New 9/11 truth documentary among most watched on pbs

I rest my case when I see arguments that contain only words like "propaganda" and "spoon fed". I'm sorry 9-11 conspiracy buffs but your fantasy can't be real unless you tell me how a covert network can exist and be funded through several different political administrations and still maintain secrecy through the merger of all agencies under Homeland Security.
You mean like the C.I.A. since WWII?
I hate to say it but the CIA since WW2 couldn't find Kate Smith in a phone booth.
Your question was "Which Covert Network" not "Which EFFECTIVE Covert Network".

Deflect much?
The thing that bothers me the most about these conspiracy whack jobs is that they want to believe this crap so bad that they latch onto anything they can to satisfy their need to show the world that America
is evil.

who said America was evil ?...a crime occurred and there was a cover up of the facts...this does not make America make the most empty vague meaningless statements...ever notice that ?
I agree, this is an attempt say that if you question the OCT and the lies our government tells, you automatically are lumped into this category of hating America, and think it is evil.
Let's flip this around-
"The thing that bothers me the most about these conspiracy whack jobs (the whack jobs who believe the nutty conspiracy theory about the governments version of the 9-11 attacks) is that they want to believe this crap so bad that they latch onto anything they can to satisfy their need to show the world that Muslims and everybody else the US government says at the time are evil.

America is not evil, but the SOB's that hijacked it by infiltrating the government sure as hell are.
The crazies make a better case for the existence of Bigfoot and "paranormal" spirits and even "alien abduction" than they do for the alleged government 9-11 conspiracy. Bigfoot scientists have hair and blurry videos and even eyewitness testimony. Alien abduction victims have sore butts and foggy recollection. What do we are lacking in the government 9-11 conspiracy is motive, political expedience, secrecy and suspension of logic when we saw the freaking hundred videos of the planes hitting the towers. WTF could the US government have to gain by engineering the destruction of the World Trade center and killing 3,000 people? The Iraq War? Don't make me laugh.

the only crazies are loonies like you who ignore evidence and facts and deny reality ignoring the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years.:lol::D:cuckoo: we have explained hundereds of times what they had to gain but like the troll you are,you ignore these facts.
I you try to make a case that the dumb federal asses who let Lee Oswald wander around the US are the same dumb asses that engineered 9-11 you are digging a deeper hole in your theory.

are making the case you eat what ever propaganda you are spoon fed ??

I rest my case when I see arguments that contain only words like "propaganda" and "spoon fed". I'm sorry 9-11 conspiracy buffs but your fantasy can't be real unless you tell me how a covert network can exist and be funded through several different political administrations and still maintain secrecy through the merger of all agencies under Homeland Security.

again your the one with fantasys ignoring the laws of physics.:lol::lol::lol: your in denial that you have been brainwashed by exactly that,propaganda and spoon fed.oh and got news for you,government agencies have have kept secrets from the american people for years,we dont know half of what goes on in washington.:lol::lol::lol: dont you ever get tired of making a fool of yourself?:lol:
The thing that bothers me the most about these conspiracy whack jobs is that they want to believe this crap so bad that they latch onto anything they can to satisfy their need to show the world that America
is evil.

who said America was evil ?...a crime occurred and there was a cover up of the facts...this does not make America make the most empty vague meaningless statements...ever notice that ?
I agree, this is an attempt say that if you question the OCT and the lies our government tells, you automatically are lumped into this category of hating America, and think it is evil.
Let's flip this around-
"The thing that bothers me the most about these conspiracy whack jobs (the whack jobs who believe the nutty conspiracy theory about the governments version of the 9-11 attacks) is that they want to believe this crap so bad that they latch onto anything they can to satisfy their need to show the world that Muslims and everybody else the US government says at the time are evil.

