New reports about election manipulation read like a Tom Clancy novel


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
New reports about election manipulation read like a Tom Clancy novel

New reports about election manipulation read like a Tom Clancy novel
29 Nov 2020 ~~ By Andrea Widburg

On Friday, a retired top Air Force intelligence analyst stated with certainty during an interview that special forces had secured a CIA-run facility in Germany that had computers showing election manipulation. If this report is real, we are witnessing the biggest coup attempt, sabotage, and treason in American history. No matter what, though, because this report is out there and comes from serious people, it deserves serious investigation.
I have no idea whether this raid happened. Its having taken place, however, is consistent with my ruminations about Trump’s peculiarly-timed shake-up at the Pentagon: Firing defense secretary Mark Esper and replace him with Christopher Miller, a special forces man; moving special forces into their own command, rather than having them function as subsets of other military branches; and firing potentially disloyal members of the civilian Defense Policy Board. These actions indicated that Trump was clearing the decks for something big.
In this post, I’ll sum up the most recent reports about events in Germany, although without taking any stand as to their veracity because I can’t take a stand. I don’t know enough.
For several days, rumors have swirled that there was a “military” raid in Germany, either against Scytl (the Spanish company that processes American voting data in a facility in Frankfurt, Germany) or against a CIA station that is also located in Germany. On Friday, those rumors coalesced into an affirmative report about the CIA station in Germany.
Additional corroboration for Adams’ report comes from Lt. General Thomas McInerney, who did an interview with the WVW Broadcast Network. During the interview, he stated (beginning at 41:45) that he too had heard reports about events in Germany.
Having said that, McInerney introduced Americans to the possibility that “Hammer and Scorecard” were used to game the election. While Leftists promptly denounced the program as a “hoax,” Navid Keshavarz-Nia, whom the Sunday New York Times once promoted as “always the smartest person in the room” and who is a renowned intelligence specialist, confirms that it is real.
In trying to determine whether McInerney was speaking accurately, there’s one more point in his favor: The other person who appeared during that interview was General Michael Flynn, who headed America’s military intelligence operations. Flynn vouched for his “friend” McInerney.
For those of us sitting in our homes, it’s impossible to tell if we’re witnessing treason or fiction. We know only that the doddering Joe Biden who campaigned from his basement could never garner the most votes in American history.

Indeed, I'm still coming to grips with the fact that our own intelligence agencies, namely the FBI and CIA, led by Obama have turned against America in a second coup to turn us over to a malevolent New World Order.
Will we'ever really know the Truth? But, with Trump, we can at least hope for some measure of justice, even if we don't see it. That's probably the best we can hope for. I don't think the public would abide firing squad punishment for Obama and Hillary but, if it happened behind the scenes, I'd be okay with not knowing. Let me dream.
We keep hearing from Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat operatives that this is a hoax, just as they claimed for more than four years Russia, Russia!
Obviously Gina Haspel has yet to make a comment. In fact she's not been seen at Langley for some time....

Trump fires DHS cybersecurity chief Chris Krebs (

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The real conspiracies are right out in the open and have been going on so long we think that's how it's supposed to be.
New reports about election manipulation read like a Tom Clancy novel

New reports about election manipulation read like a Tom Clancy novel
29 Nov 2020 ~~ By Andrea Widburg

On Friday, a retired top Air Force intelligence analyst stated with certainty during an interview that special forces had secured a CIA-run facility in Germany that had computers showing election manipulation. If this report is real, we are witnessing the biggest coup attempt, sabotage, and treason in American history. No matter what, though, because this report is out there and comes from serious people, it deserves serious investigation.
I have no idea whether this raid happened. Its having taken place, however, is consistent with my ruminations about Trump’s peculiarly-timed shake-up at the Pentagon: Firing defense secretary Mark Esper and replace him with Christopher Miller, a special forces man; moving special forces into their own command, rather than having them function as subsets of other military branches; and firing potentially disloyal members of the civilian Defense Policy Board. These actions indicated that Trump was clearing the decks for something big.
In this post, I’ll sum up the most recent reports about events in Germany, although without taking any stand as to their veracity because I can’t take a stand. I don’t know enough.
For several days, rumors have swirled that there was a “military” raid in Germany, either against Scytl (the Spanish company that processes American voting data in a facility in Frankfurt, Germany) or against a CIA station that is also located in Germany. On Friday, those rumors coalesced into an affirmative report about the CIA station in Germany.
Additional corroboration for Adams’ report comes from Lt. General Thomas McInerney, who did an interview with the WVW Broadcast Network. During the interview, he stated (beginning at 41:45) that he too had heard reports about events in Germany.
Having said that, McInerney introduced Americans to the possibility that “Hammer and Scorecard” were used to game the election. While Leftists promptly denounced the program as a “hoax,” Navid Keshavarz-Nia, whom the Sunday New York Times once promoted as “always the smartest person in the room” and who is a renowned intelligence specialist, confirms that it is real.
In trying to determine whether McInerney was speaking accurately, there’s one more point in his favor: The other person who appeared during that interview was General Michael Flynn, who headed America’s military intelligence operations. Flynn vouched for his “friend” McInerney.
For those of us sitting in our homes, it’s impossible to tell if we’re witnessing treason or fiction. We know only that the doddering Joe Biden who campaigned from his basement could never garner the most votes in American history.

