New climate change film highlights gross incentives of econ model

A LOT of Joe Six Pack American business/Wall St advocate rape& pillage tactics. Illegal dumping & under reporting are just a couple of examples the Right employ.
So you're precisely as much a dick as I suspected. All you care about is you.

Why should I care about you?

I would never expect you to care about me. But, if you were a normal person, there'd be lots of people you would care about. Unfortunately, it looks as if you are not normal and that there is no one you care about.

I do care about plenty of people. That's why I want them to have access to cheap reliable energy and plenty of jobs. You're bent on destroying that.
I'm bent on preventing our children from having to deal with food and water shortages, trillions in infrastructure costs and millions of starving migrants moving inland. You're bent on pretending that isn't going to happen.
This dove-tails w/ the OP. Conservatives have forgotten what being shepherds for posterity entails :( 3:45- 4:30 although the whole video is spot-on.

Don't miss 6:20
Nice propaganda piece.. one awfully full load of crap...

The Communists must really love the CAGW nuts.. They will destroy themselves so that they are easily enslaved fools...
That anyone would believe such drivel is beyond me.. how can one delude themselves so badly that they would be duped into giving up their freedoms for a perceived (but fraudulent) security?

If you all want to be slaves leave me out of your crap pile utopia...
Nice propaganda piece.. one awfully full load of crap...

The Communists must really love the CAGW nuts.. They will destroy themselves so that they are easily enslaved fools...

Billy Bob, 1953 was a great long while ago. And both Joseph McCarthy and John Birch are dead. Where the hell'd they dig you up?

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