America is not evil, but the SOB's that hijacked it by infiltrating the government sure as hell are.

whats funny is Rozman is the whackjob since he ignores reality and the laws of physics and takes the word of corrupt government institutions and our corporate controlled media over expert pilots,physicts,architects,engineers,demolition experts and high ranking military officers. talk about a whackjob who latches onto a conspiracy theory.:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo::lmao:

this is the funniest conspiracy theory ever and these whackjobs like whitehall and Rozman run away from these facts everytime when challenged to debunk them.:lol:
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You mean like the C.I.A. since WWII?[/QUOT

I hate to say it but the CIA since WW2 couldn't find Kate Smith in a phone booth.

and the evidence to this baseless assertion is what ?

Let's see, the North Korean invasion came as a surprise to the CIA, Sputnik was a shock, the Berlin Wall was a surprise, the CIA raised, trained equipped and fed a little Cuban army and then abandoned them, they lost Oswald until he turned up in a theater in Dallas, the CIA muddled VietNam so bad that we didn't know which way to turn, and the mother of all shockers came as a surprise to the CIA when they watched along with the rest of us as two planes hit the Twin Towers about ten years after the first attempt on the Twin Towers.
and the evidence to this baseless assertion is what ?

let's see, the north korean invasion came as a surprise to the cia, sputnik was a shock, the berlin wall was a surprise, the cia raised, trained equipped and fed a little cuban army and then abandoned them, they lost oswald until he turned up in a theater in dallas, the cia muddled vietnam so bad that we didn't know which way to turn, and the mother of all shockers came as a surprise to the cia when they watched along with the rest of us as two planes hit the twin towers about ten years after the first attempt on the twin towers.

it was only a surprise officially dummy...thats the story they decided to tell you
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and the evidence to this baseless assertion is what ?

let's see, the north korean invasion came as a surprise to the cia, sputnik was a shock, the berlin wall was a surprise, the cia raised, trained equipped and fed a little cuban army and then abandoned them, they lost oswald until he turned up in a theater in dallas, the cia muddled vietnam so bad that we didn't know which way to turn, and the mother of all shockers came as a surprise to the cia when they watched along with the rest of us as two planes hit the twin towers about ten years after the first attempt on the twin towers.

it was only a surprise officially dummy...thats the story they decided to tell you

WTF are you 9-11 conspiracy tin foil hats trying to say? I just told you that the federal employees aren't that smart and you still try to make a case that the CIA is involved? What the fuk would the federal government have to gain through several different administrations in destroying the symbol of capitalism in the free world and killing 3,000 people? The Iraqi conflict? I can make a case that FDR invited the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor because it made sense. 9-11 does not make sense unless you see it for what it was which was a jihad attack on the US that was carried out because the president was too busy dipping his wick in an intern to pay attention.
and the evidence to this baseless assertion is what ?

let's see, the north korean invasion came as a surprise to the cia, sputnik was a shock, the berlin wall was a surprise, the cia raised, trained equipped and fed a little cuban army and then abandoned them, they lost oswald until he turned up in a theater in dallas, the cia muddled vietnam so bad that we didn't know which way to turn, and the mother of all shockers came as a surprise to the cia when they watched along with the rest of us as two planes hit the twin towers about ten years after the first attempt on the twin towers.

it was only a surprise officially dummy...thats the story they decided to tell you

WTF are you 9-11 conspiracy tin foil hats trying to say? I just told you that the federal employees aren't that smart and you still try to make a case that the CIA is involved? What the fuk would the federal government have to gain through several different administrations in destroying the symbol of capitalism in the free world and killing 3,000 people? The Iraqi conflict? I can make a case that FDR invited the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor because it made sense. 9-11 does not make sense unless you see it for what it was which was a jihad attack on the US that was carried out because the president was too busy dipping his wick in an intern to pay attention.

[ame=]George Bush 2OO1 speech revisited - YouTube[/ame]
it was only a surprise officially dummy...thats the story they decided to tell you

WTF are you 9-11 conspiracy tin foil hats trying to say? I just told you that the federal employees aren't that smart and you still try to make a case that the CIA is involved? What the fuk would the federal government have to gain through several different administrations in destroying the symbol of capitalism in the free world and killing 3,000 people? The Iraqi conflict? I can make a case that FDR invited the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor because it made sense. 9-11 does not make sense unless you see it for what it was which was a jihad attack on the US that was carried out because the president was too busy dipping his wick in an intern to pay attention.

