New Years Eve Coverage FOX vs CNN


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
FOX was not bad except the talentless idiot "Kennedy" complained she gets licked too much. CNN was unwatchable with the two talentless homosexual jews Cooper Anderson and Sasha Cohen or whatever the names are.
FOX was not bad except the talentless idiot "Kennedy" complained she gets licked too much. CNN was unwatchable with the two talentless homosexual jews Cooper Anderson and Sasha Cohen or whatever the names are.

Sasha Baron Cohen?

I'd watch that.

What's to "cover" anyway. It's another fucking midnight. Who gives a shit. Happens every day, literally.
After the massive FAIL of the two Gay CNN guys in matching outfits, I wonder if they will have Kathy Griffin back next year? Maybe she will bring a shrunken Trump head, that would be funnier than Andy and Andy.
Did you see drunken Don Lemon blowing kisses to his gay lover? What a flamer.
Okay I am back to the SciFi channel for The Twilight Zone Marathon. :p

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