New Romney Ad: 'What Happened'?...

Those who have facts on their side, argue the facts
Those who have the law on their side, argue the law
Those who have history on their side, argue history.
Those who have nothing on their side, assassinate their opponent's character.

Seems to me that facts, law and history in Obama's own words invalidate his criticism of Romney leaving him with nothing but smear tactics and character assassination.

Seems to me you're not watching and have not been watching for long time. Much of Obama's criticism of Romeny is a product 'borrowed' from the Republican debates; and, Romney's speechs are all "a noun, a verb, and Obama's failed".

Those who don't have history on their side revise it. Those who do not have the law on their side try to revise it; those who have nothing on their side make false claims ("He's an Arab, he's a Socialist, he's a Commie, he's a Muslim, he's not a native born American", sound familiar?).
When you achieve accuracy so early, why change?

How's Doggiegate working for you? Bullygate? Richbastardgate? Taxrecordgate?

What accomplishment is significant for Obama to run on?

6 trillion in debt?
No budgets passed?
Osama Bin Laden's Dead?
Socializing automanufacturers
Bailing out unions?
No Green Jobs produced?
Driving out offshore oil drilling?
Largest tax increase in human history?

Gonna run on any of those records, or are we gonna go back to "I'm a black multicultural victim who made good, and my opponent is a greedy corporate rich fat cat of a kooky cult religion"? Is that what we're going to run on?

I've never seen Romney make any of your conspiratorial nutball claims. He's proven time and time again he desires socialist policies and collectivist government with no ethical boundries when it comes abusing the office to circumvent constitutional power though. That's easily shown.
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New Romney Ad: 'What Happened'?...

"Fuck you, I won".


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