[ame=]George Bush 2OO1 speech revisited - YouTube[/ame]

whitehall sure never gets tired of getting his ass handed to him on a platter.thats why he ran away from everyone of my posts since he knows he cant counter them.
:lol::lol: now Eots is the latest to hand his ass to him on a platter.

Here is something else that troll Whitehall wiil ignore as well is how the Bush administration called for a pearl harbour event to occur for them to be able to get the support of the american people to invade Iraq in 1999 way before 9/11.
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Despite the claims of 9-11 Truther Victoria N. Alexander.

"9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out" is getting public attention and casting doubt on the scientific validity of the U.S. government's investigation into the WTC tragedy. PBS is the first major network to air the program.
Just days away from the 11th anniversary of the World Trade Center tragedy and months away from the U.S. presidential election, a game-changing 9/11 documentary is ranking number three among "most watched" documentaries on PBS and number one among "most shared." Available for free online August 18th - September 4th, the documentary could have a significant effect on public opinion. Both the Republicans and Democrats, as equally staunch defenders of the official story, stand to be affected if the public's suspicion of government corruption grows deeper.
In fact, it was broadcast on just one PBS station, the nutbar Colorado one that has previously aired Loose Change, Press for Troof and other paranoid conspiracy films.

Victoria's a longtime kook, belonging to Scholars for 9-11 Truth, Justice and the America Way, Steven Jones' splinter group. She describes herself as a philosopher of science.

Screw Loose Change
Architects Shy From Truther 9/11 Conspiracy Theory
Architects didn't show up for a 9/11-architecture-conspiracy documentary screening—and the AIA doesn't want its name associated with Trutherism.
By Jeremy Stahl

The accusations of Gage’s organization are the typical hodgepodge of pseudo-scientific claims. Along with other esoteric and debunked technical arguments, he says that melted steel was visible at the Ground Zero site proving that the fires burned too hot to have been caused by jet fuel; that because the buildings collapsed at “near free fall speed” there must have been a controlled demolition; and that traces of a thermitereaction found in the World Trade Center debris proves that explosives were used.

All of Gage’s so-called evidence has been rebutted in peer-reviewed papers, by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, by the National Institute for Standards and Technology, by the American Society of Civil Engineers, by the 9/11 Commission Report, and, perhaps most memorably, by the 110-year-old engineering journal Popular Mechanics.

What is more interesting than these bizarre and debunked conspiracy theories is the way that Gage places his AIA membership front and center in his presentations. He seems to be attempting to cloak his organization in the officialdom of the venerable 155-year-old professional institution, even as AIA wants nothing to do with his organization. At the start of his latest film, he explains that he is “a licensed architect of over 20 years and member of the American Institute of Architects.”

Gage often seems to wield his AIA status in promoting his conspiracy theories. In making his case, he also regularly cites that more than 100 AIA members and at least six AIA Fellows have signed his petition calling for a new investigation. In total, Gage says that more than 1,700 of the petition’s roughly 16,000 signatures are from architects and engineers.

During the screening, Gage was at the very least intimating that his organization had been invited to AIA officially.

“I can’t tell you how grateful we were to have been accepted to be here in the boardroom at the national headquarters,” Gage said. “We hope this is the beginning of a very productive relationship.”

Aside from Gage, though, there was not a single other architect in the room, much less an official from AIA, or even another member. The 80-strong crowd was made up largely of members of the local 9/11 Truth movement and other political activists.

