, have an important role in educating child and teen citizens?

Controversial Dr. Umar Johnson, PhD seems to think so.

"Dr. Umar Johnson, Preventing Future Mass Incarceration, Admonishing Parents About Child Literacy"

Introducing 'SOULutions' oriented Child Abuse Awareness, PREVENTION & Education Advocate, California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, FAAP, MPH, Founder and CEO of the 'Center for Youth Wellness'.

LaGuardia is actually really the fourth specialized school, but It’s an arts school and there’s no standardized test for admissions
How the Few Black and Hispanic Students at Stuyvesant High School Feel

How many of those "black" students are mixed-race and not truly black? The only message you're sending by labeling them "black" is that the white or Asian genes will do the work and black genes will get the credit.

On March 26, 1790, the United States of America decided who could be a citizen of this country for the first time. This was a congressional decision named The Naturalization Act of 1790. The act states: “any alien, being a free white person,” could apply for citizenship, so long as he or she lived in the United States for at least two years, and in the state where the application was filed for at least a year. The new law also provided that “children of citizens of the United States that may be born … out of the limits of the United States shall be considered as natural born citizens.”

This is when the labeling began. Whites did it and if has been weaponized by whiles up until this very second. So it would be real nice if whites here would stop crying about the mess they have made. How many of those "white " students are mixed-race and not truly white? And look idiot, all the genes have to work in this situations.
Cortez failed to relate some important details, facts that destroy her accusation of racial discrimination against Black applicants. Now, as Paul Harvey famously said, “you're going to hear the rest of the story.”

“Her math is correct, but what she fails to mention is that while Asian students make up only 15 percent of all students in New York, they are a whopping 74 percent of students at Stuyvesant, the school she references. She claims this is inequity and represents a racial wealth gap. But exactly what systems does she believe that New York City has in place that can explain the extraordinary achievements of Asian students? Are Asians getting better schools? More resources? In what way are Asians the beneficiaries of a racial wealth gap?

“Don’t expect answers any time soon. This is a question Democrats and their allies in the news media have no answer for, and can barely even bring themselves to mention. The pebble in their shoe is that despite obvious racism that exists and has always existed towards Asian Americans, they succeed anyway, by almost every metric.

“The biggest problem with Ocasio-Cortez and de Blasio’s position is not that it is unfair to high-achieving Asian students (it is), but that changing the admission process at elite high schools does absolutely nothing to solve the underlying problem. The real problem is that black and Latino kids are not currently achieving in ways we historically know they are capable of.”

Ocasio-Cortez Joins De Blasio In Call To Punish Asian Students

CONCLUSION: There is no credible evidence of any kind which suggests Black applicant were treated unfairly because of their race. For some strange reason Cortez never said a single thing about the qualifications of the rejected applicants compared to the qualifications of those who were accepted.; Her omission is inexcusable. In a society completely free of any kind of racial discrimination, qualifications would be the controlling factor. Does Cortez believe that less qualified Blacks should gain admission over more qualified Whites and Asians in order to achieve a racial quota? Does anybody? I doubt that Whites will complain about the fact that Asians who represent only 15 percent of the students in New York comprise a whopping 74 percent of the students at Stuyvesant. The Asians studied hard and they earned their admissions. That's the way it should be.
Cortez failed to relate some important details, facts that destroy her accusation of racial discrimination against Black applicants. Now, as Paul Harvey famously said, “you're going to hear the rest of the story.”

“Her math is correct, but what she fails to mention is that while Asian students make up only 15 percent of all students in New York, they are a whopping 74 percent of students at Stuyvesant, the school she references. She claims this is inequity and represents a racial wealth gap. But exactly what systems does she believe that New York City has in place that can explain the extraordinary achievements of Asian students? Are Asians getting better schools? More resources? In what way are Asians the beneficiaries of a racial wealth gap?

