New Poll: Democrats prefer socialism over capitalism

Democratic socialism. Yes, that may be the case.

Canada/Germany/Australia, not Venezuela, obviously.

But I'm sure we all know that.

"democratic socialism" is just a stepping stone like everything else with the left
Democratic socialism. Yes, that may be the case. Canada/Germany/Australia, not Venezuela, obviously. But I'm sure we all know that.
"democratic socialism" is just a stepping stone like everything else with the left
There is indeed a continuum on which this all exists. So the question is where we want to be on that continuum. That's where the vote comes in.

I'd think you'd need to convince the electorate that Canada and Germany and Australia are on their way to being Venezuela.
Democrats prefer an illusory, made-up version of "Socialism" over the illusion of Capitalism that they were spoon-fed in school.

They want to live in "Denmark," a country where everyone has cradle-to-grave security, healthcare, income, and bliss, all paid for by "someone else."

The lack of understanding and recognition of reality in this fantasy is astounding. How much new technology is created in Socialist countries? Why were the Chinese and the Russians constantly trying to steal our technology, rather than creating their own? What was standing in their way?

Why were they driving Yugos and Trabants?

How can they be ignorant of the two massive "test cases" for Socialism that existed in many of our own lifetimes, namely, East Germany/West Germany, and North Korea/South Korea? In each case, one was a shit-hole economic basket case, while the other has been a dynamic success, with the QUALITY OF LIFE in the "Capitalist" countries far surpassing that of its socialist brother.

You gotta be a fukkin' idiot not to see it.

Oh. I guess that's why Democrats are so enamored with "socialism."
Democrats prefer an illusory, made-up version of "Socialism" over the illusion of Capitalism that they were spoon-fed in school.

They want to live in "Denmark," a country where everyone has cradle-to-grave security, healthcare, income, and bliss, all paid for by "someone else."

The lack of understanding and recognition of reality in this fantasy is astounding. How much new technology is created in Socialist countries? Why were the Chinese and the Russians constantly trying to steal our technology, rather than creating their own? What was standing in their way?

Why were they driving Yugos and Trabants?

How can they be ignorant of the two massive "test cases" for Socialism that existed in many of our own lifetimes, namely, East Germany/West Germany, and North Korea/South Korea? In each case, one was a shit-hole economic basket case, while the other has been a dynamic success, with the QUALITY OF LIFE in the "Capitalist" countries far surpassing that of its socialist brother.

You gotta be a fukkin' idiot not to see it.

Oh. I guess that's why Democrats are so enamored with "socialism."

Meanwhile back in reality, Trump just gave the farmers $12B of our money in a bailout due to a trade war he started.
Socialism at it’s finest…right?
Democrats prefer an illusory, made-up version of "Socialism" over the illusion of Capitalism that they were spoon-fed in school.

They want to live in "Denmark," a country where everyone has cradle-to-grave security, healthcare, income, and bliss, all paid for by "someone else."

The lack of understanding and recognition of reality in this fantasy is astounding. How much new technology is created in Socialist countries? Why were the Chinese and the Russians constantly trying to steal our technology, rather than creating their own? What was standing in their way?

Why were they driving Yugos and Trabants?

How can they be ignorant of the two massive "test cases" for Socialism that existed in many of our own lifetimes, namely, East Germany/West Germany, and North Korea/South Korea? In each case, one was a shit-hole economic basket case, while the other has been a dynamic success, with the QUALITY OF LIFE in the "Capitalist" countries far surpassing that of its socialist brother.

You gotta be a fukkin' idiot not to see it.

Oh. I guess that's why Democrats are so enamored with "socialism."

Meanwhile back in reality, Trump just gave the farmers $12B of our money in a bailout due to a trade war he started.
Socialism at it’s finest…right?
And how does that compare to the bailouts and other economic policies of the last administration? Don't forget that Dodge was bailed out which had recently been bout by a European company. Or the administration before that? Or a number of other Stuff?
Democrats prefer an illusory, made-up version of "Socialism" over the illusion of Capitalism that they were spoon-fed in school.

They want to live in "Denmark," a country where everyone has cradle-to-grave security, healthcare, income, and bliss, all paid for by "someone else."

The lack of understanding and recognition of reality in this fantasy is astounding. How much new technology is created in Socialist countries? Why were the Chinese and the Russians constantly trying to steal our technology, rather than creating their own? What was standing in their way?

Why were they driving Yugos and Trabants?

How can they be ignorant of the two massive "test cases" for Socialism that existed in many of our own lifetimes, namely, East Germany/West Germany, and North Korea/South Korea? In each case, one was a shit-hole economic basket case, while the other has been a dynamic success, with the QUALITY OF LIFE in the "Capitalist" countries far surpassing that of its socialist brother.

You gotta be a fukkin' idiot not to see it.

Oh. I guess that's why Democrats are so enamored with "socialism."

Meanwhile back in reality, Trump just gave the farmers $12B of our money in a bailout due to a trade war he started.
Socialism at it’s finest…right?

Plus they're demanding congressional hearings to reign in the media. Putin has clearly been tutoring his little Trumpsky.
Democratic socialism. Yes, that may be the case. Canada/Germany/Australia, not Venezuela, obviously. But I'm sure we all know that.
"democratic socialism" is just a stepping stone like everything else with the left
There is indeed a continuum on which this all exists. So the question is where we want to be on that continuum. That's where the vote comes in.

I'd think you'd need to convince the electorate that Canada and Germany and Australia are on their way to being Venezuela.

There are already chinks in the armor with Canada and Germany.

Same with Nordic countries

Give it time
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Dems seem to like socialism.

You know. The working people who pay taxes paying for everyone that doesn't work or pay taxes. Everyone is equal.

Works great till you run out of other peoples money.
Dems seem to like socialism.

You know. The working people who pay taxes paying for everyone that doesn't work or pay taxes. Everyone is equal.

Works great till you run out of other peoples money.

We just gave the farmers $12B they didn’t earn (on top of their subsidies). Courtesy of the blob. Seems like you like socialism as much as the democrats. Or do you think Trump was wrong for doing it?
I see their preferred economic system as fascism.

Definition of fascism
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
Dems seem to like socialism.

You know. The working people who pay taxes paying for everyone that doesn't work or pay taxes. Everyone is equal.

Works great till you run out of other peoples money.

We just gave the farmers $12B they didn’t earn (on top of their subsidies). Courtesy of the blob. Seems like you like socialism as much as the democrats. Or do you think Trump was wrong for doing it?

You like to eat don't you?? So do I, LOL
Dems seem to like socialism.

You know. The working people who pay taxes paying for everyone that doesn't work or pay taxes. Everyone is equal.

Works great till you run out of other peoples money.

We just gave the farmers $12B they didn’t earn (on top of their subsidies). Courtesy of the blob. Seems like you like socialism as much as the democrats. Or do you think Trump was wrong for doing it?

You like to eat don't you?? So do I, LOL

Apparently the farmers are eating better than we are—they got $12B dollars handed to them for nothing. Socialism at it’s finest.
Dems seem to like socialism.

You know. The working people who pay taxes paying for everyone that doesn't work or pay taxes. Everyone is equal.

Works great till you run out of other peoples money.

We just gave the farmers $12B they didn’t earn (on top of their subsidies). Courtesy of the blob. Seems like you like socialism as much as the democrats. Or do you think Trump was wrong for doing it?

You like to eat don't you?? So do I, LOL

Apparently the farmers are eating better than we are—they got $12B dollars handed to them for nothing. Socialism at it’s finest.

Nah. Just making sure they can grow the food.

You know. That stuff we all eat??

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