New Australian Defense Minister calls out CCP vows to defend Australia, of course, China labels him as having a “strong tendency of racism"


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012

Pay attention America. Just as the Russians promoted racial division in the U.S in the 1970s through their friends in Cuba, you now have a VERY obedient media and alt-left which is becoming more the mainstream. Their goal: label any criticism as racist and allow China to weaken your foundations.

Sun Tzus Art of War: “Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.”

This has a paywall so I copied and pasted the article:

Newly minted Australian Defence Minister Peter Dutton has asserted that his main objective will be to protect Australia’s sovereignty and national interests after a state-controlled Chinese newspaper criticised his appointment.
The Chinese regime mouthpiece, The Global Times, claimed in an editorial that Dutton was a “hawkish” and “extreme populist” political leader with a “strong tendency of racism.”

The editorial said Dutton would see Australia “take further actions to cooperate with the United States to stir up South China Sea issues.”

In response to the attack, Dutton said: “I think they’re half right.”

“We’ll work very closely with the United States because they are our most important ally, but we don’t do that in an antagonistic way; we do that to protect our sovereignty and national interests,” Dutton told Sky News Australia.

“We don’t support the militarisation of ports. We don’t support any foreign country trying to exert influence here via cyber or other means. We don’t want to see conflict in our region,” he added.

Dutton’s appointment to the defence portfolio came about following a cabinet reshuffle that was sparked by allegations of sexual misconduct in Parliament.

Defence analysts have applauded his appointment, saying he would bring “urgency and drive” to the job, which will involve overseeing and implementing the Australian government’s $270 billion Strategic Update designed to bolster the country’s military strike power in the face of increasing tensions in the Indo-Pacific region.
The Left/Far Left Labor Party ['A vote for the Greens is a vote for Labor"] is ahead in the polls for the federal election in Australia to be held in the latest in May.
The Major election issue..."Climate Change", made so by the Leftists and all their allegedly "brainwashed Left at school and university" young recruits.
Should be interesting watching Australia's demise at the hands of the Left/Far Left...same way as the Left/Far Left is destroying America.

Climate change, not the seemingly impending invasion of Australia war by ...China, of whom the Leftists are very loving.

When the Leftists win the election...[ScoMo is being bashed from pillar to post in ads on tv 24/7]...Defence Minister Peter Dutton will not be in govt.
He could be replaced by some China compliant milksop. Many people would not be surprised.
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Daily Telegraph Sydney
Claire Armstrong:
November 23, 2021 - 3:46PM


Xi Jinping says Defence Minister Peter Dutton ‘obsessed’ with Cold War

Beijing has escalated its row with Australia in a co-ordinated pile on, criticising the government’s submarines plan and accusing Peter Dutton of wanting a “confrontation” with China.


Certainly time for Defence Minister Dutton, Prime Minister Morrison, The Minister For Wars and Hate [oh there isn't one, should be though], Minister for Payback Time [should be one of those too] and Minister For Two Can Play That Game [should be one of those too]...should be doing a confrontation, letting China have it, verbally.
Telling them where to go, telling the world how badly they're treating Australia, what trade agreements China has broken, complaining bitterly about China.
Name all the culprits, starting at the top. Don't mince words, Aussie sledging there should be. Laughing at them included.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has targeted the AUKUS partnership in a major speech this week. Picture: AFP

China’s President Xi Jinping led the attacks on Australia’s new partnership with the United States and United Kingdom, known as AUKUS, in a major speech to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and was backed in by state-run media and spokespeople.

“We need to pursue dialogue instead of confrontation, build partnerships instead of alliances, and make concerted efforts to address the various negative factors that might threaten or undermine peace,” Mr Xi said in the speech late on Monday.

He said China only pursued “friendly coexistence” with neighbouring countries and implied Australia’s pursuit of nuclear-powered submarines would lead to the acquisition of nuclear weapons.

“China supports ASEAN’s efforts to build a nuclear weapon-free zone, and is prepared to sign the Protocol to the Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone as early as possible.”

Labor Senator Penny Wong has criticised Defence Minister Peter Dutton for explicitly discussing Taiwan in the context of military conflict. Picture: NCA Newswire / Gary Ramage


Hopefully it will. Hopefully Australia arms itself with nuclear weapons soon. Nukes and plenty of them, including nuke armed subs...all the things China already has.
Build partnerships? lol Australia tried that, now all her export markets with China under the free trade agreement have basically been cancelled by China.
"Once bitten twice shy".
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me".

Negative factors? what like threatening war with Taiwan...and taking over the South China Sea?

"Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone"?
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ScoMo was on fire in the parliament yesterday, on his feet, waving his arms, giving it to the Left verbally...mrs bambu thinks it was about Labor Senator Penny Wong's criticism of
Defence Minister Peter Dutton.

Good, ScoMo should be getting fired up more often, in and out of the parliament. So far the Left has had a free run, standing on the sidelines of Covid barking nasty words at the Conservative govt.

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