New Details Of Targeting Of Conservative Groups Emerge In Tea Party Lawsuits


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Time for Trump to combine the funding slash of the IRS with his tax plan. The government inserting itself into preventing people from the political process is a civil rights issue that if not taken seriously will be the end of our nation.

The IRS used the political views of conservative "tea party" groups trying to get nonprofit status as a reason for extra scrutiny and continued delaying applications until 2013 — long after they said they'd stopped — new federal court filings allege.

The new accusations counter previous IRS claims that agents did not consider political beliefs when slowing down tax-exempt applications from right-leaning groups in the months leading up to the 2012 presidential election.

The IRS had instead argued that it was merely monitoring whether the groups were conducting more political activity than was allowed.

The filings by conservative groups suing the IRS also state the agency continued the practice after IRS officials said it had stopped in 2011. ...

"By trying to make this about whether this was done to help Obama win is setting the goalpost artificially too high," Eddie Greim, a lawyer representing conservative groups in the class-action suit, said in an interview with The Enquirer. "All we have to prove is whether they had the intent and if they indeed treated a set of groups differently based on their ideology. ...

U.S. Sen. Rob Portman, R-Terrrace Park, who was one of the first in Congress to publicly complain in 2012 about the IRS' possible discrimination against conservative nonprofit groups, said that the practice was "an appalling abuse of power" in a statement to The Enquirer. “It’s clear that the Obama administration’s IRS illegally and intentionally targeted conservative groups for their ideological beliefs, and those responsible ... need to be held accountable," Portman said. ...

[O]thers testified in depositions that Lerner ordered IRS agents to send requests for additional information from the affected groups following that 2011 meeting. That included requests for donor information, normally considered off-limits. Lerner "wanted everyone to know that we are handling the cases as we should," testified Cindy Thomas, the top nonprofit official in Cincinnati at the time.

"So after they were told that this was possibly improper, they doubled down and kept going," Greim said. "This goes well beyond the narrative of what's been reported before."

Greim also said that the IRS removed two Washington agents who had raised questions about the extra scrutiny on the tea party cases. "These two found that ideology was indeed being used, raised questions about it and told their superiors about it and that it was going to cause delay," Greim said. "And wouldn't you know it, they were moved off the matter soon thereafter."

New details emerge in tea party suit against IRS
You are aware that non-profits cannot be political aren't you. That if a corporation is promoting one political party, it doesn't qualify for non-profit status?

That's why these Tea Party groups were given extra scrutiny. Because if their goal was to promote the Republican Party, then they didn't qualify for the tax exempt status they sought.
You are aware that non-profits cannot be political aren't you. That if a corporation is promoting one political party, it doesn't qualify for non-profit status?

That's why these Tea Party groups were given extra scrutiny. Because if their goal was to promote the Republican Party, then they didn't qualify for the tax exempt status they sought.

Maybe he thinks there is a group that is 'Conservatives for Democrats'...

Does the Communism4All have tax exempt status too?
You are aware that non-profits cannot be political aren't you. That if a corporation is promoting one political party, it doesn't qualify for non-profit status?

That's why these Tea Party groups were given extra scrutiny. Because if their goal was to promote the Republican Party, then they didn't qualify for the tax exempt status they sought.
Planned Parenthood never gets involved in politics?

Oops. We need to revoke their tax exempt status. Thanks for bringing that to our attention.

In the meantime, the Tea Party is a 527.

"A 527 organization or 527 group is a type of U.S. tax-exempt organization organized under Section 527 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 527). A 527 group is created primarily to influence the selection, nomination, election, appointment or defeat of candidates to federal, state or local public office."

If you lefties would ever get educated you would become conservatives.
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You are aware that non-profits cannot be political aren't you. That if a corporation is promoting one political party, it doesn't qualify for non-profit status?

That's why these Tea Party groups were given extra scrutiny. Because if their goal was to promote the Republican Party, then they didn't qualify for the tax exempt status they sought.

You truly are clueless. That is simply incorrect.
"A 527 organization or 527 group is a type of U.S. tax-exempt organization organized under Section 527 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 527). A 527 group is created primarily to influence the selection, nomination, election, appointment or defeat of candidates to federal, state or local public office."

For a cause, not a party, dumb shit.
"A 527 organization or 527 group is a type of U.S. tax-exempt organization organized under Section 527 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 527). A 527 group is created primarily to influence the selection, nomination, election, appointment or defeat of candidates to federal, state or local public office."

For a cause, not a party, dumb shit.
Dufus, they have their tax exempt status approved, ya moron.
You are aware that non-profits cannot be political aren't you. That if a corporation is promoting one political party, it doesn't qualify for non-profit status?

That's why these Tea Party groups were given extra scrutiny. Because if their goal was to promote the Republican Party, then they didn't qualify for the tax exempt status they sought.

