New Democrat Spin: Trump committed Misprision of Treason and/or Misprision of a Felony

Did this thread adequately delineate the difference between Misprision of Treason and M.of a Felony?

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
The New Democrat spin on Mueller Report is that Trump and/or his campaign officials knowing failed to disclose knowledge of treason and/or felonies to the proper authorities under US Federal Code.

There is no federal law that requires anyone to notify authorities about any crime (unless it's a felony_, with the exception of treason itself (also a felony), and only American citizens can commit treason, since treason only applies to American citizens.

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

Russia does not owe allegiance to the United States.

Failure to report an act of treason by an American citizen is known as "misprison."

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

But once again, Russia doesn't owe allegiance to the United States, therefore Trump was not required to inform authorities about Russian attempts to contact his campaign.

Democrats: Explain how Trump committed Misprision of Treason, here's the law below.

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
18 U.S. Code § 2382 - Misprision of treason

The ONLY REAL CRIME that the Trump campaign MAY have committed is Misprision of a Felony, and that assumes:

1: The Russian agents committed a felony on Union soil (any territory or State within the US).
2: The Trump campaign official was aware that it was a felony for a Russian agent to offer aid in the election.
3: To get to Trump: That the campaign official contacted Trump about the Russian offer.
4: That Trump knew it was a felony for the Russian agent to have contacted his campaign official.
5: In Steps 2 and 4, it must also be known to both the campaign official and Trump that the Russian agent was on Union soil at the time the agent offered help.

18 U.S. Code § 4 - Misprision of felony

How do prove any of that?

There's an article on this and a petition to impeach Trump. That's the only robust source of information pertaining to Trump and misprision of a felony.

Btw the link I'm about to post is still wrong about misprision of TREASON, since Russians do not owe allegiance to the United States.

Sign the Petition

As for the misprision of a felony, since Obama's Justice Department already knew about Russian interference in the election prior to the actual election itself, can Trump or any campaign official actually be charged with misprision? The authorities were already aware. Furthermore those authorities were required to inform Trump and his campaign about it, but they didn't, which is a felony, and therefore every person (in the investigation) in Obama's DoJ, FBI and CIA is therefore guilty of misprision of a felony.

For more details on Misprision of Felony, read the legal theory behind it from the Ninth Circuit (current Case Law application and understanding of general theory behind Misprision):

9th Circuit Clarifies Elements of Misprision of Felony | White Collar Briefly

that the principal . . . committed and completed the felony alleged; (2) that the defendant had full knowledge of that fact; (3) that he failed to notify the authorities; and (4) that he took affirmative steps to conceal the crime of the principal.”

In this case the "Principal" = Russian agents. Unless the Russian agents are extradited to the US and convicted, there is no legal standing to launch misprision charges against Trump or any of his campaign officials.

On a different note, I don't understand how the 4th pillar (conceal the crime) made it into Case Law as a requirement for Misprision. Misprision is about failing to report a crime, not obstructing it or conspiring to conceal it or framing another party for the crime.
RE: Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

For the Democrats willing to pursue and enforce the above complaints against Trump,
I'd like to ask that particular group of people INTERPRETING the laws this way,
to support doing the same for Obama, Pelosi, and Democrats as such

1. First to recognize abuse of govt by Democrats as constituting "Discrimination by Creed" and thus violations of equal civil rights and protections under Constitutional laws;
2. Secondly to recognize the COLLECTIVE actions and abuses of Govt by the Democratic Party, including leaders, members, donors and supporters, should constitute "conspiracy" to violate equal civil rights, and is arguably a FELONY; and
3. Third, to apply the "commission of a felony" and arguments regarding "MISPRISION OF A A FELONY" to the acts of Democratic Party members/leaders/supporters in "conspiring to violate equal civil rights of people" as a COLLECTIVE action or "collusion" among deliberate or negligent persons or parties (including denial or failure to report these acts as felonious conspiracy to discriminate by creed, which constitutes further Discrimination by Creed if such complaints are only pursued for opposing beliefs instead of equal treatment of creeds).

Examples of violating equal civil rights (and conspiring as a Party to violate these rights):

A. Voting for, Passing and Enforcing the ACA and its contested mandates which KNOWINGLY violated Constitutional beliefs of opposing citizens and officials in limited enumerated powers of federal govt and the requirement of a Constitutional Amendment before expanding federal govt authority into health care under ACA beyond the existing duties consented to by taxpaying citizens.