“Don’t expect answers any time soon. This is a question Democrats and their allies in the news media have no answer for, and can barely even bring themselves to mention. The pebble in their shoe is that despite obvious racism that exists and has always existed towards Asian Americans, they succeed anyway, by almost every metric.

“The biggest problem with Ocasio-Cortez and de Blasio’s position is not that it is unfair to high-achieving Asian students (it is), but that changing the admission process at elite high schools does absolutely nothing to solve the underlying problem. The real problem is that black and Latino kids are not currently achieving in ways we historically know they are capable of.”

Ocasio-Cortez Joins De Blasio In Call To Punish Asian Students

CONCLUSION: There is no credible evidence of any kind which suggests Black applicant were treated unfairly because of their race. For some strange reason Cortez never said a single thing about the qualifications of the rejected applicants compared to the qualifications of those who were accepted.; Her omission is inexcusable. In a society completely free of any kind of racial discrimination, qualifications would be the controlling factor. Does Cortez believe that less qualified Blacks should gain admission over more qualified Whites and Asians in order to achieve a racial quota? Does anybody? I doubt that Whites will complain about the fact that Asians who represent only 15 percent of the students in New York comprise a whopping 74 percent of the students at Stuyvesant. The Asians studied hard and they earned their admissions. That's the way it should be.

I do think that you whites need to stop using Asians to try accomplishing your agenda. Because as we have seen most recently, unqualified whites have been able to cheat their way into places better qualified blacks could not.
When looking at large numbers of people of different races and how they perform intellectually, it's all about IQ. The refusal of reporters (of all kinds) to recognize this is understandable in today's Media climate - they will be called "racist" - but anyone who fails to see the real picture is either delusional or stupid.

Asians and Ashkenazi Jews have AVERAGE IQ's that are a full standard deviation above the norm (i.e., 115), and Hispanics & "Black" Americans have an average IQ that is a full standard deviation below the norm (85). For this reason, when you have a selection criterion that is significantly above the mean, the high-IQ group(s) will be DISPROPORTIONATELY OVER-REPRESENTED, and the low-IQ group(s) - Hispanic and African American - will be DISPROPORTIONATELY UNDER-REPRESENTED. That is to say, if a "high" IQ is required, the proportions of those achieving the required level will change dramatically from percentages reflecting their portion of the overall group.

Let's say a given population is 20% African American, 20% Hispanic, 20% Asian, and 40% European/Caucasian, and there is some benefit that is RANDOMLY awarded. The percentages selected will reflect the general population.

But if the benefit requires, let's say, an IQ that is ONE STANDARD DEVIATION ABOVE THE MEAN (i.e., 115), a dramatically different picture appears.

For the African American and Hispanic groups (excluding Cubans), the 115 IQ is TWO STANDARD DEVIATIONS above the mean for their sub-group. So instead of constituting 20% + 20% of those qualifying, only 5% of the Black/Hispanic students will qualify. 34% of the "white" students will qualify and 68% of the Asians will qualify. The higher the bar, the MORE DISPROPORTIONATE the distribution will be.

So for some Higher Power to say that, "We are going to have an 'Elite' program, and the demographics of the program will mirror those of the overall population," is preposterous. In order to achieve the desired distribution, the standards will have to be torn to shreds.

Thank God the academic rulers in New York are sticking to their principles. The Blacks and Hispanics who get into those schools are truly outstanding, and it would be a shame to compromise the program, thus casting a shadow over them and their comrades.
When looking at large numbers of people of different races and how they perform intellectually, it's all about IQ. The refusal of reporters (of all kinds) to recognize this is understandable in today's Media climate - they will be called "racist" - but anyone who fails to see the real picture is either delusional or stupid.