More excuses for singling out people you don't like.
"A 527 organization or 527 group is a type of U.S. tax-exempt organization organized under Section 527 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 527). A 527 group is created primarily to influence the selection, nomination, election, appointment or defeat of candidates to federal, state or local public office."

For a cause, not a party, dumb shit.
Dufus, they have their tax exempt status approved, ya moron.
Because they're acting for a cause, not for or against specific candidates.
You are aware that non-profits cannot be political aren't you. That if a corporation is promoting one political party, it doesn't qualify for non-profit status?

That's why these Tea Party groups were given extra scrutiny. Because if their goal was to promote the Republican Party, then they didn't qualify for the tax exempt status they sought.
Planned Parenthood never gets involved in politics?

Oops. We need to revoke their tax exempt status.

In the meantime, the Tea Party is a 527.

"A 527 organization or 527 group is a type of U.S. tax-exempt organization organized under Section 527 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 527). A 527 group is created primarily to influence the selection, nomination, election, appointment or defeat of candidates to federal, state or local public office."

If you lefties would ever get educated you would become conservatives.

Planned Parenthood was not set up to engage in politics but to provide reproductive health care in the United States and globally. They are in lobbying to protect their funding from ignorant RWNJ...

Show us where the Tea Party (as a whole) was refused 527 status?

"We found no evidence that any IRS official acted based on political, discriminatory, corrupt, or other inappropriate motives that would support a criminal prosecution," Kadzik said. "We also found no evidence that any official involved in the handling of tax-exempt applications or IRS leadership attempted to obstruct justice. Based on the evidence developed in this investigation and the recommendation of experienced career prosecutors and supervising attorneys at the department, we are closing our investigation and will not seek any criminal charges."

To point out:
"Of all the groups flagged, the only one to lose tax exempt status was a group that trains Democratic women to run for office."
You are aware that non-profits cannot be political aren't you. That if a corporation is promoting one political party, it doesn't qualify for non-profit status?

That's why these Tea Party groups were given extra scrutiny. Because if their goal was to promote the Republican Party, then they didn't qualify for the tax exempt status they sought.
Planned Parenthood never gets involved in politics?

Oops. We need to revoke their tax exempt status.

In the meantime, the Tea Party is a 527.

"A 527 organization or 527 group is a type of U.S. tax-exempt organization organized under Section 527 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 527). A 527 group is created primarily to influence the selection, nomination, election, appointment or defeat of candidates to federal, state or local public office."

If you lefties would ever get educated you would become conservatives.

Planned Parenthood was not set up to engage in politics but to provide reproductive health care in the United States and globally. They are in lobbying to protect their funding from ignorant RWNJ...

Show us where the Tea Party (as a whole) was refused 527 status?

"We found no evidence that any IRS official acted based on political, discriminatory, corrupt, or other inappropriate motives that would support a criminal prosecution," Kadzik said. "We also found no evidence that any official involved in the handling of tax-exempt applications or IRS leadership attempted to obstruct justice. Based on the evidence developed in this investigation and the recommendation of experienced career prosecutors and supervising attorneys at the department, we are closing our investigation and will not seek any criminal charges."

To point out:
"Of all the groups flagged, the only one to lose tax exempt status was a group that trains Democratic women to run for office."
What a tiny bubble world you live in.
So Planned Parenthood can be a department of the DNC and maintain a tax exempt status but no conservative group may ever have a tax exempt status.

IRS apologizes for targeting conservative groups

The details of the lawsuit are emerging. And there is only one outcome possible for that lawsuit.
"A 527 organization or 527 group is a type of U.S. tax-exempt organization organized under Section 527 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 527). A 527 group is created primarily to influence the selection, nomination, election, appointment or defeat of candidates to federal, state or local public office."

For a cause, not a party, dumb shit.
Dufus, they have their tax exempt status approved, ya moron.
Because they're acting for a cause, not for or against specific candidates.
Because they're acting for a cause, not for or against specific candidates.

Endorsed Candidates

2017 Primary Voter's Guide

What other lies do you have for us today?
"A 527 organization or 527 group is a type of U.S. tax-exempt organization organized under Section 527 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 527). A 527 group is created primarily to influence the selection, nomination, election, appointment or defeat of candidates to federal, state or local public office."

For a cause, not a party, dumb shit.
Dufus, they have their tax exempt status approved, ya moron.
Because they're acting for a cause, not for or against specific candidates.
Because they're acting for a cause, not for or against specific candidates.

Endorsed Candidates

2017 Primary Voter's Guide

What other lies do you have for us today?
They endorse people who support their cause. They might endorse people of any party. The frothing mouthed Tea Party groups are tools for the GOP, and their primary purpose is politics, not a cause.
"A 527 organization or 527 group is a type of U.S. tax-exempt organization organized under Section 527 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 527). A 527 group is created primarily to influence the selection, nomination, election, appointment or defeat of candidates to federal, state or local public office."