Gage was once warned by AIA not to spread the misimpression that there is a relationship between the two organizations, after he wrote a letter to Congress stating that more than 100 members of AIA who signed his petition were demanding a new investigation into 9/11.Architects Shy From Trutherism - Architecture - Architect Magazine Page 2 of 3
Architects Shy From Truther 9/11 Conspiracy Theory
Architects didn't show up for a 9/11-architecture-conspiracy documentary screening—and the AIA doesn't want its name associated with Trutherism.
By Jeremy Stahl

The accusations of Gage’s organization are the typical hodgepodge of pseudo-scientific claims. Along with other esoteric and debunked technical arguments, he says that melted steel was visible at the Ground Zero site proving that the fires burned too hot to have been caused by jet fuel; that because the buildings collapsed at “near free fall speed” there must have been a controlled demolition; and that traces of a thermitereaction found in the World Trade Center debris proves that explosives were used.

All of Gage’s so-called evidence has been rebutted in peer-reviewed papers, by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, by the National Institute for Standards and Technology, by the American Society of Civil Engineers, by the 9/11 Commission Report, and, perhaps most memorably, by the 110-year-old engineering journal Popular Mechanics.

What is more interesting than these bizarre and debunked conspiracy theories is the way that Gage places his AIA membership front and center in his presentations. He seems to be attempting to cloak his organization in the officialdom of the venerable 155-year-old professional institution, even as AIA wants nothing to do with his organization. At the start of his latest film, he explains that he is “a licensed architect of over 20 years and member of the American Institute of Architects.”

Gage often seems to wield his AIA status in promoting his conspiracy theories. In making his case, he also regularly cites that more than 100 AIA members and at least six AIA Fellows have signed his petition calling for a new investigation. In total, Gage says that more than 1,700 of the petition’s roughly 16,000 signatures are from architects and engineers.

During the screening, Gage was at the very least intimating that his organization had been invited to AIA officially.

“I can’t tell you how grateful we were to have been accepted to be here in the boardroom at the national headquarters,” Gage said. “We hope this is the beginning of a very productive relationship.”

Aside from Gage, though, there was not a single other architect in the room, much less an official from AIA, or even another member. The 80-strong crowd was made up largely of members of the local 9/11 Truth movement and other political activists.

Gage was once warned by AIA not to spread the misimpression that there is a relationship between the two organizations, after he wrote a letter to Congress stating that more than 100 members of AIA who signed his petition were demanding a new investigation into 9/11.Architects Shy From Trutherism - Architecture - Architect Magazine Page 2 of 3

Architects Shy From Trutherism - Architecture - Architect Magazine Page 2 of 3

The AIA should be concerned that a modern, 47 floor, steel framed building, meeting all the applicable building codes in 1985 collapsed at free-fall acceleration for eight stories, uniform and symmetric across its length and breadth. This, the official story says, was due to a minor fire (by historical standards).

In response, NIST developed 47 building and fire code recommendations and shepherded them through the standards process. Virtually all were related to firefighting like intercoms in the stairwells.

All of those that were related to structures were either not accepted by the appropriate committees or simply codified best practices already in-place throughout the industry. The closest NIST got to a structural code change was "the definition of the primary structural frame to be broadened to include bracing members essential to vertical whether or not they carry gravity loads." None … not one … were relevant to competent structural design and construction designed to prevent a catastrophic, accelerating, progressive collapse of a high-rise steel framed skyscraper.

AIA members should be alarmed that no significant structural building codes emanated from this free-fall building collapse. Either unsafe, easily collapsed buildings are acceptable to AIA members ... or AIA members support the underlying fraudulent and misleading NIST reports ... or AIA members haven’t looked.
Architects Shy From Truther 9/11 Conspiracy Theory
Architects didn't show up for a 9/11-architecture-conspiracy documentary screening—and the AIA doesn't want its name associated with Trutherism.
By Jeremy Stahl

The accusations of Gage’s organization are the typical hodgepodge of pseudo-scientific claims. Along with other esoteric and debunked technical arguments, he says that melted steel was visible at the Ground Zero site proving that the fires burned too hot to have been caused by jet fuel; that because the buildings collapsed at “near free fall speed” there must have been a controlled demolition; and that traces of a thermitereaction found in the World Trade Center debris proves that explosives were used.

