New laws for post 2020

Damaged Eagle

Behind blue eyes
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2015
I have hours, only lonely

We need some new laws for post 2020 to be established in public areas so we don't offend anyone. For example...

1. No tax dollars are to be spent on the erection of statues or memorials.

2. No statues or memorials will be erected on publicly owned land.

3. All streets and buildings are to be relabeled with alpha-numeric designations like most generally issued license plates.

4. Nothing can be named after anyone or anything from now on simple alpha-numeric designations will be utilized.

5. All public building will be constructed of concrete or blocks of gray slate with no ornamentation.

6. All public officials or others who work in a public capacity; this includes, teachers, police, city hall workers, politicians, firemen, social workers, etc,... are required to wear slate gray suits, of an approved highly itchy wool, with white shirts from now on. No medals, ribbons, or other ornamentation is allowed other than a simple black name tag, four inches long and one wide, with white lettering to inform people the individuals name.

7. All haircuts by public officials and others who work in a public capacity will be required to conform to codes set forth in the military for grooming standards.

8. All public officials and employees who work in a public capacity will be required to wear a body camera at all times.

More will be forthcoming.

Thank you for your cooperation in forming a perfect world where we don't offend anyone.


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View attachment 353835

We need some new laws for post 2020 to be established in public areas so we don't offend anyone. For example...

1. No tax dollars are to be spent on the erection of statues or memorials.

2. No statues or memorials will be erected in publicly owned land.

3. All streets and buildings are to be relabeled with alpha-numeric designations like most generally issued license plates.

4. Nothing can be named after anyone or anything from now on simple alpha-numeric designations will be utilized.

5. All public building will be constructed of concrete or blocks of gray slate with no ornamentation.

6. All public officials or others who work in a public capacity; this includes, teachers, police, city hall workers, politicians, firemen, social workers, etc,... are required to wear slate gray suits, of an approved highly itchy wool, with white shirts from now on. No medals, ribbons, or other ornamentation is allowed other than a simple black name tag, four inches long and one wide, with white lettering to inform people the individuals name.

7. All haircuts by public officials and others who work in a public capacity will be required to conform to codes set forth in the military for grooming standards.

8. All public officials and employees who work in a public capacity will be required to wear a body camera at all times.

More will be forthcoming.

Thank you for your cooperation in forming a perfect world where we don't offend anyone.



Can I still shit in the street?
View attachment 353835

We need some new laws for post 2020 to be established in public areas so we don't offend anyone. For example...

1. No tax dollars are to be spent on the erection of statues or memorials.

2. No statues or memorials will be erected in publicly owned land.

3. All streets and buildings are to be relabeled with alpha-numeric designations like most generally issued license plates.

4. Nothing can be named after anyone or anything from now on simple alpha-numeric designations will be utilized.

5. All public building will be constructed of concrete or blocks of gray slate with no ornamentation.

6. All public officials or others who work in a public capacity; this includes, teachers, police, city hall workers, politicians, firemen, social workers, etc,... are required to wear slate gray suits, of an approved highly itchy wool, with white shirts from now on. No medals, ribbons, or other ornamentation is allowed other than a simple black name tag, four inches long and one wide, with white lettering to inform people the individuals name.

7. All haircuts by public officials and others who work in a public capacity will be required to conform to codes set forth in the military for grooming standards.

8. All public officials and employees who work in a public capacity will be required to wear a body camera at all times.

More will be forthcoming.

Thank you for your cooperation in forming a perfect world where we don't offend anyone.



Can I still shit in the street?

You have always shit in your pants. I suspect you will continue as usual.
View attachment 353835

We need some new laws for post 2020 to be established in public areas so we don't offend anyone. For example...

1. No tax dollars are to be spent on the erection of statues or memorials.

2. No statues or memorials will be erected in publicly owned land.

3. All streets and buildings are to be relabeled with alpha-numeric designations like most generally issued license plates.

4. Nothing can be named after anyone or anything from now on simple alpha-numeric designations will be utilized.

5. All public building will be constructed of concrete or blocks of gray slate with no ornamentation.

6. All public officials or others who work in a public capacity; this includes, teachers, police, city hall workers, politicians, firemen, social workers, etc,... are required to wear slate gray suits, of an approved highly itchy wool, with white shirts from now on. No medals, ribbons, or other ornamentation is allowed other than a simple black name tag, four inches long and one wide, with white lettering to inform people the individuals name.

7. All haircuts by public officials and others who work in a public capacity will be required to conform to codes set forth in the military for grooming standards.

8. All public officials and employees who work in a public capacity will be required to wear a body camera at all times.

More will be forthcoming.

Thank you for your cooperation in forming a perfect world where we don't offend anyone.



Can I still shit in the street?

You have always shit in your pants. I suspect you will continue as usual.

No I said in the street like your constituents do.
View attachment 353835

We need some new laws for post 2020 to be established in public areas so we don't offend anyone. For example...

1. No tax dollars are to be spent on the erection of statues or memorials.

2. No statues or memorials will be erected on publicly owned land.

3. All streets and buildings are to be relabeled with alpha-numeric designations like most generally issued license plates.

4. Nothing can be named after anyone or anything from now on simple alpha-numeric designations will be utilized.

5. All public building will be constructed of concrete or blocks of gray slate with no ornamentation.

6. All public officials or others who work in a public capacity; this includes, teachers, police, city hall workers, politicians, firemen, social workers, etc,... are required to wear slate gray suits, of an approved highly itchy wool, with white shirts from now on. No medals, ribbons, or other ornamentation is allowed other than a simple black name tag, four inches long and one wide, with white lettering to inform people the individuals name.

7. All haircuts by public officials and others who work in a public capacity will be required to conform to codes set forth in the military for grooming standards.

8. All public officials and employees who work in a public capacity will be required to wear a body camera at all times.

More will be forthcoming.

Thank you for your cooperation in forming a perfect world where we don't offend anyone.



View attachment 353997

It's all for the better.



Thank you. I have seen exerts of a Trump rally, but your video is the first time I have watched one completely through.


I'm sure you feel that way as you tear down statues and memorials while dragging people out of their cars for not conforming to your thought patterns.

Have you burned any businesses down lately in "protest" of something that offended you?


View attachment 353997

It's all for the better.



Thank you. I have seen exerts of a Trump rally, but your video is the first time I have watched one completely through.

View attachment 354015

I'm sure you feel that way as you tear down statues and memorials while dragging people out of their cars for not conforming to your thought patterns.

Have you burned any businesses down lately in "protest" of something that offended you?



Why do you keep posting so much Trump rally video, and Proud Boy footage?

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