Asians and Ashkenazi Jews have AVERAGE IQ's that are a full standard deviation above the norm (i.e., 115), and Hispanics & "Black" Americans have an average IQ that is a full standard deviation below the norm (85). For this reason, when you have a selection criterion that is significantly above the mean, the high-IQ group(s) will be DISPROPORTIONATELY OVER-REPRESENTED, and the low-IQ group(s) - Hispanic and African American - will be DISPROPORTIONATELY UNDER-REPRESENTED. That is to say, if a "high" IQ is required, the proportions of those achieving the required level will change dramatically from percentages reflecting their portion of the overall group.

Let's say a given population is 20% African American, 20% Hispanic, 20% Asian, and 40% European/Caucasian, and there is some benefit that is RANDOMLY awarded. The percentages selected will reflect the general population.

But if the benefit requires, let's say, an IQ that is ONE STANDARD DEVIATION ABOVE THE MEAN (i.e., 115), a dramatically different picture appears.

For the African American and Hispanic groups (excluding Cubans), the 115 IQ is TWO STANDARD DEVIATIONS above the mean for their sub-group. So instead of constituting 20% + 20% of those qualifying, only 5% of the Black/Hispanic students will qualify. 34% of the "white" students will qualify and 68% of the Asians will qualify. The higher the bar, the MORE DISPROPORTIONATE the distribution will be.

So for some Higher Power to say that, "We are going to have an 'Elite' program, and the demographics of the program will mirror those of the overall population," is preposterous. In order to achieve the desired distribution, the standards will have to be torn to shreds.

Thank God the academic rulers in New York are sticking to their principles. The Blacks and Hispanics who get into those schools are truly outstanding, and it would be a shame to compromise the program, thus casting a shadow over them and their comrades.
If more blacks were admitted based on a quota system, remedial classes would have to be offered. That is not what these schools intended. Their financial resources go into challenging courses for a higher IQ student.
Cortez failed to relate some important details, facts that destroy her accusation of racial discrimination against Black applicants. Now, as Paul Harvey famously said, “you're going to hear the rest of the story.”

“Her math is correct, but what she fails to mention is that while Asian students make up only 15 percent of all students in New York, they are a whopping 74 percent of students at Stuyvesant, the school she references. She claims this is inequity and represents a racial wealth gap. But exactly what systems does she believe that New York City has in place that can explain the extraordinary achievements of Asian students? Are Asians getting better schools? More resources? In what way are Asians the beneficiaries of a racial wealth gap?

“Don’t expect answers any time soon. This is a question Democrats and their allies in the news media have no answer for, and can barely even bring themselves to mention. The pebble in their shoe is that despite obvious racism that exists and has always existed towards Asian Americans, they succeed anyway, by almost every metric.

“The biggest problem with Ocasio-Cortez and de Blasio’s position is not that it is unfair to high-achieving Asian students (it is), but that changing the admission process at elite high schools does absolutely nothing to solve the underlying problem. The real problem is that black and Latino kids are not currently achieving in ways we historically know they are capable of.”

Ocasio-Cortez Joins De Blasio In Call To Punish Asian Students

CONCLUSION: There is no credible evidence of any kind which suggests Black applicant were treated unfairly because of their race. For some strange reason Cortez never said a single thing about the qualifications of the rejected applicants compared to the qualifications of those who were accepted.; Her omission is inexcusable. In a society completely free of any kind of racial discrimination, qualifications would be the controlling factor. Does Cortez believe that less qualified Blacks should gain admission over more qualified Whites and Asians in order to achieve a racial quota? Does anybody? I doubt that Whites will complain about the fact that Asians who represent only 15 percent of the students in New York comprise a whopping 74 percent of the students at Stuyvesant. The Asians studied hard and they earned their admissions. That's the way it should be.

".... in general, the Sunset Park kids appear on track to achieve the upward mobility that some say is no longer possible in New York’s bifurcated economy. An analysis by New York public radio station WNYC showed that Sunset Park and Borough Park zip codes had among the largest number of acceptances at the city’s specialized, competitive high schools. .... it’s a safe bet that, unlike their parents—not to mention their gender-studies-majoring peers—they won’t be waiting tables.