All of Gage’s so-called evidence has been rebutted in peer-reviewed papers, by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, by the National Institute for Standards and Technology, by the American Society of Civil Engineers, by the 9/11 Commission Report, and, perhaps most memorably, by the 110-year-old engineering journal Popular Mechanics.

What is more interesting than these bizarre and debunked conspiracy theories is the way that Gage places his AIA membership front and center in his presentations. He seems to be attempting to cloak his organization in the officialdom of the venerable 155-year-old professional institution, even as AIA wants nothing to do with his organization. At the start of his latest film, he explains that he is “a licensed architect of over 20 years and member of the American Institute of Architects.”

Gage often seems to wield his AIA status in promoting his conspiracy theories. In making his case, he also regularly cites that more than 100 AIA members and at least six AIA Fellows have signed his petition calling for a new investigation. In total, Gage says that more than 1,700 of the petition’s roughly 16,000 signatures are from architects and engineers.

During the screening, Gage was at the very least intimating that his organization had been invited to AIA officially.

“I can’t tell you how grateful we were to have been accepted to be here in the boardroom at the national headquarters,” Gage said. “We hope this is the beginning of a very productive relationship.”

Aside from Gage, though, there was not a single other architect in the room, much less an official from AIA, or even another member. The 80-strong crowd was made up largely of members of the local 9/11 Truth movement and other political activists.

Gage was once warned by AIA not to spread the misimpression that there is a relationship between the two organizations, after he wrote a letter to Congress stating that more than 100 members of AIA who signed his petition were demanding a new investigation into 9/11.Architects Shy From Trutherism - Architecture - Architect Magazine Page 2 of 3

Architects Shy From Trutherism - Architecture - Architect Magazine Page 2 of 3

The AIA should be concerned that a modern, 47 floor, steel framed building, meeting all the applicable building codes in 1985 collapsed at free-fall acceleration for eight stories, uniform and symmetric across its length and breadth. This, the official story says, was due to a minor fire (by historical standards).

In response, NIST developed 47 building and fire code recommendations and shepherded them through the standards process. Virtually all were related to firefighting like intercoms in the stairwells.

All of those that were related to structures were either not accepted by the appropriate committees or simply codified best practices already in-place throughout the industry. The closest NIST got to a structural code change was "the definition of the primary structural frame to be broadened to include bracing members essential to vertical whether or not they carry gravity loads." None … not one … were relevant to competent structural design and construction designed to prevent a catastrophic, accelerating, progressive collapse of a high-rise steel framed skyscraper.

AIA members should be alarmed that no significant structural building codes emanated from this free-fall building collapse. Either unsafe, easily collapsed buildings are acceptable to AIA members ... or AIA members support the underlying fraudulent and misleading NIST reports ... or AIA members haven’t looked.
who are you quoting
it's not in the article I posted..
[ame=]9/11 : Bush at WTC - Kurt Sonnenfeld video footage 9/11.: newly released 2010. - YouTube[/ame]

no smoking gun !
Architects Shy From Truther 9/11 Conspiracy Theory
Architects didn't show up for a 9/11-architecture-conspiracy documentary screening—and the AIA doesn't want its name associated with Trutherism.
By Jeremy Stahl

The accusations of Gage’s organization are the typical hodgepodge of pseudo-scientific claims. Along with other esoteric and debunked technical arguments, he says that melted steel was visible at the Ground Zero site proving that the fires burned too hot to have been caused by jet fuel; that because the buildings collapsed at “near free fall speed” there must have been a controlled demolition; and that traces of a thermitereaction found in the World Trade Center debris proves that explosives were used.

All of Gage’s so-called evidence has been rebutted in peer-reviewed papers, by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, by the National Institute for Standards and Technology, by the American Society of Civil Engineers, by the 9/11 Commission Report, and, perhaps most memorably, by the 110-year-old engineering journal Popular Mechanics.

