New app for non-whites to report hate crimes


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
If you are a smart phone-owning minority who’s too stupid to figure out how to dial 911, the Council of American-Islamic Relations has developed a new phone app that enables you to contact authorities and accuse someone of a hate crime. The app is called “Making Democracy Work for Everyone,” and a CAIR spokesman says it’s being released in the wake of a supposed tsunami of violent anti-Muslim hate crimes that have engulfed America since Donald Trump became president and stated in his inaugural address that every decent American Christian should personally kill a dozen Muslims. According to the spokes-jihadist:

Anybody can report. That’s one thing we’ve noticed — it’s not just Muslim-Americans who are experiencing more hate incidents, it’s all groups of minorities.

It is presumed that if Muslims ever become a majority in America, they will combat hate in a more traditionally Islamic manner—by decapitating people.
Where is it?


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