Indeed, I'm still coming to grips with the fact that our own intelligence agencies, namely the FBI and CIA, led by Obama have turned against America in a second coup to turn us over to a malevolent New World Order.
Will we'ever really know the Truth? But, with Trump, we can at least hope for some measure of justice, even if we don't see it. That's probably the best we can hope for. I don't think the public would abide firing squad punishment for Obama and Hillary but, if it happened behind the scenes, I'd be okay with not knowing. Let me dream.
We keep hearing from Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat operatives that this is a hoax, just as they claimed for more than four years Russia, Russia!
Obviously Gina Haspel has yet to make a comment. In fact she's not been seen at Langley for some time....

Trump fires DHS cybersecurity chief Chris Krebs (

And it's just as much fiction as a Tom Clancy novel too.
Hammer & Scorecard is fiction.

The origins of Hammer and Scorecard can be traced back to Dennis Montgomery, a former intelligence contractor and computer programmer who claims to have developed both. ...​
The American Report story mentions that Scorecard “steals elections by tampering with the computers at the transfer points of state election computer systems…” More specifically, The American Report claims that “in Florida, one of the transfer points is VR Systems Inc.”​
Douglas Jones, an associate professor of computer science at the University of Iowa, says that explanation represents a misunderstanding of the voting process.​
“If you accept the idea that all of our votes somehow pass through transfer points where computer tampering could make arbitrary changes, the story holds together,” said Jones. “However, that's not the way the system works.”​
In most states, Jones explains, before a precinct relays its vote total to the county, the precinct totals are printed, usually in duplicate, and typically in the presence of observers from both political parties.
The process typically then moves as follows:
“One copy of the printout is then signed by witnesses, enclosed with the electronic results cartridge, and sealed in an envelope for hand delivery to the county election office,” said Jones. “Then, in some counties, the electronic results are transmitted by modem for quick reporting of unofficial totals, while the spare printout is posted on the wall for everyone present to look at.”
This is all to say, that interfering with election results at “transfer points” would be unlikely, according to Jones. And that’s by design.​
“The fundamental problem is, there are too many witnesses from both parties, the press and the public who can see the numbers going in and compare them with the numbers the state announces,” he said. “This makes tampering at these ‘transfer points; far too easy to detect for this to be an effective attack on the election.”
Jones added that interference at these transfer points would “corrupt only the unofficial early results reported to the press, and the press are highly likely to notice the corruption.” ...​

Having said that, McInerney introduced Americans to the possibility that “Hammer and Scorecard” were used to game the election. While Leftists promptly denounced the program as a “hoax,” Navid Keshavarz-Nia, whom the Sunday New York Times once promoted as “always the smartest person in the room” and who is a renowned intelligence specialist, confirms that it is real.
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Dude, that is hilarious

So mdk, when did you get your marching orders from Big Tech?

The belly of the beast.
The deep state is in panic mode. even to the extent of
instructing news board moderators to trash all election fraud articles


Dude, that is hilarious

So mdk, when did you get your marching orders from Big Tech?

He would be wrong. We all get our marching orders from Hugo Chávez via Ouija and/or tea leaves. It’s in the handbook.
Situation Update - Nov. 27th - DoD vs. CIA firefight in Frankfurt as covert war against the deep state RAGES across the globe

Situation Update - Nov. 27th - DoD vs. CIA firefight in Frankfurt as covert war against the deep state RAGES across the globe (
27 Nov 2020 ~~ By
At this very minute, a covert war is raging across the globe, pitting Trump's DoD and DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) against black hat deep state factions running the CIA. The good news is: Trump is winning. As you know by now, the DoD launched a raid on a CIA-run server farm in Frankfurt, Germany, to secure servers that contain proof of CIA interference with the 2020 election (i.e. backdoor manipulations of election results via Dominion voting machines). But new information is now surfacing that indicates there was a firefight at the server farm facility, involving US Army Special Forces units, engaging with CIA-trained paramilitary units that were flown in from Afghanistan in an emergency effort to defend the facility. One CIA officer was killed during the firefight, and he is now being reported across the mainstream media as being "killed in Somalia." Five US Army soldiers were also killed, and they are being explained away as dying in a "helicopter crash" in Egypt.


I hope and pray that the deep state will get its comeuppance as a result of President Trump activating JFK’s NSAM 57.
Thre's no doubt of the corruption within the CIA and we had better get it out. They're responsible for shipping herion way back to the Vietnam era, Afghanistan, and Nicaragua, or has everyone forgotten their criminal past?
How quickly Benghazi is forgotten.....
In sum, McInerney said that “The Kraken” is the nickname of the 305th military intelligence battalion; that The Kraken identified China, Iran, and Russia as being involved in using the Hammer & Scorecard system to manipulate American votes; that the servers used for this were in a CIA facility in Frankfurt; that special forces raided the facility; and that there were casualties – in other words, exactly what Mike Adams reported”.
What skin does retired General McInerney gave in this game? Absolutely none!!

5 American troops killed in helicopter crash off Egypt's Sinai Peninsula | Fox News
CIA officer killed during combat in Somalia | Fox News
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I heard rumors Tom Obama had Clancy killed off,have no idea if it’s true but I would not be surprised in the least,the clintons always arkansawed people like Vince foster who knew too much and Obama loved mass murderer Hitlery

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