New Independent Study Show Romney plan would cut taxes for the rich..


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
While increasing them for everyone else.

Mitt Romney's plan revamping the tax code would end up cutting taxes for the richest 5 percent of Americans and raising taxes on everyone else, according to new independent study from the Brookings Institute and Tax Policy Center released Wednesday morning.

The study finds that Romney's plan would end up cutting taxes by about $87,000 on millionaires under a revenue-neutral model. The top 0.1 percent would see their after-tax revenue income rise by 4.4 percent. Meanwhile, the study estimates that the bottom 95 percent would see about 1.2 percent less after-tax income. They'll see taxes rise about $500, according to the study.

Read more: Mitt Romney's Tax Plan Would Cut Taxes For Rich, Raise For Middle Class: Study - Business Insider

The Romney camp has already called them "liberal outfits".

But when he was citing the exact same folks to attack Rick Perry..they were "independent".

Who cares if it accelerates job formation?

A lot of economical thinkers think if we take care of business, that business will take care of us.
While increasing them for everyone else.

Mitt Romney's plan revamping the tax code would end up cutting taxes for the richest 5 percent of Americans and raising taxes on everyone else, according to new independent study from the Brookings Institute and Tax Policy Center released Wednesday morning.

The study finds that Romney's plan would end up cutting taxes by about $87,000 on millionaires under a revenue-neutral model. The top 0.1 percent would see their after-tax revenue income rise by 4.4 percent. Meanwhile, the study estimates that the bottom 95 percent would see about 1.2 percent less after-tax income. They'll see taxes rise about $500, according to the study.

Read more: Mitt Romney's Tax Plan Would Cut Taxes For Rich, Raise For Middle Class: Study - Business Insider

The Romney camp has already called them "liberal outfits".

But when he was citing the exact same folks to attack Rick Perry..they were "independent".


So Sallow let's hear your tax plan? go ahead and give me the brackets and percentages.
While increasing them for everyone else.

Mitt Romney's plan revamping the tax code would end up cutting taxes for the richest 5 percent of Americans and raising taxes on everyone else, according to new independent study from the Brookings Institute and Tax Policy Center released Wednesday morning.

The study finds that Romney's plan would end up cutting taxes by about $87,000 on millionaires under a revenue-neutral model. The top 0.1 percent would see their after-tax revenue income rise by 4.4 percent. Meanwhile, the study estimates that the bottom 95 percent would see about 1.2 percent less after-tax income. They'll see taxes rise about $500, according to the study.

Read more: Mitt Romney's Tax Plan Would Cut Taxes For Rich, Raise For Middle Class: Study - Business Insider

The Romney camp has already called them "liberal outfits".

But when he was citing the exact same folks to attack Rick Perry..they were "independent".

Good for Romney. That's what we need.
Who cares if it accelerates job formation?

A lot of economical thinkers think if we take care of business, that business will take care of us.

But it hasn't.

Previous administrations that cut that tax rate for the top tier didn't see job growth. Both Reagan and George W. Bush took these actions. And with very much the same results.

The top tier wound up not only not investing and paying themselves bigger salaries..but job growth actually slowed.
While increasing them for everyone else.

Mitt Romney's plan revamping the tax code would end up cutting taxes for the richest 5 percent of Americans and raising taxes on everyone else, according to new independent study from the Brookings Institute and Tax Policy Center released Wednesday morning.

The study finds that Romney's plan would end up cutting taxes by about $87,000 on millionaires under a revenue-neutral model. The top 0.1 percent would see their after-tax revenue income rise by 4.4 percent. Meanwhile, the study estimates that the bottom 95 percent would see about 1.2 percent less after-tax income. They'll see taxes rise about $500, according to the study.

Read more: Mitt Romney's Tax Plan Would Cut Taxes For Rich, Raise For Middle Class: Study - Business Insider

The Romney camp has already called them "liberal outfits".

But when he was citing the exact same folks to attack Rick Perry..they were "independent".


Obviously we're all shocked by this. :D
While increasing them for everyone else.

