Terrorist group launches app enabling Muslims to report hate crime


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which was designated a terrorist group by the UAE, has launched an app designed to enable Muslims and other minority groups to report ‘hate crimes’ and ‘incidents of bias.’
Terrorist Group Launches App Enabling Muslims to Report ‘Hate Crimes’

Controlling the population, sounds familiar. Leftist retards are all over the world act alike think alike and hate you if you aren't just like them.
ANTIFA's mental cases.
Awww the little Obama lovers will make such good little obeying slaves, those who go along to get along screw themselves in the end, and oh the day they do would win a Golden Globe award.
Don't care. Hate Crime is a bullshit meme. Murder is murder, you're not less dead because the killer was a pig. Nor are you any less relieved that your killer wasn't full of hate when they killed you.

Stupid social justice warrior bullshit that serves no purpose

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