New demonRAT policy: illegals are free to violate US laws

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018

It's bad enough that illegal aliens get in-state tuition and in some cases, free tuition to schools, a privilege my American born children were never offered. It's bad enough that the TSA allows illegal aliens to fly without proper ID. Now democrats add another insult to Americans- illegals are free not only to break into the country, but to violate US laws at will.

The Communist Bernie Sanders says

It Is Not “Appropriate” To Deport Illegal Immigrants Not Following Law In The US

Our addle-brained Speaker of the House feels the same way. Mind you, these are illegals who already have violated US law and have deportation orders.

Nancy Pelosi says "what's the point" of enforcing law?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Monday wondered aloud what purpose “interior enforcement” serves with respect to U.S. immigration law following President Donald Trump’s decision to temporarily delay Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids that were planned to take place over the weekend.
“When I saw that the president was going to have these raids, it was so appalling, it’s outside the circle of civilized human behavior to just be kicking down doors, splitting up families, and the rest of that, in addition to injustices that are happening at the border, we have legislation to go forward to address those needs. But in terms of interior enforce, what is the purpose? What is the point?” Pelosi said.

90% of "asylum seekers" do not show for their hearings.
The acting Homeland Security secretary gave lawmakers a glimpse Tuesday into just how many asylum seekers skip their hearings after being released into the United States -- telling a Senate panel that a recent program found 90 percent miss their court dates.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., asked Acting Secretary Kevin McAleenan how many asylum seekers coming across the southern border show up for their hearings. “It depends on demographic, the court, but we see too many cases where people are not showing up,” he said, telling Graham that DHS recently conducted a pilot program with family units.

“Out of those 7,000 cases, 90 received final orders of removal in absentia, 90 percent,” he said.

“90 percent did not show up?” Graham asked.

“Correct, that is a recent sample from families crossing the border,” McAleenan clarified.

That's because they don't qualify:McAleenan told lawmakers they also suffer due to “misaligned” asylum standards, meaning many of those who demonstrate “credible fear” of returning home -- the initial bar for claiming asylum -- are later judged not to have a valid asylum claim.Why should we not deport those who have no respect for our laws?


“accessories before the fact”

The local , state and federal politicians making this happen need prosecution.

Then and only then will this nonsense cease
It is amazing the citizens of Pelosi's district don't Primary her out. They should be ashamed that she is working for some other interest than her constituents.

. . . and they say Trump lies. :45:

You KNOW this is the type of thread no lefty is going to respond to.
Bernie and Botox Nan are trolling for votes. You know the average US citizen is going to say this is crazy policy that's being advocated. How many of them are going to simply walk away and say I've seen enough. The democrats have crossed over a line and I'm through with them!

That's the real question. How many reasonably sane left wingers are going to say enough?

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