.... education for the next generation is close to a religion..... One recent college graduate, now a public school math teacher, told me that his mother would wake him at 5 AM to go over math problems—when he was in the first and second grade. ..
.... one kindergartner’s mother said, in faltering English: “My son must go Harvard.”

No matter how poor they are, parents find a way to get their fourth- or fifth-graders into test-prep classes. WNYC found one Sunset Park family who put aside $5,000 for classes for their three sons out of a yearly household income of just $26,000. "
Brooklyn's Chinese Pioneers by Kay S. Hymowitz, City Journal Spring 2014
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the 1940 Stuyvesant yearbook shows that the school had a *larger* percentage of black students then compared to now
When looking at large numbers of people of different races and how they perform intellectually, it's all about IQ. The refusal of reporters (of all kinds) to recognize this is understandable in today's Media climate - they will be called "racist" - but anyone who fails to see the real picture is either delusional or stupid.

Asians and Ashkenazi Jews have AVERAGE IQ's that are a full standard deviation above the norm (i.e., 115), and Hispanics & "Black" Americans have an average IQ that is a full standard deviation below the norm (85). For this reason, when you have a selection criterion that is significantly above the mean, the high-IQ group(s) will be DISPROPORTIONATELY OVER-REPRESENTED, and the low-IQ group(s) - Hispanic and African American - will be DISPROPORTIONATELY UNDER-REPRESENTED. That is to say, if a "high" IQ is required, the proportions of those achieving the required level will change dramatically from percentages reflecting their portion of the overall group.

Let's say a given population is 20% African American, 20% Hispanic, 20% Asian, and 40% European/Caucasian, and there is some benefit that is RANDOMLY awarded. The percentages selected will reflect the general population.

But if the benefit requires, let's say, an IQ that is ONE STANDARD DEVIATION ABOVE THE MEAN (i.e., 115), a dramatically different picture appears.

For the African American and Hispanic groups (excluding Cubans), the 115 IQ is TWO STANDARD DEVIATIONS above the mean for their sub-group. So instead of constituting 20% + 20% of those qualifying, only 5% of the Black/Hispanic students will qualify. 34% of the "white" students will qualify and 68% of the Asians will qualify. The higher the bar, the MORE DISPROPORTIONATE the distribution will be.

So for some Higher Power to say that, "We are going to have an 'Elite' program, and the demographics of the program will mirror those of the overall population," is preposterous. In order to achieve the desired distribution, the standards will have to be torn to shreds.

Thank God the academic rulers in New York are sticking to their principles. The Blacks and Hispanics who get into those schools are truly outstanding, and it would be a shame to compromise the program, thus casting a shadow over them and their comrades.
If more blacks were admitted based on a quota system, remedial classes would have to be offered. That is not what these schools intended. Their financial resources go into challenging courses for a higher IQ student.

Asians, the gift that keeps on giving. When it is beneficial to the narrative, they are "people of color" or "brown people" who are victims of "white privilege". Or, they can be grouped into the "white privilege" genre because they are too...pale to be people "of color". Depends on what the libs want their narrative to highlight.
When looking at large numbers of people of different races and how they perform intellectually, it's all about IQ. The refusal of reporters (of all kinds) to recognize this is understandable in today's Media climate - they will be called "racist" - but anyone who fails to see the real picture is either delusional or stupid.

Asians and Ashkenazi Jews have AVERAGE IQ's that are a full standard deviation above the norm (i.e., 115), and Hispanics & "Black" Americans have an average IQ that is a full standard deviation below the norm (85). For this reason, when you have a selection criterion that is significantly above the mean, the high-IQ group(s) will be DISPROPORTIONATELY OVER-REPRESENTED, and the low-IQ group(s) - Hispanic and African American - will be DISPROPORTIONATELY UNDER-REPRESENTED. That is to say, if a "high" IQ is required, the proportions of those achieving the required level will change dramatically from percentages reflecting their portion of the overall group.

