New York Attorney General Sues Trump Foundation

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abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
Hey, it's got the whole family (except the Russians), and it shows the saame behavior as the collusions charge. Coordination with the caampaign.
This CROOK has to go.
This doesn't even include his/their other self-delaings with Foreighn Govt's

New York Attorney General Sues Trump Foundation
Attorney general alleges charity illegally coordinated with Trump campaign; Trump calls suit ‘ridiculous’
New York Attorney General Sues Trump Foundation
New York state Attorney General Barbara Underwood said her office intends to hold the Trump Foundation ‘accountable for its misuse of charitable assets.
Corinne Ramey
June 14, 2018

The New York state attorney general’s office on Thursday sued President Donald Trump, his children and the family’s foundation, accusing the charity of unlawfully coordinating with Mr. Trump’s presidential campaign.

The lawsuit also accuses Mr. Trump of using the Donald J. Trump Foundation’s charitable assets to pay his legal bills and promote Trump businesses.
The attorney general’s office seeks to dissolve the foundation and asks for $2.8 million in restitution.

It also asks that board members Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump be banned from serving on the board of any charity in New York.

“As our investigation reveals, the Trump Foundation was little more than a checkbook for payments from Mr. Trump or his businesses to nonprofits, regardless of their purpose or legality,” state Attorney General Barbara Underwood said in a statement. “This is not how private foundations should function and my office intends to hold the Foundation and its directors accountable for its misuse of charitable assets.”
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