Mitt Romney's plan revamping the tax code would end up cutting taxes for the richest 5 percent of Americans and raising taxes on everyone else, according to new independent study from the Brookings Institute and Tax Policy Center released Wednesday morning.

The study finds that Romney's plan would end up cutting taxes by about $87,000 on millionaires under a revenue-neutral model. The top 0.1 percent would see their after-tax revenue income rise by 4.4 percent. Meanwhile, the study estimates that the bottom 95 percent would see about 1.2 percent less after-tax income. They'll see taxes rise about $500, according to the study.

Read more: Mitt Romney's Tax Plan Would Cut Taxes For Rich, Raise For Middle Class: Study - Business Insider

The Romney camp has already called them "liberal outfits".

But when he was citing the exact same folks to attack Rick Perry..they were "independent".


Obviously we're all shocked by this. :D

Well there's Math..then there's Romney Math.

I saw Michael Steele on one of the MSNBC shows last night and even he was at a loss for words. The study factored in the economic growth (rather generously I might add) as well.

They really is nothing to justify this policy. Zip.
Who cares if it accelerates job formation?

A lot of economical thinkers think if we take care of business, that business will take care of us.

People like swallow only care about hurting those mean ol' rich people whom life dealt a better hand.

It just ain't fair, he figures!
Who cares if it accelerates job formation?

A lot of economical thinkers think if we take care of business, that business will take care of us.

And when has it? We've been employing "trickle down" for 30 years now. Has it?

Who cares if it accelerates job formation?

A lot of economical thinkers think if we take care of business, that business will take care of us.

People like swallow only care about hurting those mean ol' rich people whom life dealt a better hand.

It just ain't fair, he figures!

A 3% increase in income over $250K isn't going to hurt them. Increasing the taxes on an average family by $2,000 a year WILL.
Who cares if it accelerates job formation?

A lot of economical thinkers think if we take care of business, that business will take care of us.

People like swallow only care about hurting those mean ol' rich people whom life dealt a better hand.

It just ain't fair, he figures!

You homos like the swallow, SniperFag?

We all know you dirty little asshole. You don't need to advertise from thread to thread.
Who cares if it accelerates job formation?

A lot of economical thinkers think if we take care of business, that business will take care of us.

People like swallow only care about hurting those mean ol' rich people whom life dealt a better hand.

It just ain't fair, he figures!

A 3% increase in income over $250K isn't going to hurt them. Increasing the taxes on an average family by $2,000 a year WILL.

Is that your justification?

Who cares if it accelerates job formation?

A lot of economical thinkers think if we take care of business, that business will take care of us.

And when has it? We've been employing "trickle down" for 30 years now. Has it?


The material well-being of the poor has improved 50% since 1980.

For example, they can stumble into a hospital and get a $100,000 operation on demand.
while increasing them for everyone else.

mitt romney's plan revamping the tax code would end up cutting taxes for the richest 5 percent of americans and raising taxes on everyone else, according to new independent study from the brookings institute and tax policy center released wednesday morning.

The study finds that romney's plan would end up cutting taxes by about $87,000 on millionaires under a revenue-neutral model. The top 0.1 percent would see their after-tax revenue income rise by 4.4 percent. Meanwhile, the study estimates that the bottom 95 percent would see about 1.2 percent less after-tax income. They'll see taxes rise about $500, according to the study.

Read more: mitt romney's tax plan would cut taxes for rich, raise for middle class: Study - business insider

the romney camp has already called them "liberal outfits".

But when he was citing the exact same folks to attack rick perry..they were "independent".


Someone needs to explain the math behind how this...

Romney's individual tax plan consists of five key bullet points, according to his campaign website:

  • Make permanent, across-the-board 20 percent cut in marginal rates
  • Maintain current tax rates on interest, dividends, and capital gains
  • Eliminate taxes for taxpayers with AGI below $200,000 on interest, dividends, and capital gains
  • Eliminate the Death Tax
  • Repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)

...equals an increase in my taxes.

Go on, lets see your math.

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