What is more interesting than these bizarre and debunked conspiracy theories is the way that Gage places his AIA membership front and center in his presentations. He seems to be attempting to cloak his organization in the officialdom of the venerable 155-year-old professional institution, even as AIA wants nothing to do with his organization. At the start of his latest film, he explains that he is “a licensed architect of over 20 years and member of the American Institute of Architects.”

Gage often seems to wield his AIA status in promoting his conspiracy theories. In making his case, he also regularly cites that more than 100 AIA members and at least six AIA Fellows have signed his petition calling for a new investigation. In total, Gage says that more than 1,700 of the petition’s roughly 16,000 signatures are from architects and engineers.

During the screening, Gage was at the very least intimating that his organization had been invited to AIA officially.

“I can’t tell you how grateful we were to have been accepted to be here in the boardroom at the national headquarters,” Gage said. “We hope this is the beginning of a very productive relationship.”

Aside from Gage, though, there was not a single other architect in the room, much less an official from AIA, or even another member. The 80-strong crowd was made up largely of members of the local 9/11 Truth movement and other political activists.

Gage was once warned by AIA not to spread the misimpression that there is a relationship between the two organizations, after he wrote a letter to Congress stating that more than 100 members of AIA who signed his petition were demanding a new investigation into 9/11.Architects Shy From Trutherism - Architecture - Architect Magazine Page 2 of 3

Architects Shy From Trutherism - Architecture - Architect Magazine Page 2 of 3

The AIA should be concerned that a modern, 47 floor, steel framed building, meeting all the applicable building codes in 1985 collapsed at free-fall acceleration for eight stories, uniform and symmetric across its length and breadth. This, the official story says, was due to a minor fire (by historical standards).

In response, NIST developed 47 building and fire code recommendations and shepherded them through the standards process. Virtually all were related to firefighting like intercoms in the stairwells.

All of those that were related to structures were either not accepted by the appropriate committees or simply codified best practices already in-place throughout the industry. The closest NIST got to a structural code change was "the definition of the primary structural frame to be broadened to include bracing members essential to vertical whether or not they carry gravity loads." None … not one … were relevant to competent structural design and construction designed to prevent a catastrophic, accelerating, progressive collapse of a high-rise steel framed skyscraper.

AIA members should be alarmed that no significant structural building codes emanated from this free-fall building collapse. Either unsafe, easily collapsed buildings are acceptable to AIA members ... or AIA members support the underlying fraudulent and misleading NIST reports ... or AIA members haven’t looked.
who are you quoting
it's not in the article I posted..

I am quoting truth and reality
Architects Shy From Trutherism - Architecture - Architect Magazine Page 2 of 3

The AIA should be concerned that a modern, 47 floor, steel framed building, meeting all the applicable building codes in 1985 collapsed at free-fall acceleration for eight stories, uniform and symmetric across its length and breadth. This, the official story says, was due to a minor fire (by historical standards).

In response, NIST developed 47 building and fire code recommendations and shepherded them through the standards process. Virtually all were related to firefighting like intercoms in the stairwells.

All of those that were related to structures were either not accepted by the appropriate committees or simply codified best practices already in-place throughout the industry. The closest NIST got to a structural code change was "the definition of the primary structural frame to be broadened to include bracing members essential to vertical whether or not they carry gravity loads." None … not one … were relevant to competent structural design and construction designed to prevent a catastrophic, accelerating, progressive collapse of a high-rise steel framed skyscraper.

AIA members should be alarmed that no significant structural building codes emanated from this free-fall building collapse. Either unsafe, easily collapsed buildings are acceptable to AIA members ... or AIA members support the underlying fraudulent and misleading NIST reports ... or AIA members haven’t looked.
who are you quoting
it's not in the article I posted..

I am quoting truth and reality
hardly always you're being a pussy.
if I had to guess, you're quoting dickey gage ..neither truth or reality...
really! it's a follow up to your camera guy /murderer/ have smoking gun that will prove the "official" story false...
so if this video is pointless and says nothing then it's just like yours.

It was released 2 years ago ..why haven't dick gage and his pals used it ?
it must be packed full of anomalies.....
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