The ACA was publicly contested for depriving citizens of liberty without due process of laws, since
(a) no Constitutional Amendment was voted on and ratified by States authorizing federal govt to regulate health care on behalf of taxpaying citizens claiming this as a right reserved to the People and/or the States.
(b) Congress voted on ACA as a "public health bill not a tax bill" but the Supreme Court ruled on ACA as constitutional as a "tax bill"; thus, the same bill was never passed through both Congress and Courts, as laws require, but was presented as two different bills. [NOTE: Justice Roberts "rewriting or reinterpreting" the ACA bill as a "tax" exceeded judicial authority by usurping legislative authority of Congress; Roberts not being affiliated with the Democratic Party, and any other person also misrepresenting the ACA as constitutionally justified when it was not, would call for including ALL such persons responsible for violations in this complaint, regardless of party, to avoid discrimination by creed or party affiliation.]
(c) both citizens and dissenting voters in Congress publicly expressed objections based on Constitutional beliefs the ACA violated, where the proponents responsible for passing, enforcing and misrepresenting ACA "as constitutional" cannot claim having no knowledge
these beliefs were violated.

B. The unequal treatment of people who believe in the "right to health care" vs. those who believe in "the right to life" further constitutes "Discrimination by Creed." And the continuing insistence of Democratic Party members/leaders to argue and misrepresent the "right to health care" as "constitutional to establish through govt," while denying the same "equal protection of the laws" for "the right to life" beliefs of other citizens, constitutes CONSPIRACY as a PARTY to abuse govt to "Discriminate by Creed."

C. Misrepresentation and Fraud for falsely advertising the ACA as "constitutional" even though Constitutional principles, process and/or BELIEFS in these were violated as above.
Whether or not people and advocates, for or against, believe or agree on Constitutional interpretations, principles or process, or believe that ACA was "constitutional or not," it cannot be denied that protestors expressed and defended their Constitutional BELIEFS argued as violated by ACA. Thus, proponents of the ACA (including Obama, Pelosi and other Democratic Party leaders/members) DID HAVE PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE that the ACA VIOLATED CONSTITUTIONAL BELIEFS but either
ignored these beliefs as unequal to their own beliefs it was constitutional,
or believed in the right through Govt to override and exclude such BELIEFS by majority or judicial rule,
or believed that their own beliefs in health care as a right justified "compelling interest" in Govt authority to override other alternatives that would have satisfied and equally protected the Constitutional beliefs of objectors to ACA.

This should constitute either negligent or deliberate "discrimination by creed" as well as misrepresentation and fraud for falsely advertising the strategy and collective acts of Democrats as a political party as lawful use of govt in order to solicit donations and voter support. And to falsely slander or defame the arguments and beliefs of Constitutionalists as not equally protected under law.

D. This BELIEF that Govt can be used to overrule beliefs and creeds of citizens including Constitutional beliefs, in itself, ALSO violates Constitutional principles and beliefs -- in the free exercise of religion, where Congress/Govt can neither "establish nor prohibit" the free exercise of religious beliefs, and in Civil Rights standards against "Discrimination by Creed."

Failure of members of the Democratic Party INDIVIDUALLY AND COLLECTIVELY to acknowledge the Discrimination by Creed against people of Constitutional beliefs, who publicly argued in defense of such beliefs that were violated both by ACA itself, as well as deliberately or negligently misrepresenting that it was constitutional to violate such rights and beliefs of dissenting citizens and taxpayers, in itself, constitutes an additional act of Discrimination by Creed. And committing this as a collective group, with combined resources and influence as a party, constitutes "conspiracy" to violate equal civil rights and is arguably a FELONY.

Thus, the argument I would like to present to Democrats advocating for "misprision of felony acts" is to recognize these above acts as FELONIOUS conspiracy as a Party to violate equal civil rights of citizens of other beliefs and creeds, including Constitutional beliefs violated by ACA imposing penalties by law on citizens for failing to comply due to their beliefs and creeds, and Discrimination by Creed by unequal treatment of the right to life and the right to health care as political beliefs that should have been treated and protected equally under law.

Since Democrats have now brought forth beliefs in pursuing charges of "misprision of felony acts" I now would ask these same Democrats to enforce the same arguments for the Democratic Party.

Failure to enforce these laws and standards equally for all persons "regardless of party or political beliefs" would further promote "Discrimination by Creed".

Thus, I ask support of fellow Democrats to address this Discrimination, and to hold ALL persons and parties equally responsible for corrections. Thank you,

Emily Nghiem, Democratic Precinct 30,
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The New Democrat spin on Mueller Report is that Trump and/or his campaign officials knowing failed to disclose knowledge of treason and/or felonies to the proper authorities under US Federal Code.

There is no federal law that requires anyone to notify authorities about any crime (unless it's a felony_, with the exception of treason itself (also a felony), and only American citizens can commit treason, since treason only applies to American citizens.

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

Russia does not owe allegiance to the United States.

Failure to report an act of treason by an American citizen is known as "misprison."

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

But once again, Russia doesn't owe allegiance to the United States, therefore Trump was not required to inform authorities about Russian attempts to contact his campaign.

Democrats: Explain how Trump committed Misprision of Treason, here's the law below.