For a cause, not a party, dumb shit.
Dufus, they have their tax exempt status approved, ya moron.
Because they're acting for a cause, not for or against specific candidates.
Because they're acting for a cause, not for or against specific candidates.

Endorsed Candidates

2017 Primary Voter's Guide

What other lies do you have for us today?
They endorse people who support their cause. They might endorse people of any party. The frothing mouthed Tea Party groups are tools for the GOP, and their primary purpose is politics, not a cause.
And the Tea Party endorses people who support their cause.

So what's your point, dufus?
You are aware that non-profits cannot be political aren't you. That if a corporation is promoting one political party, it doesn't qualify for non-profit status?

That's why these Tea Party groups were given extra scrutiny. Because if their goal was to promote the Republican Party, then they didn't qualify for the tax exempt status they sought.

Is that why nonprofit groups like the NAACP are so political and called everyone in the Tea Party movement racists?

Shove it!

Do be careful. Those on the left have a lot more to lose here.
For a cause, not a party, dumb shit.
Dufus, they have their tax exempt status approved, ya moron.
Because they're acting for a cause, not for or against specific candidates.
Because they're acting for a cause, not for or against specific candidates.

Endorsed Candidates

2017 Primary Voter's Guide

What other lies do you have for us today?
They endorse people who support their cause. They might endorse people of any party. The frothing mouthed Tea Party groups are tools for the GOP, and their primary purpose is politics, not a cause.
And the Tea Party endorses people who support their cause.

So what's your point, dufus?
The Tea Party is primarily a political group. Planned Parenthood isn't. Low info, inbred founders of their Tea Party groups didn't know how filing for non-profit status works. I mean shit, look at your dumbass trying to compare 2 completely different groups.
Dufus, they have their tax exempt status approved, ya moron.
Because they're acting for a cause, not for or against specific candidates.
Because they're acting for a cause, not for or against specific candidates.

Endorsed Candidates

2017 Primary Voter's Guide

What other lies do you have for us today?
They endorse people who support their cause. They might endorse people of any party. The frothing mouthed Tea Party groups are tools for the GOP, and their primary purpose is politics, not a cause.
And the Tea Party endorses people who support their cause.

So what's your point, dufus?
The Tea Party is primarily a political group. Planned Parenthood isn't. Low info, inbred founders of their Tea Party groups didn't know how filing for non-profit status works. I mean shit, look at your dumbass trying to compare 2 completely different groups.
You are one stupid moron. Educate yourself.
Political Organizations | Internal Revenue Service
Because they're acting for a cause, not for or against specific candidates.
Because they're acting for a cause, not for or against specific candidates.

Endorsed Candidates

2017 Primary Voter's Guide

What other lies do you have for us today?
They endorse people who support their cause. They might endorse people of any party. The frothing mouthed Tea Party groups are tools for the GOP, and their primary purpose is politics, not a cause.
And the Tea Party endorses people who support their cause.

So what's your point, dufus?
The Tea Party is primarily a political group. Planned Parenthood isn't. Low info, inbred founders of their Tea Party groups didn't know how filing for non-profit status works. I mean shit, look at your dumbass trying to compare 2 completely different groups.
You are one stupid moron. Educate yourself.
Political Organizations | Internal Revenue Service
Planned Parenthood is not any of those. It is a 501(c).

Christ, arguing with your dumbass is so stupid.
You are aware that non-profits cannot be political aren't you. That if a corporation is promoting one political party, it doesn't qualify for non-profit status?

That's why these Tea Party groups were given extra scrutiny. Because if their goal was to promote the Republican Party, then they didn't qualify for the tax exempt status they sought.
Yeah, because we all know that MediaMatters isn't political.

You really are as dumb as a cockroach.

The rule is that they can't be "partisan," which means they can't support a particular candidate.
Endorsed Candidates

2017 Primary Voter's Guide

What other lies do you have for us today?
They endorse people who support their cause. They might endorse people of any party. The frothing mouthed Tea Party groups are tools for the GOP, and their primary purpose is politics, not a cause.
And the Tea Party endorses people who support their cause.

So what's your point, dufus?
The Tea Party is primarily a political group. Planned Parenthood isn't. Low info, inbred founders of their Tea Party groups didn't know how filing for non-profit status works. I mean shit, look at your dumbass trying to compare 2 completely different groups.
You are one stupid moron. Educate yourself.
Political Organizations | Internal Revenue Service
Planned Parenthood is not any of those. It is a 501(c).

Christ, arguing with your dumbass is so stupid.
Dumbass doesn't even know political organizations have a tax exempt status yet babbles on and on in this thread.

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