New Study Finds Democrats Fully to Blame for Subprime Mortgage Crisis


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by Jim Hoft at Human Events blogs posts this absolutely shocking item:


In his early activist days, Barack Obama the community organizer sued banks to ease lending practices.

State Sen. Barack Obama and Fr. Michael Pfleger led a protest against the payday loan industry demanding the State of Illinois to regulate loan businesses in January 2000. During his time as a community organizer Barack Obama led several protests against banks to make loans to high risk individuals. (NBC 5 Week of January 3, 2000)

Here’s something that won’t get any play in the liberal media…
A new study by the respected National Bureau of Economic Research found that Democrats are to blame for the subprime mortgage crisis.
Investor’s Business Daily reported:

Read more @ New Study Finds Democrats Fully to Blame for Subprime Mortgage Crisis | Conservative News, Views & Books

LOL. The truth is well known to most American Voters. That is why our President was re-elected. We know who created the economic debacle of 2008. And it was not the Dems.

But by going back and trying to re-write history, the GOP is once again demonstrating the basic dishonesty that their now extremist positions have forced them into. And the voters in our nation recognized that extremism for what it is.
LOL. The truth is well known to most American Voters. That is why our President was re-elected. We know who created the economic debacle of 2008. And it was not the Dems.

But by going back and trying to re-write history, the GOP is once again demonstrating the basic dishonesty that their now extremist positions have forced them into. And the voters in our nation recognized that extremism for what it is.

Please be explicit about where this piece is in error. :confused:
LOL. The truth is well known to most American Voters. That is why our President was re-elected. We know who created the economic debacle of 2008. And it was not the Dems.

But by going back and trying to re-write history, the GOP is once again demonstrating the basic dishonesty that their now extremist positions have forced them into. And the voters in our nation recognized that extremism for what it is.

Please be explicit about where this piece is in error. :confused:

It already was in the other thread on the topic. Read...
No one is doubting the effectiveness of the left wing propaganda. I would guess that the majority of Obama voters have absolutely no idea what happened with the subprime leanding. I have talked to many liberals and am disappointed with their ability to either ignore the facts or keep themselves completely ignorant of the facts. I believe that they keep themselves ignorant because that is more self-serving.

So be it with the economy. The economy started it crash after the democrats took both houses. They could have done, and did, almost anything they wanted. They had a full year of filbuster proof majority with control of all three branches, yet here we are and the left blames anyone other then their own self.

5 trillion dollars of debt put on our grandchildren and most Obama supporters would either say, who cares or it is a lie. 6 trillion now and counting and what did we get? An 8 percent unemployment rate and a stock market that is pretty much flat lined. Pretty damn expensive medocricy.

The housing bubble was all democrats. They were warned but they put ideology ahead of practicality. Sure their intent sounded good, to put people into houses but the practicality of putting a person in a house they could never afford in the first place apparently never struck home.

The White House Warned Congress About Fannie Mae Freddie Mac 17 Times In 2008, Alone

The White House Warned Congress About Fannie Mae Freddie Mac 17 Times In 2008, Alone « Nice Deb

Now, listen to his own words Barney saying that there were no problems:

[ame=]Democrats were WARNED of Financial crisis and did NOTHING - YouTube[/ame]

Democrats were WARNED of Financial crisis and did NOTHING
Please link us to the study so we can read it ourselves and deside wether it actually is saying what the OP claims its saying.

Anyone who thinks the Meltdown of 2008 can simplistically blamed on just one group of people is either profoundly under-informed or operating in abject partisan denial.

Maybe both.


I think the folks that are running things and the folks that are leaving Washington the end of the year had a hand in it. There's plenty of blame to go around.
LOL. The truth is well known to most American Voters. That is why our President was re-elected. We know who created the economic debacle of 2008. And it was not the Dems.
It wasn't the Republicans either.

It was Hank Paulson (Treasury Sec. Goldman Sachs) who said "There will be Martial Law" if the Banks don't get a Bailout.

Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan own enough of our Elected Officials (To include Obama) that they run the country.

come on guys link us up to the actual study?

Why in the hell are you demanding a link? Not one of those with BDS has posted anything other then their opinion. I provided TWO links for you and all you do is keep repeating post a link. I am thinking you are one of those self-induced uninformed Democrats. Not stupid, not lying, just uninformed.

Oh BTW here is the LINK you are asking for, it was in the OP.
Last edited:
by Jim Hoft at Human Events blogs posts this absolutely shocking item:


In his early activist days, Barack Obama the community organizer sued banks to ease lending practices.

State Sen. Barack Obama and Fr. Michael Pfleger led a protest against the payday loan industry demanding the State of Illinois to regulate loan businesses in January 2000. During his time as a community organizer Barack Obama led several protests against banks to make loans to high risk individuals. (NBC 5 Week of January 3, 2000)

Here’s something that won’t get any play in the liberal media…
A new study by the respected National Bureau of Economic Research found that Democrats are to blame for the subprime mortgage crisis.
Investor’s Business Daily reported:

Read more @ New Study Finds Democrats Fully to Blame for Subprime Mortgage Crisis | Conservative News, Views & Books


old news...

and, while it may be true, nobody listened then... and nobody will listen now...

'cause it's all Bush's fault... even if it isn't...
LOL. The truth is well known to most American Voters. That is why our President was re-elected. We know who created the economic debacle of 2008. And it was not the Dems.

But by going back and trying to re-write history, the GOP is once again demonstrating the basic dishonesty that their now extremist positions have forced them into. And the voters in our nation recognized that extremism for what it is.

Please be explicit about where this piece is in error. :confused:

It already was in the other thread on the topic. Read...

This has been debunked repeatedly over the months and years. This is a standard rightwing practice of myth perpetuating. They bring out a myth on a board like this, it gets demolished,

then they lay low for weeks or months and then they bring out again, and if anyone who knows better demolishes it again,

then they lay low again and bring it out another time, and over and over and over.

The plan, I guess, is to wear down the debunkers until they finally get sick of debunking the myth,

and then it stands unchallenged, as if it were fact.
Please be explicit about where this piece is in error. :confused:

It already was in the other thread on the topic. Read...

This has been debunked repeatedly over the months and years. This is a standard rightwing practice of myth perpetuating. They bring out a myth on a board like this, it gets demolished,

then they lay low for weeks or months and then they bring out again, and if anyone who knows better demolishes it again,

then they lay low again and bring it out another time, and over and over and over.

The plan, I guess, is to wear down the debunkers until they finally get sick of debunking the myth,

and then it stands unchallenged, as if it were fact.

I am impressed that you can type while pounding your fists on your keyboard and screaming out loud "it ain't true, it ain't true"

Nothing has been debunked you were provided with the quotes.

This has been debunked repeatedly over the months and years. This is a standard rightwing practice of myth perpetuating. They bring out a myth on a board like this, it gets demolished,

then they lay low for weeks or months and then they bring out again, and if anyone who knows better demolishes it again,

then they lay low again and bring it out another time, and over and over and over.

The plan, I guess, is to wear down the debunkers until they finally get sick of debunking the myth,

and then it stands unchallenged, as if it were fact.

I am impressed that you can type while pounding your fists on your keyboard and screaming out loud "it ain't true, it ain't true"

Nothing has been debunked you were provided with the quotes.

It was debunked months ago on this board and I was among those who debunked it. You can scream that aint true all you like but it won't change the facts.

Anyone with a modicum of understanding of the real estate boom and bust knows that the sub prime mortgages were a scheme entirely exploited and abused by mortgage-hungry lenders,

whose motive was to generate as many mortgages as possible and then sell them off for a profit.

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