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
18 U.S. Code § 2382 - Misprision of treason

The ONLY REAL CRIME that the Trump campaign MAY have committed is Misprision of a Felony, and that assumes:

1: The Russian agents committed a felony on Union soil (any territory or State within the US).
2: The Trump campaign official was aware that it was a felony for a Russian agent to offer aid in the election.
3: To get to Trump: That the campaign official contacted Trump about the Russian offer.
4: That Trump knew it was a felony for the Russian agent to have contacted his campaign official.
5: In Steps 2 and 4, it must also be known to both the campaign official and Trump that the Russian agent was on Union soil at the time the agent offered help.

18 U.S. Code § 4 - Misprision of felony

How do prove any of that?

There's an article on this and a petition to impeach Trump. That's the only robust source of information pertaining to Trump and misprision of a felony.

Btw the link I'm about to post is still wrong about misprision of TREASON, since Russians do not owe allegiance to the United States.

Sign the Petition

As for the misprision of a felony, since Obama's Justice Department already knew about Russian interference in the election prior to the actual election itself, can Trump or any campaign official actually be charged with misprision? The authorities were already aware. Furthermore those authorities were required to inform Trump and his campaign about it, but they didn't, which is a felony, and therefore every person (in the investigation) in Obama's DoJ, FBI and CIA is therefore guilty of misprision of a felony.

For more details on Misprision of Felony, read the legal theory behind it from the Ninth Circuit (current Case Law application and understanding of general theory behind Misprision):

9th Circuit Clarifies Elements of Misprision of Felony | White Collar Briefly

that the principal . . . committed and completed the felony alleged; (2) that the defendant had full knowledge of that fact; (3) that he failed to notify the authorities; and (4) that he took affirmative steps to conceal the crime of the principal.”

In this case the "Principal" = Russian agents. Unless the Russian agents are extradited to the US and convicted, there is no legal standing to launch misprision charges against Trump or any of his campaign officials.

On a different note, I don't understand how the 4th pillar (conceal the crime) made it into Case Law as a requirement for Misprision. Misprision is about failing to report a crime, not obstructing it or conspiring to conceal it or framing another party for the crime.
Democrat retards are not able to understand any of this and their media will never tell them about it.
The New Democrat spin on Mueller Report is that Trump and/or his campaign officials knowing failed to disclose knowledge of treason and/or felonies to the proper authorities under US Federal Code.

There is no federal law that requires anyone to notify authorities about any crime (unless it's a felony_, with the exception of treason itself (also a felony), and only American citizens can commit treason, since treason only applies to American citizens.

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

Russia does not owe allegiance to the United States.

Failure to report an act of treason by an American citizen is known as "misprison."

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

But once again, Russia doesn't owe allegiance to the United States, therefore Trump was not required to inform authorities about Russian attempts to contact his campaign.

Democrats: Explain how Trump committed Misprision of Treason, here's the law below.

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
18 U.S. Code § 2382 - Misprision of treason

The ONLY REAL CRIME that the Trump campaign MAY have committed is Misprision of a Felony, and that assumes:

1: The Russian agents committed a felony on Union soil (any territory or State within the US).
2: The Trump campaign official was aware that it was a felony for a Russian agent to offer aid in the election.
3: To get to Trump: That the campaign official contacted Trump about the Russian offer.
4: That Trump knew it was a felony for the Russian agent to have contacted his campaign official.
5: In Steps 2 and 4, it must also be known to both the campaign official and Trump that the Russian agent was on Union soil at the time the agent offered help.

18 U.S. Code § 4 - Misprision of felony

How do prove any of that?

There's an article on this and a petition to impeach Trump. That's the only robust source of information pertaining to Trump and misprision of a felony.

Btw the link I'm about to post is still wrong about misprision of TREASON, since Russians do not owe allegiance to the United States.

Sign the Petition

As for the misprision of a felony, since Obama's Justice Department already knew about Russian interference in the election prior to the actual election itself, can Trump or any campaign official actually be charged with misprision? The authorities were already aware. Furthermore those authorities were required to inform Trump and his campaign about it, but they didn't, which is a felony, and therefore every person (in the investigation) in Obama's DoJ, FBI and CIA is therefore guilty of misprision of a felony.

For more details on Misprision of Felony, read the legal theory behind it from the Ninth Circuit (current Case Law application and understanding of general theory behind Misprision):

9th Circuit Clarifies Elements of Misprision of Felony | White Collar Briefly

that the principal . . . committed and completed the felony alleged; (2) that the defendant had full knowledge of that fact; (3) that he failed to notify the authorities; and (4) that he took affirmative steps to conceal the crime of the principal.”

In this case the "Principal" = Russian agents. Unless the Russian agents are extradited to the US and convicted, there is no legal standing to launch misprision charges against Trump or any of his campaign officials.

On a different note, I don't understand how the 4th pillar (conceal the crime) made it into Case Law as a requirement for Misprision. Misprision is about failing to report a crime, not obstructing it or conspiring to conceal it or framing another party for the crime.
Democrat retards are not able to understand any of this and their media will never tell them about it.

It's actually quite sad how much their media leaders rely on their ignorance of American jurisprudence. Candance Owens set them straight.

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