Let's say a given population is 20% African American, 20% Hispanic, 20% Asian, and 40% European/Caucasian, and there is some benefit that is RANDOMLY awarded. The percentages selected will reflect the general population.

But if the benefit requires, let's say, an IQ that is ONE STANDARD DEVIATION ABOVE THE MEAN (i.e., 115), a dramatically different picture appears.

For the African American and Hispanic groups (excluding Cubans), the 115 IQ is TWO STANDARD DEVIATIONS above the mean for their sub-group. So instead of constituting 20% + 20% of those qualifying, only 5% of the Black/Hispanic students will qualify. 34% of the "white" students will qualify and 68% of the Asians will qualify. The higher the bar, the MORE DISPROPORTIONATE the distribution will be.

So for some Higher Power to say that, "We are going to have an 'Elite' program, and the demographics of the program will mirror those of the overall population," is preposterous. In order to achieve the desired distribution, the standards will have to be torn to shreds.

Thank God the academic rulers in New York are sticking to their principles. The Blacks and Hispanics who get into those schools are truly outstanding, and it would be a shame to compromise the program, thus casting a shadow over them and their comrades.
Genetics can drive sexual deviancy...ooops! orientation, but not intelligence?
Does IQ Test Really Measure Intelligence?

Single tests that measure intelligence quotient, or IQ, may become a thing of the past.

A new study of more than 100,000 participants suggests that there may be at least three distinct components of intelligence. So you could not give a single, unified score for all of them.

Researchers' understanding of the complexities of the human brain has evolved, and so too has the notion of IQ, what it really means, and how it is most accurately captured.

“There are multiple types of intelligence,” says researcher Adam Hampshire, PhD. He is a psychologist at the Brain and Mind Institute Natural Sciences Centre in London, Ontario, Canada. “It is time to move on to using a more comprehensive set of tests that can measure separate scores for each type of intelligence.”

IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence'

IQ tests are misleading because they do not accurately reflect intelligence, according to a study which found that a minimum of three different exams are needed to measure someone's brainpower.

IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence'

What Does IQ Really Measure?

Kids who score higher on IQ tests will, on average, go on to do better in conventional measures of success in life: academic achievement, economic success, even greater health, and longevity. Is that because they are more intelligent? Not necessarily. New research concludes that IQ scores are partly a measure of how motivated a child is to do well on the test. And harnessing that motivation might be as important to later success as so-called native intelligence.

Researchers have long debated what IQ tests actually measure, and whether average differences in IQ scores--such as those between different ethnic groups--reflect differences in intelligence, social and economic factors, or both. The debate moved heavily into the public arena with the 1994 publication of The Bell Curve by Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray, which suggested that the lower average IQ scores of some ethnic groups, such as African-Americans and Hispanics, were due in large part to genetic differences between them and Caucasian groups. That view has been challenged by many scientists. For example, in his 2009 book "Intelligence and How to Get It," Richard Nisbett, a psychologist at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, argued that differences in IQ scores largely disappear when researchers control for social and economic factors.

New work, led by Angela Lee Duckworth, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, and reported online today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences explores the effect of motivation on how well people perform on IQ tests. While subjects taking such tests are usually instructed to try as hard as they can, previous research has shown that not everyone makes the maximum effort. A number of studies have found that subjects who are promised monetary rewards for doing well on IQ and other cognitive tests score significantly higher.
LaGuardia is actually really the fourth specialized school, but It’s an arts school and there’s no standardized test for admissions

ya have to audition for LGA

  • The Bronx High School of Science
  • The Brooklyn Latin School
  • Brooklyn Technical High School
  • High School for Mathematics, Science and Engineering at City College of New York
  • High School of American Studies at Lehman College
  • Queens High School for the Sciences at York College
  • Staten Island Technical High School
  • Stuyvesant High School
Conservatives know Thomas Sowell he went to Stuyvesant

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